This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment My question is: Canadian-specific QUESTION: My father and mother owned a 5 acre chunk of land out in the = country where they built a home/business combination. My mother ran a = rest on a seasonal basis and they both lived on the premis. Part of the = living quaters were upstairs(bedroom, living room)but common areas to = both business and home use was the kitchen, laundry room, shower, and = furnace. 1 acre was used for septic field and parts of it too narrow to = do anthing with. Another acre or so is road, and pumphouse area and wood = storage for wood burning furnace. All land except for the driveway and = parking lot was personel use other than noted above.=20 My mother passed away in 1999 and my father closed the business for = good. In 2000 he turned the title over to my sister and I as each 50% = undivided interest to each of us. I moved in and it became my only = residence and pricipal place of residence. My father passed away in = 2004. When my mother had originally bought the property she had it zoned = commercial so she could open a summer chip stand and didn't need to zone = it all that way but did as she thought was required by the R.M. In the = last years since the business was shut down the building has depreciated = and there is no buisiness re-opened or planned on my part. Here is the = question I so desperatly need an answer on. Will I have to pay capital gains even though I live on the property as a = resident? If so , would it only be on a portion of my half? Also since = it's larger than 1.2 acres it is not being used other than personel use = so is this an exception to capital gains? The answer to this question = would make all the differnce in my wanting to sell or not as living here = is a hardship and if it were of no benifit I might as well move out and = rent in a place I can find work as I am out in the countryside. I have = been to 7 lawyers who all seem to only confuse my questions and give me = answers that do not fit my situation. I realize your anser is not final = but I have read your responses to others and find you very knowlegable = and thus my long-winded question.=20 Thanks so much,=20 XXXXX -------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- david ingram replies: Your father would have incurred the most of the capital gains tax if = there is any when he transferred it to your sister and yourself. If the land can NOT be subdivided, your half should be tax free. If = yiou sister lives in another home that she owns, than her half should be = taxable. If hse does not own another property andthis is her old family = hom,e and she stays there sometimes with you, it is likely tax free to = her as well if it can NOT be subdivided. =20 If it can be subdivided, that you are entitled to the house and 1/2 = hectare which is about 1.22 acres. This is what I do. You and your sister should likley book an hour of my = time for $350 by phone or in person. The following is an extract from my 1991 Income Tax Book. There is no = material change in the policy since then in my opinion although others = may say that they ae more likley to try and tax you because of the = commerical zoning. =20 However, if that should apply, it would apply to your father, not you. =20 LAND IN EXCESS OF ONE ACRE=20 =20 In 1984, Carl Rudeloff lost his claim for a tax free sale of his home = and ten acres which he had lived on and in for ten years. The Tax Review = Board ruled that although the excess 9 acres of land certainly = `contributed' to the use and enjoyment of his home, it was not = necessary. The facts that the Rudeloff family had a woodlot, raised = horses and chickens, had a family garden and a play area, did not sway = Judge Taylor of the Tax Court of Canada. He said, "I am not persuaded = the relevant section of the Income Tax Act permits of the view espoused = by this taxpayer - that merely because he resided in a housing unit on = the property, and used the balance of the property in one way or another = to enhance the utility and attractiveness of that domestic living style, = he can expand the boundaries of his housing unit to the parameters of = the natural domain desired in his appeal."=20 This last decision has been partially turned over in the 1991 Federal = Court decision where Judge Strayer decided that an extra lot was not = essential but certainly contributed to the use and enjoyment of the = property. However, I find this ruling unusual for a country like Canada. = Certainly, this country was built on small holdings, self-sufficiency, = the raising of chickens and the growing of food in a garden. However, it = seems that unless you can show that it was necessary for the use and = enjoyment of a housing unit, it will not fly. Perhaps if he could have = shown that he did not have enough money to feed his family, it would = have proved `necessary'. I think I can explain it in other equally = ridiculous terms, though. You buy a car with no doors or roof. It has an = engine (necessary to use), a transmission (necessary to use), four = wheels (necessary to use), a steering mechanism, (necessary to use), and = brakes (but brakes are not necessary to use). Brakes, roofs, and doors = are an example of things which certainly `add' to the use and enjoyment = of a vehicle but are not necessary if you drive in a vacant and level = field where it does not rain. Of course, if you want to drive down a = hill, brakes would be necessary, but since you don't `HAVE TO' drive = down the hill, they are not necessary. However, if you want to drive on = a highway, THE LAW SAYS THAT BRAKES ARE NECESSARY. If it rains, you may = say that a roof and doors (and windows) are necessary, but all sorts of = people ride motorcycles in the rain with no doors, roof or windows. = (Okay, okay, a windshield is really nice, but not necessary... my = motorcycle does not have one).