David I am five months behind in my child support after a lay-off and a new job with less pay. My ex-wife will not let me see my children and they think I am a deadbeat. I can't seem to get anywhere with anyone. Any suggestions? =========================== david ingram replies: Yes and no! If you are in the Greater Vancouver area (your email address looks like it), the following are good contacts: 1. I think the logical lawyer to talk to for child access is Carey Linde at 604-684-7794. You can see more about Carey and his fight for the rights of fathers at www.divorce-for-men.com. 2. If you are behind in your child support, you are likely behind in everything else and may need to consider bankruptcy. Getting rid of the rest of the bills might allow you to catch up on the child support. See a Bankruptcy lawyer BEFORE you see a Trustee. The Bankruptcy Trustee does NOT work for you. Call Murray Morrison at (604) 930-9013. http://www.morrocolaw.ca/ 3. In my own ongoing divorce (which is just following a bankruptcy) I am using David Bellamy for the financial part. You can get hold of him at (604) 662-8900. It is difficult to find any family lawyer who understands the intricacies of a bankruptcy and child support and other matters. David has an excellent grasp of the situation. See him at www.bellamy.bc.ca 4. If you need a Bankruptcy trustee, I recommend Gerry Foran at Sands and Company (604) 684-3030- www.sands-trustee.com If you do not live in Greater Vancouver, then any of these individuals may be ale to refer you to someone in your area who can help you. The following is a four year old article out of the National Post. It is full of National resources which you might find helpful. You will notice that it also contains a reference to Carey Linde. Following that is an expanded copy of an article about my own bankruptcy that was published this past spring in the Western Investor. NATIONAL POST Page URL: http://www.nationalpost.com/news.asp?f=000328/244629&s2 =national&s3=reporter Tuesday, March 28, 2000 'This is about punishing Dad' His former wife gets 96% of his take-home pay. Is that justice? Donna Laframboise National Post Last fall, three Ontario Court of Appeal judges rejected "Michael's" plea to reduce his family-support payments. In their view, there was no reason why he shouldn't continue paying $7,153 to his former wife each month -- $4,153 in child support, plus $3,000 in alimony. The problem is that this represents 96% of Michael's monthly take-home pay. While the court included a severance package, bonuses and other earnings when calculating his income, the severance was a one-time thing when he switched jobs, and the other items can't be counted on. From day to day, Michael lives on his annual $158,000 salary. His January, 2000, pay stubs show that, after deductions such as CPP, EI and income tax, he takes home $7,455 a month as the chief financial officer of a prominent corporation. (The National Post has granted him anonymity at the request of his employer.) After making his court-ordered payments, Michael is left with $302 a month on which to live. In Toronto, even a single man on welfare is allotted more -- $520 a month. Put another way, of every dollar Michael earns, he keeps only 2¢, since 44¢ goes to employment deductions, 31¢ goes to child support and 23¢ goes to alimony. Michael is not alone. From one end of the country to the other, divorced men are being financially ruined by excessive child- and spousal-support orders made by judges whose grasp of basic economics is weak. What's worse, these judges profoundly misunderstand how the removal of the tax deductibility of child-support payments in 1997 has affected support payers' lives. Michael is the first to admit that, until recently, he has led a fairy tale existence. Always an overachiever and leader, he has won awards for both sports and academics and is one of the youngest people to make vice-president of a Fortune 500 company. "I did not wake up six years ago and say: 'Today's the day I'm going to start destroying my life,' " he says. "But that's what happened. It's been a roller coaster, but it's all been down -- financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. I'm close to bankrupt in all those elements now, and it's 100% as a result of this divorce." In 1994, Michael, his then wife of 14 years and their three children lived in an $850,000, 9,000-square-foot home with an indoor pool. But the fairy tale began to unravel when his wife served him with divorce papers at the office. To her credit, she made no unsavoury allegations against him. "Her only issue," he says, "is I never spent enough time with her. And that's a fair comment. I'm a little wiser now and I know the importance of that. But frankly, I was driving my career. You get caught up. We never went into the fact that we were going to put