I have had this on hand to send out for about 5 months now. This seems like a good time to send it out after CTV ran a special documentary type movie from 9 to 11 on Sunday, Sept 5th. the documentary/movie was about Al Arsenault and the Odd Squad, the 5 constables from the Vancouver Police Department who produced "Through a Blue Lens" an award winning documentary. Unfortunately, they did not receive as much help as they should have. It is often said that there is a business of Do-Gooders in the Downtown East Side of Vancouver. A plethora of literally hundreds of well paid people who are "trying" to do good there but are all failing. Anyway, Gerry Wickstead, a VPD constable who wrote the following piece calls this a rant. I call it an informed look at policing in the lower mainland. There are literally thousands of wanted criminals living in BC. They have returnable warrants form Newfoundland to Alberta but nothing happens because if they are arrested in Downtown Vancouver on the outstandinf Brampton Warrant, the City of Brampton will not pay for he return of the perpetrator so he (or she) just stays in Vancouver. Former Mayor of Vancouver, Phillip Owen had a great idea. He propsed that we have a "Con-Air" out of Vancouver. Every week an RCAF Hercules would load up with returnable prisoners and fly them back across the country. It would give the flyers their mandatory hours and send the boys and girls back home to face the music. Nothing came of it, but I thought it was Philip's proudest moment, even moe than the four pillars. This is a political statement which points out the need for more budgets for the VPD and other forces in the lower mainland My kudoos to Gerry Wickstead fopr writing this and my thanks for the permission to forward it to this list. Those in other countries, states and cities who receive this can . David Ingram =========== VPD Constable Gerry Wickstead's piece Balanced Budget you say? A commentary on justice spending in BC. We elect our fellow citizens to prioritize the billions of tax dollars that are entrusted to them. Justice funding is both a Federal and Provincial responsibility where, once again, BC has not received its fair share. We know from experience that our federal tax dollars earmarked for projects in this province never return and are spent elsewhere in Canada. As local politicians pat each other on the back celebrating a perceived "balanced budget" we need only to look at the state of our justice system to see how the numbers may be suspect. Politicians of every stripe are chanting the 'Health Care and Education' mantra while Public Safety is placed on the backburner. Consistently BC has the worst annual Charge clearance record among the ten provinces. In 2002, only 16% of reported crime in this province resulted in a criminal charge handed over to prosecutors. This figure has not been adjusted to reflect the estimated 30% of charges that were later dumped by BC's Crown prosecutors. So really we are comparing BC's 11% charge rate with Alberta (29%), Quebec (25%), Ontario (30%), and Canada (26%). Why the discrepancy? In 2002, BC's 6,645 police officers had 522,663 criminal incidents to investigate that included 49,641 violent crimes. Compare this to Quebec's 13,835 cops who had 476,543 criminal incidents that included 53,625 violent crimes. Ontario had 21,637 police to investigate 809,072 criminal incidents with 99,990 violent crimes. According to Stats Canada, BC would need to hire another 600 police to match the national per capita average or 900 more to match Quebec and Ontario. Central Canada can afford to re-assign 500 police to work on a province-wide organized crime project. Here in BC it seems we don't have enough police to investigate 911 calls successfully let alone deal with organized crime, sex offenders, child porn, traffic safety, auto crimes, etc. While the BC provincial government continues to close down jails and courthouses in an effort to save money one wonders what could be next... how about decriminalizing crimes? It has become the norm for BC's persistent repeat offenders to now receive conditional sentences and probation instead of incarceration. Where is the deterrence when there is little chance of getting caught and charged by the police and an even smaller chance of incarceration? Why are we having a fire sale on our provincial prison camps when these facilities could be converted into structured drug and alcohol treatment centres based on abstinence and long-term life skills training? Everyone agrees that drug addiction fuels much of the crime. One of the reasons BC drug dealers get short sentences is because there is no room in the prison system to accomodate all offenders. They are easy to spot because they have no fear of going to jail. In 2002, the police in this province charged 4,775 adults with drug trafficking, importing, or cultivation compared to 4,578 charges in Quebec. BC has a prison capacity of approximately 4,400 jail beds with 10% of these beds occupied by drug offenders. The rest of the beds are occupied by offenders convicted of violent crimes, property crimes, bail violations, etc. Each year just the number of drug traffickers caught by police could fill our prisons. So why has the Federal gov't given Quebec 2,000 more federal jail beds to incarcerate offenders in that province? Before we brag about balanced budgets why can't we hire enough cops to match what the other provinces already have? I compare BC's justice system to the cheap $2 padlock some of you may have on your garden shed. It's only good enough to keep the honest people out. Our only hope is to convince Quebec's Bombardier to start manufacturing police cars - then maybe the Feds might give this province more police officers to fill them. Gerry Wickstead (609-1996) 18 year municipal constable His personal opinions are not necessarily those of his Employer. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.752 / Virus Database: 503 - Release Date: 9/3/04