My, how technology changes - but the people (mostly) stay the same - richard (as I move this to the new web system in July 2009)
My special thanks for the production of this edition to Richard Pitt who proofread, typeset, proofread, typeset and proofread this book to get it out on time and Scott Buckham, who came down to help when he could have been tobogganing with his family.
This is our second year using Ventura Publisher. For Aficionados, the book was originally written in Scripsit 16 on a Tandy 6000 XENIX computer. It was then converted to an ASCII file, transferred to a Monolithic Micro frame 80386 based system, and edited for 1990 using SCO Lyrix V6.0. The intent was to run Ventura on this new computer using SCO UNIX and SCO VPIX which allows Ventura to run on a XENIX/UNIX system. Ventura impacts the system too much for the other users on it, so instead it was put onto a Televideo '386/16 with a Wyse 700 high resolution monitor, and text was fed to it by 'sneaker-net' (run a diskette back and forth from one system to the other). It was then printed IN HOUSE on a Brother laser printer which was also purchased for the project. Most of the Ventura codes were put in on the multi-user system in the ASCII files and run straight off on the Ventura system.
Now that the system is working, it has been possible to have someone show up with a 20 chapter book, hand a chapter to each of several typists, on the multi-user system, and have the book produced ready for printing that afternoon.
David Ingram
Last Updated Friday, July 10 2009 @ 02:17 PM PDT|12,246 Hits