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West Vancouver OFFICE CLOSED forever.. David Ingram

Well, I did it!  Pulled the plug as it were - The Real Estate company has been shut down after 22 years.  Therefore the net effect is that the lease was broken and we moved out of the office space we were in for the last 3 1/2 years.  As the landlord said, we pulled a midnight flit in the middle of the daytime and just moved out. 
After administering over 1,000 storefront offices over 40 years, I no longer have or am involved with a storefront office.  I have given up my Real Estate Licence after some 39 years and closed the West Vancouver Real Estate office which was the operating company.  The real estate licences have been cancelled, the staff and associates have dispersed,  and the phone numbers (604) 913-9133 (voice) (604) 913-9123 FAX have been cancelled as well. There are no call forwarding messages on the old numbers.  This should serve to get rid of the hundreds of junk faxes we were getting.  Even the office number was getting junk faxes and there are so many spam emails that I will likely be changing the email address as well.  
I am now at the residence where I have lived since 1969.  The address is below and has been featured on the web site since Oct 3rd or 4th, 2003 in anticipation of the possible move. When my wife and I separated in June 2003, I promised that I would stay at the office until June 30, 2004.  
Although being considered and contemplated since a minor event in my divorce action last Sept 30, the actual move decision was made quickly last Thursday. And, there is still a little problem with phone lines and there is a new fax number which I have not managed to connect to yet.  I have also misplaced the number but do not expect to be up and running until about August 16th and then intend to take most of the last two weeks of August off and spend it with my kids.  
My Home office number is still (604) 980-0321, a number I have had since 1970.
My home residence number is (604) 980-3578, a number I have had since 1969 but that is really the kids line.
My cell phone number is (604) 657-8451.
My email address is now davidingram at
I will be available at the cell phone at (604) 657-8451 which anyone is welcome to call between 10 AM and 10 PM.  There are no voice messages for me.  The kids have a message on the (604) 980-3578 number and that message clearly says not to leave a message for me.  I do NOT check the kids message line.
Sonja Clark and George Hatton have gone on their own. 
I have all the old files at my residence and the front yard looks like a combat zone.  I have two piles of furniture and files in the front yard covered with immense tarpaulins. The carport is being turned into a File storage area but I have to get rid of the "in pieces" 1973 Mercedes convertible first.
The files belong to the client and if anyone would like to transfer their file to George or Sonja, you have but to ask.
George Arora, CPA will continue to work with me on a full time basis and I have to say that George Arora has been a great pleasure to work with this past season.  In my 40 years in this business, I have never had another individual test my knowledge and argue with me more over US tax matters.  He drives everyone crazy with questions but that is what this business is about.  
D'Arcy Von Schleinitz has gone to work for a CGA on the Sunshine Coast but will continue with us on a one day a week basis after about 17 years as a full time US / Canada Tax consultant.  
Gail Ritter has left the business for the time being and is looking at an alternative.  
I am starting an Immigration Course at UBC in September.
Richard Pitt is still looking after our computer system.  Richard and his partner Stuart Lynne have the honour of being Canada's very commercial FIRST ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Canada in the form of  For the olde timers, you will remember that we had to be unix users and have a $5,000 Trailblazer 16PLUS modem to get on.  There were no pictures (unless you count the x's and o's that made up the nude charcter "goldie" and we searched what became the "net" with gopher and lynx.  If you did not understand "uucp" protacol, you were out of there.
 I will continue my US / Canada tax and immigration consulting.  About half of my business now comes over the internet and I have been working half time at home for the last year.  It will give me two hours extra a day by not having to go to an office and as a single parent I will be able to be home with the kids.  The deciding phone call was made by Jane, my 12 year old daughter.  I was dealing with a client from the Seattle Area.  It was 11:30 at night and we had been working on fiveyears of US / Canada tax returns since 11:00 that morning with very little breaks.  Jane phoned and made the comment that I would rather be at the office with a client than at home with my family.  
I have decided to be at home with my family, Peter, Mitchell and Jane, four cats, a hedgehog and 8 (negotiable) hamsters.  And that is the only problem I forsee.  Some clients may be allergic to hamsters.  If this is the case, I will be glad to meet in an alternate location.  I saw one client at Kelsey's restaurant (good chicken wings) at the Canadian Tire store in North Vancouver yesterday for instance.
david ingram
More information can be obtained at
david Ingram of the CEN-TA Group
US / Canada / Mexico tax and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Tax Specialists
4466 Prospect Road
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
(604) 980-0321 - Fax 980-???? taxman at
Res (604)  980-3578 Cell (604) 657-8451
calls taken seven days a week from 10 AM to 10 PM Vancouver (Los Angeles) PDT time.
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