"lerts" and "scruples" - Part II by Richard Pitt - I

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Richard Pitt who has responded here was a partner in the "first" ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Canada.   His Wimsey.com was the first for some time - before Sympatico (Telus)  - before Rogers - before AOL - Before Uniserve.  They sold out to iStar.
His response to the Lerts and Scruples finding follows.  This whole thing is a keeper to be forwarded to any lawyers you know. - Richard's contact numbers are at the bottom.
david ingram
She lucks out with the lerts and the scruple and now hopes for the right
coloured qualm! The woman has no concept of what this will do to her
I mean, three times lucky if she gets the qualm. What makes her think
the luck will run far enough to get the right coloured one too? And of
course at that point her luck might just run out, having used $4,500
lawyer's worth just to find the scruple. The cat will likely get the
lerts and let the scruple escape. Then all she'll have is a qualm - the
right colour admittedly, but lonely none the less.
Oh well, knowing a lawyer with a scruple for even a short time is
actually quite an interesting experience ;)
Richard C. Pitt C.E.O. Belcarra Technologies
richard@belcarra.com direct: 604-644-9265 www.belcarra.com
Software Systems - design and implementation: Internet, Linux, Communications
USB, RNDIS, ATM, E-mail, SQL, Encryption, Security, Web, Embedded Systems
PGP Fingerprint: BA31 64B9 172D AF08 B174  B5BB 8E36 E56C F46D D371
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 05:05, David Ingram at home - bus at
taxman@centa.com sent the following by Willow Arune:
Dear David,
I was out this afternoon, running around and visiting thrifts in east
Imagine my surprise when I found not one, but three lerts at the local
 Value Village on Victoria.
They were down in the basement, that dingy place where they store
books and furniture and stuff.  Anyway, I went down as I customarily
do, browsed the books and then circumnavigated the room, just looking
about.  Then - there they were!!!!  Right beside the television and
next to the old computer parts all done up in plastic bags.  Finding
one lert is a rare privilege but finding three is astounding, as you
well know.
The three are medium in size for lerts.  All are in excellent
condition, hardly used at all.  One is marked "Made in USA" and has
the normal copyright symbol; the others appear to be foreign lerts but
I cannot venture a guess as to where they were made.  I was so excited
that I put them all in a used aquarium and took the whole lot upstairs
to the till.  $4.99 for the lot!!!  Now, you cannot beat that! 
Anyway, I have them here and three together make an astounding
display!  The colours are so nice and after you plug them all in, the
lights are so wonderful!!!
That is not all.  On my way to my van, I noticed a funny little animal
next to the dumpster.  Coming closer, the little fellow, whatever it
was, was certainly alive.  When I bent down to pick it up, it was a
scruple!!!!  Now, you know how hard is to find any lawyer with a
scruple, but I now have the little fellow with woodchips and all
tucked into that aquarium that I bought with the three lerts.  Little
Boots is entranced, but I must remember to get a top for the aquarium
as Boots is big enough to do harm to that scruple.  They are not very
big - at least, not the one I have. 
Tomorrow, I intend to browse the pawnshops looking for a qualm. 
Always needed one of those and it would so well with the lerts.  I am
hoping to find one in grey or perhaps one of the nice crimson
Take care,
Date: 9/19/03
David Ingram of the CEN-TA REALTY  Group
US / Canada / Mexico tax and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
Out of Country US and Canadain Income Tax Specialists
108-100 Park Royal South
West Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7T 1A2
(604) 980-0321 - Fax 913-9123 taxman@centa.com
www.centa.com www.david-ingram.com
Disclaimer:  This question has been answered without detailed information or consultation and is to be regarded only as general comment.   Nothing in this message is or should be construed as advice in any particular circumstances. No contract exists between the reader and the author and any and all non-contractual duties are expressly denied. All readers should obtain formal advice from a competent and appropriately qualified legal practitioner or tax specialist in connection with personal or business affairs such as at www.centa.com. If you forward this message, this disclaimer must be included."
This all started from the following
Be ALERT,  the world needs more "lerts"
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