the kids in private school, but there's a price to pay." Last summer, Michael consulted a trustee in bankruptcy who declared him insolvent, since he's going into debt by $4,000 a month. The bankruptcy report says that when child support stopped being tax-deductible, Michael went from paying no tax on the portion of his income earmarked for family-support payments to paying $3,398 tax each month on this amount. It is precisely this tax bite that has eaten up Michael's chance at a sustainable life. "I have the greatest bank manager, but he kind of just drew a line in the sand," he says. "I have the greatest friends, but they drew a line in the sand. I have begged, borrowed, I've done everything I can. I've got three mortgages on [a modest $239,000] house that I've never had before. I've got a line of credit that's at the limit. I owe Revenue Canada, I owe Visa. I'm at a loss." Nor can it be argued that Michael's former wife is suffering financially. One thousand tax-free dollars a week is such an obvious windfall that the Ontario Lottery Corp. runs a lottery in which this is, in fact, the prize. Not only does his former wife receive more than $4,000 in tax-free child support each month, she gets an additional $3,000 in spousal support. This adds up to $85,836 a year. Put another way, her income from Michael is roughly equivalent to that of someone paid a fully taxable $125,000 a year in the workforce. Last December, she purchased a $375,000 home. According to her 1996 tax return, that year alone she donated $21,385 to charity. Michael is trying to have the matter reheard in court but says, "Everything gets adjourned and there's always a legal reason why a motion can't go forward. This was supposed to go to a motion back in November and then it was set for December and then it was January. Now it's I don't know when." The stakes are enormous. "I'm a chartered accountant," says Michael. "If I go bankrupt I lose my CA, then I lose my job. And even with one of the best lawyers in the country, I can't get anyone to deal with this." Although last year's court of appeal ruling appears to take into account Michael's present circumstances, his lawyer was prevented from telling the judges about the bankruptcy report and from showing them Michael's pay stubs because there are strict rules about introducing new evidence at the appeal level. Between them, the three judges apparently failed to realize how their ruling would translate in the real world. When Michael's financial ship sinks, his former wife's standard of living -- and that of the children -- will be profoundly affected. How anyone will benefit should the entire family find itself dependent on social assistance is a question no one seems to have asked. In the past six years, Michael has occasionally fallen behind in his support payments. He says the highest his arrears have risen at any one time is $14,000. Nevertheless, his children are apparently being encouraged to think of him as a deadbeat. "I talked to my 16-year-old son when [a recent Toronto Star article on deadbeat dads] came out. You know what he said to me? He said, 'Dad, did you read that article in The Star? Well that's what I think of you.' " Regarding the appeal court decision, Michael says, "When you read [it], I'm scum. It comes across as, 'Here's this guy that's trying to circumvent the system.' The facts are I've paid $535,000 in support in the past six years. The facts are my kids are in private school and I pay for it. The facts are this woman lives in a $375,000 house that I bought. The facts are I work 70-hour weeks, and she has made almost no attempt to become self-sufficient. "There's enough money to have a good life for everybody with what I make. I want to pay support. They're my kids and I want what's best for them. I want them to have a nice home. But the support has to be reasonable and fair." Michael also points out that his reasons for getting up in the morning and striving at his high-performance career are becoming hazy. "I need to have hope and ambition and motivation. And this system discourages that. I have no hope. I'm not here to whine. I'm just here to tell what's happened to my life." The stories are remarkably similar across the income spectrum. In 1997, Denis McKenzie, a Winnipeg postal worker, had a take-home pay of $1,900 a month after quitting a supplementary part-time supermarket job during an ugly divorce that included false sex abuse allegations against him. Having been ordered to pay $2,000 in monthly child and spousal support by one judge, he was forced on to welfare until another reduced his payments to a more manageable $910. Wayne Archer, a firefighter living in Caledon, Ont., says that a 1991 child-support order for $750 a month for his son "represented 91% of my net pay at the time." (Part of his income was being deducted to repay