=20 In fact, if any case should have been appealed to a higher court, the = Rudeloff case should have been, and we at the CEN-TA GROUP had a similar = case that was destined to "go to the top". We took our case to `the top' = in 1988.=20 =20 Unfortunately, the Tax Court ruled against five members of the Cillis = Family and they have decided not to appeal. But I still feel they should = have won. Four generations of one family lived on five acres in two = houses. They used the acreage for a riding ring (one son is now a = full-time professional equestrian), duck ponds, swimming pool, barns, = sheds, and wood lot for themselves. However, as the two houses had been = legally subdivided `out' of the five acres, it was ruled that the excess = land was not `necessary' for the `Use and Enjoyment'.=20 And The Cillis family has decided not to appeal with good reason. DNR is = treating this entire situation like parking meters. Either the violation = flag is up or it is not. The courts have been interpreting the word = "necessary" to mean "cannot be done without".=20 I still feel that the Cillis Family would have won their case on appeal. = You have not really lost until the final judge has had his or her say. = Marianne Fourt found that out when she did not take "NO" for an answer. = Sort of a reverse of the popular T-shirt which says, "What part of No = don't you understand".=20 In 1991, Marianne Fourt received a favorable ruling from the Federal = Court Trial Division when the court ruled in favor of the tax free = status of the second lot. The judge ruled that although not essential to = the use and enjoyment of the family home, it clearly contributed to the = use and enjoyment within the meaning of paragraph 54(g)(v) of the Act. = She had lost in 1988 as stated below.=20 =20 In 1988, Marianne Fourt paid tax on an adjoining lot she sold. She = bought two lots and built her home on one and used the second lot for an = incinerator, storage shed and parking. Judge Goetz of the Tax court = ruled that she could have built everything on one lot and the other was = not necessary, i.e., could not be done without.=20 It seems that unless, you have a "Yates" argument, i.e., could not have = bought less because of zoning, you will not get anything more than one = acre tax free. (to be fair, it is really 1.2 acres (1/2 hectare). = Because of welfare, etc., the courts are determining that `eating off = the land', i.e., garden, raising animals, etc., is not sufficient for = necessity.=20 =20 In 1989, Elmer Augart won an unusual case when you consider some of the = other cases previously mentioned. (Elmo Baird for instance). He had = bought 8.99 acres and he lived on it for FOURTEEN YEARS BEFORE the land = was rezoned to require 80 ACRES FOR A SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE. Judge Mogan = of the Tax Court of Canada ruled that because of the YATES case = mentioned before in the text, the entire 8.99 acres was necessary under = section 54(g) of the Act.=20 =20 But also in 1989, the estate of Anna Lewis and the estate of John Lewis = were taxed on the land in excess of one acre even though it was shown = that the 2.11 acres could not be subdivided and sold as separate = parcels. Judge Rip did not apply the Yates argument but he did change = the values placed on the property by DNR resulting in a little less tax. = =20 The following cases just add to the argument and are here for your = information. They include the YATES CASE.=20 =20 In 1983, Donald Fraser lost his claim for an extra half an acre used as = a garden and play area. D. E. Taylor, member of the Tax Review Board, = found that the taxpayer had failed to demonstrate the "necessity" for = the garden and play area.=20 =20 In 1983, Elmo B. Baird, lost his bid for the tax-free sale of land in = excess of one acre. Mr. Baird had bought 2.41 acres under the Veterans = Land Act in 1951. He built outbuildings, raised farm animals, gardened, = and used the size of the land for a septic field. Certainly "use", = although an argument could be made by many "city dwellers" that tending = a garden and cleaning stalls and septic fields is not "enjoyment", nor = necessary. My understanding was that all VLA land was supposed to be in = the 2 1/2 acres size `area'. If that is the case, Mr. Baird should have = won his case because he could not have bought less land under VLA rules. = =20 In 1991, Glen Windrim paid tax on the value of some 15 acres of land. He = had a mobile home on 17.6 acres for three years and when he sold them, = he tried to claim the total tax free. However, he had only lived there = three years and showed no evidence of use and enjoyment or necessity. It = is interesting that DNR voluntarily gave him 2 hectares (4.6 acres) tax = free and Judge Muldoon of the Federal Court Trial Division went along = with it even though the act only allows 1/2 hectare (about 1.22 acres) = and originally allowed only 1 acre.=20 Interpretation bulletins IT 120 and IT 120R leave the impression that = such matters as zoning will contribute to a favorable ruling when = capital gains on land in excess of one acre are concerned.=20 =20 In the case of Mr. Baird, he could not legally have bought less than 2 = 1/2 acres (VLA financing not zoning rules), which is relevant when the = next case is mentioned.