Wednesday Evening Live Webcast Call-in to Answer Your Questions

Question I get all the time - "When can i get a question answered by telephone?"
Well, this is relatively easy if you want to book an individual appointment. (604) 980-0321 between 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM (Vancouver time) to book an appointment (Monday to Friday)
Or - you can watch live, online at on Wednesday Evenings from 6PM to 9PM Pacific Time - and
Call In With Your Questions
Live, Online
Remember - 1-866-980-0499 to get on the air with your questions.
Fred Snyder is host of "Its YOUR Money" every Sunday on CISL and radio station as you can see below. See Fred's web site at
Fred and I typically talk about any and all matters of Canadian Tax including making "CANADIAN" mortgage interest tax deductible AND the importance of a WRITTEN FINANCIAL PLAN .
On days when we have Fred or another financial guest, you can get questions answered by calling 1-866-980-0499 during the specific show times (see the day's show schedule for details - some time between 6PM and 9PM Pacific Time (Vancouver/Los Angeles)
For International callers / investors / immigrants, my guest once per month (typically the first Wednesday but check the schedule) at 7 PM on will be Dan Walkow of . Dan is one of very few people in North America who is licenced to deal with a Canadian RRSP or RRIF AND an American IRA and 401(K) plan as well as a regular stock market cash account at the same time. In other words, if you are a Canadian who moved to California, Dan can handle your LIF, your RRSP, your RRSP, your regular Canadian Investment accounts AND your US ROTH, IRA, 401(K) and regular US Brokerage account at the same time. Dan and I will take your international tax and investment calls from 7 to 8 PM. i will be glad to answer your International tax questions, your Overseas Employment tax Questions and Immigration questions to the best of my ability.
Where do you see this?
What number do you call?
1-866-980-0499 if outside of the lower mainland of BC.
604-980-0321 if a Vancouver call is a local call for you.
If calling From outside of North America, please use (604) 980-3578 - we will take this call first because you are paying for it. But if it is a local caller, we will ask you to call back on 0321 to leave 3578 free..
More about Fred Snyder below.
Every Thursday at 12 noon and 7 PM, Fred Snyder of Dundee Wealth Management
presents free Financial Seminars for his clients, potential clients and anyone who phones and asks to attend. Note that the seminars are suspended for July and August 2009 and will resume on September 7. 2009.
THERE is NO CHARGE! (I used to charge up to $999.00 for essentially the same thing)
They are presented at the Dundee Boardroom (holds about 30 people max)
1764 West 7th
Vancouver, BC
phone (604) 731-8900 - ask for Freda to register for free.
These are genuine educational seminars dealing with everything from how to buy a house to making your mortgage tax deductible to buying an RRSP to alternatives to RRSP accounts to estate planning. So what started as 13 separate seminars has now evolved into 23 separate topics.
ONE LADY CAME TO 53 separate seminars and her husband came to about 20 with her.
If you have a financial consultant, bring them. People have brought their bankers and life insurance agents with them.
Take your spouse, your best friend, your son, your daughter, your mother or your worst enemy But do phone 604-731-8900
Fred Snyder also is the host of ITS YOUR MONEY every Sunday morning on CISL (650 on AM dial) from 9:00 to 10:30. This is a phone in financial show which I appear as a guest on the first Sunday of every month. You can listen to the program live around the world every Sunday morning on/at We have taken calls from around the world. In one case, a lady phoned from Florida, got her answer and then asked if I was the David ingram she knew in Regina back in 1959. Small world as they say.
Call (604) 280-0650 with your question on Sunday Morning from 9 AM to 10:30.
"IT'S YOUR MONEY" also appears in a different version LIVE on CKNW from 5 PM to 6 PM as a phone in show to answer your questions. Call (604) 280-9898 or 1-877-399-9898 or *9898 on your cell to get your question on the air. I am a guest on the first Sunday of each month as above. Try July 5, August 2 (same day as the Gay Pride Parade which I am also in), Sept 6, October 4, November 1 and December 6, 2009.
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