an employer-sponsored loan.) "In desperation, I bought a camper and put it on the back of my pickup truck. I lived in that with my German shepherd for a year and a half during the coldest winter in 80 years. It was minus 21. The dog's water froze on the floor. Twelve-volt power, a cell phone -- that was my life." In the mid-'90s, Dr. Robert Wright, a Clearbrook, B.C., dentist fled the country after serving jail time for failing to pay alimony. Although his payments of $900 a month for child support were up to date, in 1993 Wright ceased paying the monthly $2,500 ordered by the court in spousal support. At a trial late that year, a bankruptcy specialist with a prestigious accounting firm testified that Wright was a bona fide bankrupt. The judge rejected this evidence, finding Wright in contempt. He sent him to jail for 60 days. Katherine McNeil, a child custody consultant who advocated on Wright's behalf, says "Dr. Wright made every effort before going bankrupt to get into court and have the court order reduced by the amount of spousal support only, not the child support. He was repeatedly thwarted by adjournments." Even though his marriage had ended seven years earlier, few people seemed troubled by the fact that Wright was still expected to support his former wife. In 1993, he told the media that she "has been living with a local businessman for over three years in a very comfortable home with a minimal mortgage. They drive recent-model vehicles and have tropical vacations." It didn't matter, remembers McNeil, "what the facts were. The courts and the support enforcement agency seemed intent on destroying this man and what remained of his relationship to his three children." Since 1997, when federal child-support guidelines were put in place and child support stopped being tax-deductible, matters appear to have deteriorated. "My constituency office has received an extremely large number of constituents requesting our assistance in this particular area," wrote an Oshawa, Ont., MPP last year. Since May, 1997, "our office is hearing more and more of tragic financial situations for many support payers." In British Columbia, MLA Linda Reid, the Liberal opposition's critic for children and families, agrees. "There's just some horrific stories out there. Folks are in my office on a regular basis. They're absolutely committed to doing the right thing for their offspring but they just cannot, for myriad reasons, make the system work for them. The national guidelines that came down in terms of what monthly support should look like, I don't take any issue with the content of that, but there's no flexibility." Among the biggest flaws is the fact that these child-support guidelines are based on gross, rather than net, income. Judges use a table to determine how much a payer owes based on his income and the number of children involved. Many judges, however, then slap alimony on top of this -- ignoring the fact that a person who is mandated by the courts to pay alimony has a smaller pool of money from which to draw than his gross income on a table would suggest. Another problem is that, as happened in Michael's case, judges estimate what a payer's income is likely to be, and base support awards on this amount. His ex-wife's lawyer, he says, has "always argued that I have an ability to make a lot more. Well, based on bonuses. But if people are on bonuses or commissions, their income is not guaranteed. So why is support guaranteed? I've recommended for six years now that they base it on my base salary and I'll pay some portion of the bonus when and if I receive it." In the case of Denis McKenzie, when determining the postal worker's income, the judge added an additional $300 a year he would earn if he delivered extra flyers -- thus turning an option of earning more money into an obligation. In other instances, courts have determined support payer's gross incomes by including overtime earnings in the calculations -- thereby locking these men into working long hours year after year. Susan Baragar, a Winnipeg lawyer, points out how far such "deeming" of income is taken by the courts. "If I had a divorced dad who had a job and then quit because he didn't want to pay child support, you can be darn certain that the courts would deem income to him based on what his pay used to be. So if you're a man you're not allowed to go out and quit your job. "But I've had a case where a woman had a $31,000-a-year job, went on maternity leave, came back and didn't like that job anymore. She thought she'd like to start her own business instead, so her income was reduced to zero -- and she didn't have to pay child support." Indeed, instances in which judges have instructed men to pay regardless of their employment situation are common. In 1995, an Ontario police officer who routinely responded to family-law situations, took