=20 =20 The Famous Yates Case=20 In 1983, William and May Yates won their case in The Federal Court - = Trial Division. The taxpayers could not legally have occupied their = residence without ten acres because of local zoning laws. It was = necessary to have more than one acre. Even though they had rented the = excess out to a farmer, they only sold the excess 9.3 acres under threat = of having the area expropriated. Judge Mahoney ruled "The defendants = could not legally have occupied their housing unit as a residence on = less than ten acres. It follows that the entire ten acres, subjacent and = contiguous, not only `may reasonably' be regarded as contributing to = their use and enjoyment of their housing unit as a residence; it `must' = be so regarded. It also follows that the portion in excess of one acre = was necessary to that use and enjoyment." This case was appealed to the = Federal Court of Appeal. I am pleased to say that In 1986, William Yates = and his wife May Yates won again. Judges Heald, Stone and Ryan found for = the Yates.=20 But, there is a sense of futility here. When people need and use the = land, they lose, but when they rent it out and don't use it, they win.=20 =20 In 1986, the estate of Sarah Raper won the tax free ownership of an = extra 4 acres for 9 out of 10 years. Until 1980, zoning laws prevented = the subdivision of the land into less than 5 acre plots. Even though she = did not subdivide the land in 1980, Judge Tremblay of the Tax Court of = Canada ruled that her lifestyle was not sufficient to show `necessity = for use and enjoyment' after 1980, and assessed tax on the capital gain = after 1980. He said that `use and enjoyment' should be decided on a year = to year basis, thus giving credence to my graph in the tax books from = 1974 to '82 wherein I suggest that a taxpayer should be able to = designate alternate years or different years as tax free, rather than = the successive years suggested by DNR.=20 =20 In 1987, John Wallace Beaton lost his case for the sale of 2.1 acres tax = free showing again how the judge's mind works in these situations. In = 1979 he had bought a `remnant' 4 acres in an area that required 25 acres = to build a house. He built a house and drilled two wells, one on each = half of the property. Neither well was satisfactory. In 1984 he sold 2.1 = acres and kept the balance as his residence. He claimed the 2.1 acres = was tax free because he needed it for his well and because of the zoning = in place at the time of purchase. Judge Brule of the Tax Court of Canada = ruled that it could not be said that Beaton could not have built on less = than 4 acres as the land in question was already a remnant, and he = certainly didn't need the extra 2.1 acres for his water supply because = the well was unsatisfactory. The taxpayer was able to "do without" the = 2.1 acres (i.e., he didn't need brakes.)=20 =20 In 1986, Jacob and Ruth Schellenberg won $221,000 out of a $375,000 sale = as tax-free gains from the sale of their principal residence and an = adjoining lot. DNR tried to reverse the figures to $154,000 for the = principal residence, and $221,000 as taxable from the sale of the lot. = Judge Christie of the Tax Court of Canada ruled that the Schellenberg's = figures were correct.=20 =20 ESTATES and CAPITAL GAINS and ROLLOVERS=20 Death can cause difficulties and hardships with regard to capital gains. = =20 Income Tax is extremely time sensitive. In 1982, the estate of W. E. = Hillis was caught in a time warp which our legislators would not have = wanted to happen. When W. E. Hillis died in testate on February 21, = 1977, his lack of a will (intestacy) delayed normal settlement of the = estate, plus left (under Saskatchewan law) part of the estate to the = sons, both of who disclaimed any interest in the estate in June and July = 1979. His widow was granted the entire estate on December 14, 1979 under = the Dependent's Relief Act of the Province of Saskatchewan. The act = specifies that to escape capital gains tax on assets transferred to a = trust or spouse upon the death of a taxpayer, the assets must vest in = that trust or spouse within fifteen months of the death. If not, there = is a deemed disposition at fair market value of any assets of the = deceased as of the date of death.=20 In this case, it is obvious that this did not happen. And it is easy to = say that the judge was correct in taxing the assets, but is this what = parliament wanted, to tax widows because of time delays during moments = of hardship? This case was appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada. The = Court dismissed the application in 1985.=20 =20 And in 1989, the estate of Alexander Boger suffered the same indignity. = Mr. Boger died in 1979 and left his estate to his wife and 4 daughters. = Mrs. Boger contested the will and held up the settling of the estate for = 3 years. Judge Rip of the Tax Court of Canada ruled that the property = had not been transferred to the children within the required 15 month = period. It is obvious that this law needs changing. Fifteen months is = not enough time when there are large numbers of items and potential = family claims that have to be settled. Legislators awake! The results = are not what you expected when fifteen months was allowed in the first = place.=20 =20 But, in 1991, the Boger Estate fared better. There was a problem with = the legal definition of "when the property transferred" because of a = challenge to the will by the wife. To be tax free the property has to be = vested or transferred within 15 months. Judge Jerome of the Federal = Court ruled that it was necessary to look at concepts and terminology = from real property law. As such, he ruled that the property was vested = under the terms of the will under section 70(9) because there were no = conditions precedent to stop the vesting. The Estate had lost in the Tax = Court of Canada. The difference between this and the Hillis Estate, is = that Hillis had no will, therefore, there was no immediate vesting which = was challenged.=20 Two other cases dealt with slightly different matters but both dealt = with Estates.