World Money Laundering Report: Digest 8 May 2003 - I am
The following is a report I have been receiving since Oct 2000. If you are in real estate, finance, Insurance or Accounting, you should be aware of Canada's massive anti-money laundering laws which have recently come into effect. This newsletter explores the world. For instance one section deals with the recent US anti avoidance compliance project for US residents or citizens with offshore accounts. There is a method of getting a free six month subscription buried in the text below or just hit david ingram - my thanks to Nigel Morris-Cotterill for the permission to pass this on. ---------------------------------------------- World Money Laundering Report: Digest WMLR Digest 8 May 2003 =============== WMLR Digest is a service of World Money Laundering Report - part of The Anti Money Laundering Network. WMLR Digest is a free weekly newsletter for subscribers. Subscribe / Unsubscribe information is at the end of this newsletter. ---------------- Stories from World Money Laundering Report: Online in the past week Visit for the full story *** Offshore: heads down lads, the IRS are coming Hidden behind headlines relating to the invasion of Iraq and other distractions, the IRS has been plugging away at the Offshore Voluntary Compliance Initiative. And the offshore industry had better start to worry. *** US Taxation: IRS statement on Offshore Voluntary Compliance Initiative This statement and release from the USA sets out the results of the Initiative, which has been surprisingly successful, largely off the back of the John Doe summonses that forced credit card companies to reveal information about offshore accounts and raised the fear factor. Just one question - what is an "abusive tax avoidance scheme." Is that evasion, or has the distinction been further eroded? *** USA: Foreign Visitor Registration uncovers hundreds of wanted persons The NSEERS system upset a lot of people when it was proposed. But whilst many have been slightly inconvenienced, it has uncovered a surprising number of its intended targets and has proved its worth. *** A simple guessing game There is no story here. This is just World Money Laundering Report: Online's attempt to steal the thunder of sister publication World Money Laundering Report's "Flip Side" column. We all see messages like the one quoted below - something very similar appears in e-mail in boxes every day. Just for fun - see if you can guess where this one comes from: *** Spam: it really has gone too far The Hollywood movie industry was predicated, apparently, on the principle that the public was stupid or immoral, depending on the version of events you read. The spam industry has reached rock bottom with the latest attack over the weekend - except that we know that someone will manage something even more revolting. *** The Spritzer shockwaves The agreement between the SEC, other regulators and the NY AG and a raft of financial services businesses and their (sometimes former) employees is merely a tollhouse early on the journey that the Spritzer investigation has begun. *** Welcome to World Money Laundering Report: Online On 28th April, we re-launched the service on its own website ( ). Get six weeks' free trial - sign up now at ----------- === Conferences ==== Combating Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing 23-25 June 2003, Kuala Lumpur 25-27 June 2003, Singapore Gain new insights into anti-money laundering and terrorist financing programs and clarify new regulations and laws with Asia's regulatory and legal bodies. To register or for more information, call 6325 6323 or email ======= *** World Money Laundering Report: Events *** Two day seminar Fraud Market Abuse and Computer Crime 12-13 May, National Banking College, Accra, Ghana ========== One Day Seminar: Money Laundering - A New Challenge To Corporate Governance 20 May 2003, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia =========== The world's ONLY virtual exhibition of Anti Money Laundering Software and related products. (exhibitor information) ====== Advertisement ======== Do you know who you are dealing with? Find out for just USD0.80 per name - right from your desktop. Business Intelligence for Intelligent Businesses. ------------------- Counter-Money Laundering awareness aid for all! Download the **free** Anti Money Laundering Network screensaver now from ========================== The best counter-money laundering e-learning programme Visit =========================== IF YOU LIKE this: you'd love World Money Laundering Report. See for details. ------------------------------------------ About WMLR Digest: 1,600+ op-in subscribers in legislatures, regulators, law enforcement agencies, banks, insurance companies, law firms and others plus more than 3000 "pass-on" readers. About World Money Laundering Report: Online - over 50,000 hits in the past month. About World Money Laundering Report: over 4,000 readers (including syndication) ---------------- Subscription / unsubscribe information World Money Laundering Report - Prices appear on the World Money Laundering Report website at Secure credit card ordering is available. Volume 4, and archives of Volumes 1-3 are available in electronic form. ====================== *Why you have received this e-mail* WMLR Digest is free to subscribers. If you have received this newsletter direct from World Money Laundering Report, you have received this e-mail because: 1) you are a subscriber to World Money Laundering Report ; or 2) you have requested information from a company within The Anti Money Laundering Network; or 3) our research (which is conducted by a human) has identified you as a person representing an organisation for which money laundering is a relevant issue. *How to subscribe* You may have received this e-mail from a third party. If so, and you would like to receive a regular copy direct from World Money Laundering Report, please visit and complete the request for a sample copy of World Money Laundering Report - you will be added to the list to receive WMLR Digest and receive a free sample copy of World Money Laundering Report. Subscription requests must be sent from a defined username at a corporate domain address. 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The only conditions attached to this permission is that the mail must be forwarded in its entirety and without addition, deletion or modification and that it must not be sent to anyone that you think would not welcome it. You are welcome to distribute it internally to your entire organisation but extensive mailings outside your organisation are not permitted. Vortex Centrum Limited (World Money Laundering Report) asserts its moral rights to be identified as author with regard to the content of WMLR Digest. World Money Laundering Report and WMLR Digest are published by Vortex Centrum Limited, a UK corporation. Full contact details are at Tel: + 6 03 2072 5188 Editor Nigel Morris-Cotterill WMLR Digest ISSN1473-3390 World Money Laundering Report (electronic) ISSN 1473-3439 World Money Laundering Report (print) ISSN 1473-3455 Email -
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