This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment This is a tough question because it depends upon how long your mother was in the US before you were born. I have included a chart you can use. I agree that the chart is unformatted but if you save it to a file and open it in WORD, it will appear correct and properly formatted. I could have sent it as an attachment but to many filters are knocking attachments off their system. In your case STEP 1 you will go down the left hand side of the chart and find the dates Dec 24, 1952 50 Nov 14, 1986 as your time period. STEP 2 you have one US Citizen parent STEP 3 you will find that your mother had to have lived in the US for ten years before you were born AND FIVE of those years have to be after she turned 14. That means that if she came to Canada at age 18, you can NOT be a US citizen (have one of those right now). STEP 4 If mother came at 20, you just assemble the paperwork and ask for a US passport. Remember - to read the chart below, goto File above and save this whole email as an HTML document. You should then be able to pick it up in any word processor which reads HTML. Aug 16, 2003 NATURALIZATION CHART For determining whether LEGITIMATE CHILDREN BORN OUTSIDE The U.S. acquired U.S. citizenship at birth. PERIOD | PARENTS | RESIDENCE REQUIRED OF: | | PARENT or | CHILD STEP 1 |STEP 2 |STEP 3 | STEP 4 Select | Select | Measure citizen parent's residence | Determine whether child period in | applicable | against the requirements for the | has since lost U.S. which | parentage | period in which child was born. | citizenship. (The child child was | | (The child acquired U.S. citizen- | lost on the date it became born. | | ship at birth if, at time of the | impossible to meet the | | child's birth, citizen parent had | necessary requirements, | | met applicable residence | never before age 26.) | | requirements.) | Prior to | one parent | Citizen parent had resided in the | None. 05/24/34 | US citizen | U.S. (Originally only fathers could | | | transmit: mothers added Oct.94) | (see note (5)) On/after | Both are | One had resided in the U.S. | None. 05/24/34 | citizens | | & prior to | One citizen | Citizen had resided in the U.S. | 5 year's residence in the 01/13/41 | one alien | | U.S. or its outlying | parent. | | possessions between ages of On/after | One citizen | Citizen had resided in U.S. or its | 13 and 21. OR. 2 years' 01/13/41 | one alien | outlying possessions 10 years, at | continuous presence in and prior | parent. | least 5 of which were after age | U.S. between ages 14 and to | | 16, or if citizen parent served | 28. (NONE, if at time 12/24/52 | | honorably in U.S. Armed Forces: | of child's birth, citizen | |(1) between 12/07/41 and 12/31/46 | parent was employed | |(5 of the required years may | by a specified U.S. | | have been after age 12); or note (2) | organization. This | | between 12/31/46 and 12/24/52, | exemption is not applicable | | parent needed 10 years physical | if parent transmitted | | presence, at least 5 of which | under *(1) or *(2) opposite.) | | were after age 14. | Notes (1). (2). and (4). | Both are | One had resided in the U.S. or its | None. | US citizens |outlying possessions. | On/after | Both are | One had resided in the U.S. or its | None. 12/24/52 | citizen | outlying possessions note (3). | & prior to | One citizen | Citizen has been physically present in | None. 11/14/86 | one alien | US or outlying possessions 10 years, | | parent. | at least 5 which are after age 14 note (3). | On/after | Both are | One had resided in the U.S. or its | None. 11/14/86 | citizen | outlying possessions | | One citizen | Citizen has been physically present in I None. | | one alien | US or outlying possessions 5 years, | | parent. | at least 2 which are after age 14 note (3). | 1. Absence of less than 60 days in the aggregate (total) will not break continuity of physical presence for this purpose. Honorable service in US armed forces counts as residence or physical presence. 2. No specific period of residence is required if alien parent naturalized before child reaches 18 years and child begins to reside permanently in U.S. prior to 18th birthday. 3. Physical presence abroad of dependent unmarried son or daughter as member of household of a person serving honorably in U.S. Armed Forces or employed by U.S. government or international organization may be counted as physical presence. 4. The retention requirement was repealed by Act of 10/10/78. Persons who had on 10/10/78 failed to retain are relieved from having to do so. Those who have previously lost citizenship by a failure to satisfy retention requirements of the Acts of 1934, 1940, and 1952 may NOT be reinstated. 5. Until Oct 20, 94, only father could transmit. Changed with President Clinton signing the Technical Corrections Bill giving citizenship to children of US citizen mothers. (Aug 16, 2003 recreated from official US documentation for the CEN-TA-PEDE. newsletter of the CEN-TA GROUP, 108-100 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, BC, CANADA V7T 1A2 PH (604) 980-0321 [email protected]). --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/12/03 ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--