This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/related attachment ------=_NextPart_001_298A_01C45699.BFB965C0 David, How do i claim a reqward from the governemtn for turningin = someone who is cheating on their taxes BIG time? =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D david ingram replies: Canada does not have a reward system that I know of. The US has had a = 10% reward for years and is in the middle of passing new legislation = offering up to 30% as a reward for whistleblowers. The legislation has been passed by the US Senate but has not been passed = by the House of Congress yet. =20 See the AP story following the IRS notice - up to 30% reward of the = amount recovered by the IRS=20 Where And HOW Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity? Use form 211 at =20 If you suspect or know of an individual or company = that is not complying with the tax laws, report this activity. Reports = of suspected tax fraud can be made by phone, mail or your local IRS = walk-in office. By phone: =20 You can contact the IRS toll free at 1-800-829-0433. International callers may call their US Embassy or = call 215-516-2000 (this is not a toll-free number). By mail: Written correspondence can be mailed to the service = center where you file your return. Addresses can be found at; Where to = File Addresses Although you are not required to identify yourself, it = is helpful to do so. Your identity can be kept confidential. You may = also be entitled to a reward. If you are a taxpayer who lives outside the United = States, the IRS has full-time permanent staff in 7 U.S. embassies and = consulates. Contact My Local Office Internationally has telephone = numbers and addresses of these offices. Walk-in Offices: IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers locations can be found = at Contact My Local Office.=20 If you are a taxpayer who lives outside the United = States, the IRS has full-time permanent staff in 7 U.S. embassies and = consulates. Contact My Local Office Internationally has telephone = numbers and addresses of these offices. Frequently Asked Questions - 1.13 IRS Procedures: = Reporting Fraud -------------------------------------------------------------- Criminal Investigation (CI) Tax Fraud Alerts =20 =20 =20 =20 Plan Would Pay Tax Whistleblowers=20 Fri Jun 18, 8:28 PM ET =20 =20 By MARY DALRYMPLE, AP Tax Writer=20 WASHINGTON - Suspect your company's cheating the IRS out of = millions in taxes? Pass along the inside information to the Internal = Revenue Service (news - web sites) and you stand to collect up to 30 = percent of taxes and penalties recovered under whistle-blower = legislation aimed at snaring high-dollar tax cheats.=20 =20 The proposed IRS Whistleblower Office is designed to give tax = agents an inside advantage when fighting complicated, often invisible = tax shelters developed for and used by wealthy taxpayers and = corporations.=20 It would go after individuals and corporations with more than = $200,000 in income who use shelters that hide $20,000 or more.=20 Informants who blow the whistle on tax evasion stand to win 15 = percent to 30 percent of the recovered taxes and penalties if they = contribute substantially to the case. Those who make less substantial = contributions can win up to 10 percent of recovered money.=20 The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Charles Grassley, = R-Iowa, modeled the office after the False Claims Act, which lets people = file lawsuits against companies and individuals that defraud the = government in arenas other than tax.=20 The Justice Department (news - web sites) reported that lawsuits = filed under the False Claims Act recovered $1.5 billion in 2003. = Whistle-blowers were granted $319 million in rewards. More than $12 = billion has been recovered since Congress strengthened the law in 1986.=20 "Taking advantage of whistle-blowers has saved the taxpayers = billions of dollars in defense and health care fraud. The potential is = even greater with tax fraud, given the estimated hundreds of billions of = dollars of taxes due that go uncollected each year," Grassley said.=20 The IRS currently has a fraud hot line and its own criminal = investigation unit. Informants can apply for rewards when taxes are = recovered based on their tips, but critics say the program has too many = obstacles to lure many informants.=20 In 2003, the IRS paid out $4 million to informants who helped the = IRS pursue 190 cases, which together recouped more than $61 million in = taxes owed. IRS statistics show that the agency has paid an average of = 2.74 percent of recovered taxes as rewards to informants since 1967.=20 James Moorman, president and chief executive of Taxpayers Against = Fraud, said the better the reward, the more people come in with tips. = His organization educates the public and supports whistle-blowers who = sue under the False Claims Act.=20 Moorman said he did an unofficial survey of fraud attorneys about = the need for a tax informants' program.=20 "These people think that this whistle-blower office, if properly = implemented by the IRS, would be bigger than the False Claims Act," he = said.=20 Moorman said the current IRS system suffers because it = disqualifies people who have participated in tax evasion or prepared the = suspect tax returns from getting awards. That eliminates from becoming = useful whistle-blowers people who are either drawn into tax fraud = reluctantly or unknowingly or who have a change of heart.=20 "Is the reward only for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts? People who are = pure?" he wondered.=20 Mary Louise Cohen, who represents whistle-blowers as a partner at = Phillips & Cohen in Washington, D.C., said people also need the money = for practical reasons. Many whistle-blowers who come to her have tried = to work within their jobs to end fraud, risked their careers and often = were fired.=20 "They have families and mortgages and kids who have to go to = school," she said. "They're motivated by trying to correct situations = that they see are wrong, but the money makes it possible for them to do = that and still take care of themselves."=20 The office is a tiny item in a massive corporate tax bill passed = by the Senate. The version of the bill passed in the House does not = include such an office.=20 =20 Treasury Department (news - web sites) spokeswoman Tara Bradshaw = said the administration looks forward to reviewing the proposal while = lawmakers reconcile the differences between the House and Senate tax = bills.=20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - Next Story: House Rejects Plane Cargo Inspections (AP) =20 More Politics - Congress Stories =20 =B7 House Rejects Plane Cargo Inspections (AP) =20 =B7 Senate to Take Up Gay Marriage Amendment (AP) =20 =B7 House RollCall Cargo (AP) =20 =B7 Sen. Edward Kennedy to Host Talk Show (AP) =20 =B7 Senate, House Split on Corporate Tax Bill (AP) =20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - =20 =20 ------=_NextPart_001_298A_01C45699.BFB965C0 An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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