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What a difference a Night makes - BC Lions Defeat

Why Is This Night Different?
During one of his many trips to London, George Burns became friends with a very wealthy, yet very modest, Jewish chap named Hyman Goldfarb. On one visit, Hy told George that because of his large donations to charities through the years, the queen wanted to knight him, but he was going to turn it down.
"That's a great honor," George said. "Why would you turn it down?"
"Because during the ceremony you have to say something in Latin," he said. "And I don't wish to bother studying Latin just for that."
"So say something in Hebrew. The queen wouldn't know the difference."
"Brilliant," Hy complimented me, "but what should I say?"
"Remember that question the son asks the father on the first night of Passover? ... 'Why is this night different from all other nights?' Can you say that in Hebrew?"
"Of course," he said. "Ma nishtana ha leila hazeh. Thank you, old sport, I shall become a knight."
At the ceremony Hy waited his turn while several of the other honorees went before the queen. Finally they called his name. He knelt before Her Majesty, she placed her sword on one shoulder and then on the other, and motioned for Hy to speak.
Out came "Ma nishtana ha leila hazeh."
The queen turned to her husband and said, "Why is this knight different from all other knights?"
And what a difference a night can make.
Last night, son Mitchell and I went to see the BC Lion's defeat Montreal at BC Place.  And they did defeat them. When Bobby returned to the Lions two years ago, the team was lucky to have 11,000 people in the stands.  
Last night there were just about 24,000 enthusiastic but not rowdy fans enjoying the game.  The half-time show was an Australian Rules football match which kept up such a continuous action it made the mind boggle.
When we left Mtchell blew his horn walking down the street to our car whcih was just a block away on a free street spot which had magically appeared as we drove to the stadium. A perfect night.  What we observed was that football fans are a lot different than hockey fans.  
This was Montreal's first defeat this year and the BC's first home Game win in a long time.  A pivotal game and yet there were no fans driving through the streets honking and carrying on as happens after a hockey game.  Come on fans, where is your patriotism.  I have a dozen Canucks flags which we fly from the cars at appropriate times.  We need some BC Lions car flags for sale out there.
My thanks to Bobby and Kay Accles who made the game a very pleasant place.  Bobby may run the team but Kay runs the Team Lounge with grace.  Kevin kept me supplied with diet drinks but I got off my Atkins when he presented Oreo Ice cream sandwiches.
I saw the 94 grey Cup when the Lions beat the Baltimore Colts and it was a great game.  Also saw the 99 Grey Cup when Calgary was beaten by Hamilton.  
The 2005 Grey Cup will also be in Vancouver in November 2005.  I better get my tickets now.
Jul 27
Vancouver Grey Cup 2005 Committee announces Director of Sponsorship Phil Adams
VANCOUVER, B.C., July 27, 2004 -- Grey Cup 2005 Chair, Dennis Skulsky, today announced the addition of Phil Adams as the Director of Sponsorship for the Vancouver Grey Cup 2005. 
"Phil Adams is a great addition to our Vancouver Grey Cup 2005 team," said Skulsky. "He brings an outstanding track record in sports marketing and an extensive network of contacts in the local business community that will be valuable to our team of experts. 
"We have a big job ahead of us in raising revenues from sponsorship and Phil will play an integral part working with General Manager Scott Ackles, our Grey Cup 2005 Steering Committee, and a host of talented volunteers preparing plans for showcasing our beautiful city and the unique game of CFL football." 
In his position as the Director of Sponsorship, Phil will be working closely with Vic Poleschuk, President & CEO BC Lotteries, and Moray Keith, President Dueck GM, who are steering committee members and co-chairs of the marketing, sponsorship and ticketing committee. 
Adams, a graduate of the University of British Columbia, joins Grey Cup Committee from RBC Financial Group where he was responsible for the leveraging of RBC's sponsorship of Vancouver's bid to host the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. 
Adams began his career in the area of sponsorship and strategic partnerships in golf working with organizations and individuals such as Mike Weir, and the Export "A" Skins Game before being appointed Manager of Business Development for the Air Canada Championship, Vancouver's PGA Tour event. 
Vancouver will welcome the Grey Cup, Canada's largest professional sporting event, in November 2005. Celebrated by Canadians coast-to-coast, the unique Canadian championship records the highest annual broadcast audiences on the television calendar with an average of 4.7 million viewers over the last two years. Vancouver last hosted Canada's Championship on November 28th, 1999. 
Oh yes, I promised a tax tip.
Don't let Taxes be the death of you.
david ingram
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