=20 =20 In 1989, the Estate of Stanley Earl Lewis won its case for tax free = rollover. Lewis's final 1982 T1 return was filed showing the rollover of = the farm to two grandsons within the 36 months required under section = 70(9) of the act. However as the wife was to receive the rents and = profits until their grandson's 20th birthday on June 17, 1989 when the = two grandsons were to receive the farm, DNR tried to turn it over = because the grandsons had not received possession. Judge Kempo ruled = that there was an indefeasible vesting even though actual possession had = not taken place.=20 Judge Kempo got another chance to make a wise decision as well.=20 =20 In 1989, the Estate of Wilbert A. May received the same treatment. = Because May died on May 18, 1982 with an ambiguous holographic = (personally handwritten but not witnessed) will, it took four years of = litigation to reach an agreement as to the disposition of the estate. = Mrs. May the widow was finally given the property subject to some rights = of first refusal on some of the land on April 9, 1986. Judge Kempo ruled = that there was a rollover as defined by section 70(6) of the Act.=20 =20 And in another estate situation, in 1987, The Estate of Jeannette Bell = Kelley lost its bid for tax free capital gains under the US/Canada Tax = Treaty. JBK died in 1970, and the land in Alberta was sold in 1980. The = two heirs both lived in the United States. Article VIII of the US/Canada = Tax Treaty of the time, exempted Capital Gains earned in one country by = a resident of another country. The estate tried to claim this treaty = exemption. Judge Rip of the Tax Court of Canada ruled that the estate = realized the gains and that therefore gains were only indirect for the = residents of the U.S. Furthermore, an intervening life estate could have = nullified the inheritance if the beneficiary of the life estate had had = children, etc.=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Answers to this and other similar questions can be obtained free on Air = every Sunday morning. Every Sunday at 9:00 AM on 600AM in Vancouver, Fred Snyder of Cartier = Partners and I will be hosting an INFOMERCIAL but LIVE talk show called = "ITS YOUR MONEY" Those outside of the Lower Mainland will be able to listen on the = internet at Local phone calls to (604) 280-0600 - Long distance calls to = 1-866-778-0600.=20 Old shows are archived at the site. =20 This from ask an income tax immigration planning and bankruptcy expert = consultant guru or preparer from or or = Canadian David Ingram deals daily with tax returns = dealing with expatriate: multi jurisdictional cross and trans border expatriate gambling refunds = for the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, the United = Kingdom, Kuwait, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, = Indonesia, Egypt, Antarctica, Japan, China, New Zealand, France, = Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Georgia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, = Scotland, Ireland, Hawaii, Florida, Montana, Morocco, Israel, Iraq, = Iran, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mali, Bangkok, Greenland, Iceland, = Cuba, Bahamas, Bermuda, Barbados, St Vincent, Grenada,, Virgin Islands, = US, UK, GB, American and Canadian and Mexican and any of the 43 states = with state tax returns, etc. income tax wizard wizzard guru advisor advisors experts specialist = specialists consultants taxmen taxman tax woman planner planning = preparer of Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona,=20 California Denver Colorado, Connecticut, =20 Delaware District of Columbia Miami Florida,=20 Garland Georgia, Honolulu Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana Des Moines Iowa Kansas Kentucky,=20 Louisiana Bangor Maine Maryland =20 Boston, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, =20 Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, =20 Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,=20 New Mexico,New York, North Carolina, =20 North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon.=20 Paris, Rome, Sydney, Australia Hilton Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Rockwall,=20 South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, =20 Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia,=20 West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming,=20 British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan,=20 Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec City,=20 New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island,=20 Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Yukon and=20 Northwest and Nunavit Territories, =20 Mount Vernon, Eumenclaw, Coos Bay=20 and Dallas Houston Rockwall Garland=20 Texas Taxman and Tax Guru and wizzard=20 wizard - David Ingram's US/Canada Services US/Canada/Mexico Tax Immigration & working Visa Specialists US / Canada Real Estate Specialists 4466 Prospect Road North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7 Calls accepted from 10 AM to 10 PM 7 days a week Res (604) 980-3578 Cell (604) 657-8451 Bus (604) 980-0321=20 [email protected] Disclaimer: This question has been answered without detailed = information or consultation and is to be regarded only as general = comment. Nothing in this message is or should be construed as advice = in any particular circumstances. No contract exists between the reader & = the author and any and all non-contractual duties are expressly denied. = All readers should obtain formal advice from a competent financial, or = real estate planner or advisor & appropriately qualified legal = practitioner, tax or immigration specialist in connection with personal = or business affairs such as at If you forward this = message, this disclaimer must be included." ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--