Welcome back everybody!
The address is:
45637 Worthington Pl.
Chilliwack, BC V2R 1N6
In a continuing effort to make the transition to Chilliwack as easy as possible from North Vancouver, both mail and phone forwarding will continue to be in effect. I can also arrange to pickup/dropoff tax materials on a to be scheduled for basis.
It’s that time again…waiting for slips, gathering deductions, sorting through medical bills.
It’s tax time!
Please refer to our Checklist link on the top left hand corner of our site to get organized for your taxes.
For our Dual Citizens we have a wonderful spreadsheet for your bank account reporting obligations with the addition of a US tab to help make the CRA T-1135 reporting simple.
Let’s get going!!
*Please call in to see how catching up your*
*late IRS Filings can be made easy*
Last Updated Monday, February 03 2025 @ 11:24 AM PST|881,966 Hits