a leave of absence because, he said, he was having difficulty performing his job after experiencing first-hand the anti-male bias of the family courts. "My sworn duties as a police officer demand that I perform those duties without discrimination," he wrote in an affidavit. "Frequently, I have advised disputing parents to consult with a lawyer to seek a fair and reasonable resolution in the family court. Given the discrimination I have been subjected to by the court [in his own divorce proceedings] I can no longer give that advice. I cannot at this time perform those duties in a fair and unbiased matter." Deaf to his moral dilemma, Judge Kenneth Langdon called the leave of absence "a transparent and contumacious attempt to subvert the court order for support." Not only did the judge make a new order directing the officer to "take all necessary steps and do all necessary things to terminate his leave of absence and resume regular police duties immediately," he expressly forbid him from quitting his job or accepting an early retirement package. Ten months later, a second judge, Gladys Pardu, agreed that the leave of absence was "a reckless and retaliatory action by the husband." Still another problem with the child-support system comes in the form of add-ons. While it's one thing to be assessed a given amount of support according to a government table, many men have discovered that child support can extend beyond that. Stan Gal, a divorced father described in yesterday's National Post, was ordered by a judge to pay $117 in monthly support above the guidelines for his adult daughter's university tuition. While the guidelines indicate that Michael's monthly child support contribution should be $2,953, his ex-wife has been awarded an additional $1,200 a month in "extraordinary expenses for the children's education." Edward Kruk, a social work professor at the University of British Columbia, says non-custodial parents are often ordered to pay twice the guideline amount or more. "With preschool children, a lot of dads who are asking for parenting time with their kids are being denied that and the kids are ending up in a daycare setting that fathers then have to pay for as special expenses," he says. "So suddenly the father's paying $1,000 a month -- $500 for the guideline amount and $500 for daycare costs." This was not supposed to happen. Indeed, the federal-provincial task force that developed the guidelines argued, prior to their implementation, that "This method of determining the costs of children produces higher estimates of those costs than other methods, in part because it assumes to include all expenses, including daycare, and to apply to children of all ages." A 1998 Senate report says there is "widespread confusion" among judges and lawyers over what kinds of expenses qualify as special or extraordinary. "The case law itself is taking completely contradictory views," reads the report. "Some judges apply an objective test, others a subjective test." Finally, even the guidelines themselves are being challenged. Mike LaBerge, president of the Calgary chapter of the Equitable Child Maintenance and Access Society, argues that child support payments often dramatically exceed the actual costs of raising a child. According to 1999 figures published by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture (the only government body in the country to compile such data), it costs $5,500 a year to raise a school-aged child, and up to $8,500 per year for a child attending daycare. Alan Mirabelli, executive director of the Vanier Institute of the Family, confirms these are reasonable estimates of what parents can expect to spend on a generic child. Families with less money, he says, will obviously trim their costs by buying less expensive sneakers. Those with more will send their kids to pricey summer camps not reflected in these estimates. Michael pays $16,600 a year for each of his three teenagers. Wayne Archer, who was reduced to living in a camper, pays $9,000 a year for his teenaged son. LaBerge says that when you consider that these amounts represent "only one parent's share of the costs," our child support system appears to have been designed not merely to ensure that children's needs are met, but to transfer income from divorced fathers to divorced mothers. "This is a legally imposed form of social welfare that you have no way out of," says LaBerge. "This is about punishing Dad, about making him pay. "What you have to tell people is that these policies will hurt their boy. With divorce rates approaching 50%, their son has a one in two chance of being victimized by this system. Everyone says child support is about feeding the children, but it's not." WHY MICHAEL KEEPS JUST 2 CENTS OF EVERY $1 HE EARNS: Michael's gross pay for January 2000: $13,200.00 Minus deductions: *5,745.02 Net pay: 