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US CANADA Immigration to Caanda by self-assessment application with no sponsor

Hello David
Its always a pleasure to talk or chat with you. I would like to know could you e-mail the forms I need to fill out to get the immgration going. I will pay you for your time to look over the paperwork and for your assistance. Also, Thank you again for taking a few minute out your time to talk with me.

david ingram replies:

This is the self-assessment test for an individual to determine his or her
eligibility to immigrate to Canada without being sponsored by a spouse.

If you get a score of 67 or better you qualify to sponsor yourself to Canada.

67 or better, goto for regular or simplified process.

Most applicants must use the simplified process. However, you must use the regular process if:

  • You are a provincial nominee;
  • You have been selected by Quebec;
  • You are eligible for points for arranged employment;
  • You have been lawfully admitted to Canada for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo; or
  • You have been lawfully admitted into the United States for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo.

If none of the situations described above apply to you, you must use the simplified application process.

Good Luck!