7,454.98 Minus child and spousal support: 7,153.00 What's left for Michael: $301.98 *DEDUCTIONS: Income tax: $4925.38 Canada Pension Plan: 477.92 Employment insurance: 300.00 Long-term disability: 36.72 Social fund: 5.00 TOTAL: $5,745.02 WHAT HAPPENS TO EACH DOLLAR MICHAEL EARNS: To standard employment deductions: 44 cents To child support: 31 cents To spousal support: 23 cents To Michael: 2 cents Sources: Michael's End of January 2000 Pay Stub and a 1999 Ontario Court of Appeal Decision ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- RELATED SITES: (Each link opens a new window) FATHER FRIENDLY ORGANIZATIONS a.. American Coalition for Fathers and Children A well funded, well organized American lobby group. a.. Children's Rights Council "Works to assure children meaningful and continuing contact with both their parents." a.. Dads Can An organization devoted to encouraging involved fatherhood. a.. Dads Canada Strategies for men going through divorce. a.. Equitable Child Maintenance and Access Society Devoted to the well being of children from separated and divorced families. a.. Fathers Are Capable Too This site promotes the philosophy that = the best parent is both parents. a.. Fathers For Justice (no longer on-line) Attempts to assist non-custodial parents with divorce-related problems. a.. Men's Educational Support Association Devoted to educating and supporting fathers a.. The Second Wives Club A U.S.-based online community for step moms and second wives. a.. Shared Parenting A site dedicated to issues affecting non-custodial parents. FATHER FRIENDLY RESOURCES a.. Alternative Dispute Resolution Resources An American site geared to solving problems outside the courtroom, via mediation. a.. Balance: The Inclusive Vision of Gender Equality Alberta-based on-line magazine. a.. The Child Support Guideline Problem A great research paper that critiques the guideline approach to child support. a.. Divorce for Men Run by Carey Linde, a Vancouver family law lawyer. a.. Everyman: A Men's Journal An online magazine devoted to men's issues. a.. Family Law Centre (updated link) Resources put together by Gene Colman, a Toronto family law lawyer. a.. The Liberator (updated) An American men's movement magazine. a.. Project for the Improvement of Child Support Litigation Technology Run by child support expert Roger Gay. a.. Razberry.com The personal web site of National Post journalist Donna Laframboise OTHER RESOURCES a.. Child Support Canada A division of the Department of Justice, with links to Child Support guidelines and legislation. a.. Ontario Family Responsibility Office (changed ministries and websites) The provincial body that administers and enforces support agreements in Ontario. The site lists many of the means by which agencies chase support payers who are in arrears. a.. National Child Support Enforcement Association An American advocacy group for child support professionals. a.. Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (United States) At the bottom of this page is a series of useful studies on child support, including a pair on using private agencies to collect payments. a.. Selected Statistics on Canadian Families and Family Law November 1997 study compiled by the Department of Justice. a.. Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access (updates, contains report) Contains minutes of all meetings. a.. Status of Women Canada Federal government agency mandated to promote gender equality. a.. Joel Miller's Family Law Centre A large Canadian-based site with comprehensive links to family law guidelines and legislation. a.. The Children's Voice Advocates the dismantling of the adversarial system in Canadian family law. a.. Women's Justice Network (offline, now an Ontario-funded group) This page put together by a Canadian coalition of women's organizations discusses reactions to the Special Joint Committee on Custody and Access. Links to the dissenting reports of the Reform, NDP and Bloc Quebecois parties. a.. Spousal Support Under Canada's Divorce Act A brief look at the issue of spousal support and how the law treats it. Copyright © Southam Inc. "National Post Online is a production of Southam Inc., Canada's largest publisher of daily newspapers." ======================================================= ===== Western Investor Article (Feb or March 2004) BANKRUPTCY – or How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World I have just received my discharge from bankruptcy. It isn’t completely over. I have to pay $800 a month for 36 months starting on Feb 7th, but that is a lot better than the $4,853,000 income tax bill that started it with no assets. Well there “were” family assets. But over a period of 21 years I went from a positive “paper” net worth of $4,800,000 to a negative $4,800,000 because of an income tax bill that I fought in court and lost and then got stubborn. If I had to do it again, I would have walked into a bankruptcy trustee’s office 15 years ago and would have been able to get on with my life. Instead I got stubborn and decided I would go to my grave owing the CCRA as much as the tax bill increased to before I died. So the house was in my wife’s name, the cars were in my wife’s name, the motorhome was in my wife’s name and the business was in my wife’s name. I owned nothing and was quite enjoying the position. After all, what else could anybody do? Well, there was one thing someone could do. In the middle of the bankruptcy my wife left (with all the assets) but that is another article. Thankfully, the CCRA finally gave up on collecting it and hired a trustee to put me into bankruptcy. I understand that I might be the first person that the CCRA put into receivership in Canada. No trustee I have talked to had ever handled a receivership where the CCRA had put an individual into bankruptcy. Oh sure, there were thousands where a taxpayer had declared bankruptcy because of a tax bill. But no one knows of an individual out into bankruptcy by the CCRA. Now you have to know that I have sent a couple of hundred people to go bankrupt over the years. Their situation was hopeless and bankruptcy was the only solution. And I had even had an appointment to see a bankruptcy trustee on July 22, 1999 but luckily, broke my arm and leg in a motorcycle accident the week before and never made the appointment. But I should have rescheduled and got on with my life three years earlier because it took the CCRA three more years to put me into bankruptcy and I could have done something with those three years. You see, this article is meant to encourage you to see a trustee and pull the plug if you are fighting a losing battle, particularly if the major creditor is the CCRA. If you have money problems for any reason that could include divorce, separation, unexpected tax penalty, leaky condo, company downsizing, illness, an accident or any combination of the above, you will need help. That help may be as simple as taking an adult education course in family finances at your local high school. Most adult education courses include such a course and even though I taught them for years, it did not keep "me" out of that $5,000,000 bankruptcy after three of the above events occurred. If you need more immediate help and you happen to live in Greater Vancouver, contact a credit counselor such as Margaret Johnson at SOLUTIONS CREDIT, 200-10351 150th Street in Surrey - 1-877-588-9491 or locally (604) 588-9491. www.creditsolutions.ca www.solutionscredit.com mnjohnson at creditsolutions.com As her pamphlet suggests; "Budgeting involves more than just arithmetic. It takes determination. People experiencing financial difficulties need objective, unbiased neutral information." That statement applies to your finances when you have an income and bad spending habits. It does not cover the financial disasters that I seem to see on a daily basis. I am talking about the $186,000 income tax reassessment for something that happened five years ago. I am talking about the leaky condominium crisis where the debt is $100,000 and you would have to earn $190,000 and pay $90,000 income tax to have $100,000 left and that is not counting interest accruing while you are doing it. In this case, you need to consult competent help that does NOT start with a bankruptcy trustee, a night school course, a credit counselor or an accountant. Now, you need a lawyer and not "just" any lawyer. You need a Murray Morrison, who specializes in Bankruptcy law and will work for you and give you and your family the advice it needs to preserve any assets possible and tell you what you can do and cannot do. BUT, why not save a couple of dollars and go directly to the trustee. The simple fact is that the trustee does NOT work for you. When you sign that paper, the trustee that you searched out, the trustee that you found in the yellow pages, the trustee your banker, hairdresser, mechanic, best friend or worst enemy recommended is not working for "you". The trustee is working for the creditors. Their job is to get the most for the creditors following local federal, state or provincial guidelines that have different limits in each province and each state. To access all these limits click on the best site I know of: http://www.bankruptcycanada.com British Columbia for instance is: a.. Equity in a home in Greater Vancouver and Victoria = $ 12,000. In the rest of the province = $ 9,000; b.. Equity in Household items = $ 4,000; c.. Equity in a Vehicle = $ 5,000; The vehicle exemption drops to $2,000 if the debtor is behind on child care payments (to facilitate the enforcement of Maintenance Orders) d.. Equity in work tools = $ 10,000; Equity in essential clothing and medical aids is unlimited Alberta shows its agrarian roots with much larger exemptions as follows: a.. Food required by the debtor and his/her dependants during the next 12 months; b.. Necessary clothing of the debtor and his/her dependants up to a value of $4,000; c.. Household furniture and appliances up to a value of $4,000; d.. One motor vehicle not exceeding a value of $5000.00; e.. Medical and dental aids required by the debtor and his/her dependants; f.. Where the debtor is a bona fide farmer and whose principal source of livelihood is farming 160 acres if the debtor's principal residence is located on that 160 acres and that the 160 acres is part of the debtor's farm; g.. The equity in the debtor's principal residence, including a mobile home, up to a value of $40,000.00; h.. If the debtor is a co-owner of the residence, the amount of the exemption is reduced to an amount that is proportionate to the debtor's ownership interest; i.. Personal property (i.e. tools, equipment, books) required by the debtor to earn income from the debtor's occupation up to a value of $10,000; j.. Where the debtor's primary income is from farming operations, personal property required by the debtor for the proper and efficient conduct of the debtor's farming operations for the next 12 months. Saskatchewan Exemptions and agrarian routes are even more generous: For Non-Farmers: a.. Household furniture and personal effects to a value of $4,500 per person; a.. Tools of the trade to a value of $4,500; a.. A motor vehicle, if required for employment; a.. $32,000 equity in your home ($64,000 if jointly owned); a.. Certain life insurance policies; a.. RRSPs, RRIFs and DPSPs are exempt from seizure (effective March 4, 2003); a.. Certain pensions. For Farmers: a.. Furniture, furnishings and appliances to a value of $10,000; a.. The cash equivalent of produce sufficient to provide food and fuel for heating until the next harvest; a.. All livestock, farm machinery and equipment, including one car or truck, necessary for the next twelve months operations; a.. One motor vehicle, if required for business or profession, but not in addition to the one above; a.. Tools and equipment to a value of $4,500 used by a farmer in his trade or profession; a.. Equity in personal residence to a value of $32,000 ($64,000 if jointly owned); a.. Seed grain equal to two bushels per acre of land under cultivation; a.. RRSPs, RRIFs and DPSPs are exempt from seizure (effective March 4, 2003); a.. Cash equivalent of crop equal to: a.. unpaid harvesting costs; b.. living expenses to next harvest; necessary costs of farming until next harvest. a.. The homestead; a.. Certain life insurance policies; a.. Certain pensions MANITOBA Exemptions are a little light: Furniture, household furnishings and appliances not exceeding total value of $4,500; a.. Necessary and ordinary clothing of the debtor and family; a.. Food and fuel necessary to family for period of six months or cash equivalent; a.. If debtor is a farmer: a.. animals necessary for farming operation for 12 months; a.. farm machinery, dairy utensils and farm equipment necessary for ensuing 12 months; a.. one motor vehicle if required for purposes of agricultural operations. a.. Home quarter. a.. Tools, implements, professional books and other necessaries not exceeding a total value of $7,500 used in practice of trade, occupation or profession; a.. One motor vehicle, if necessary for work or transportation to and from work, not exceeding $3,000 in value; a.. Articles and furniture necessary to performance of religious services; a.. Seed sufficient to seed all land of debtor under cultivation; a.. Health aids, including wheelchair, air conditioner, elevator, hearing aid, eye glasses, prosthetic or orthopaedic equipment, necessary to debtor or family; a.. Chattel property of municipalities and schools; a.. Actual residence of the bankrupt, equity of $1,500 each if in joint tenancy, or $2,500 if not in joint tenancy. If you are in BC, Bankruptcy lawyer Murray Morrison is in the same office as Solutions Credit that is just behind the Guilford Shopping Centre at: Murray Morrison 200-10351 150th Street Surrey, BC, CANADA, V3R 4B1 (604) 930-9013 Fax (604) 588-2005 email to morrocolaw at telus.net www.morrocolaw.ca Talk to someone like Murray first. Get your law straight. Learn what you get to keep and what the limits are. In BC for instance you can have $5,000 equity in a car. However, The Bank of Nova Scotia (for one) will insist on seizing your car even if you have never missed a payment if the car loan is with them. Arranging for someone else to take over the loan before you go bankrupt could make the transition easier. I advised one lady client to go bankrupt at this time last year for a $140,000 tax bill (which was unjust, unfair and illegal in my opinion) that we had fought for two years. (Canada decided to tax her retroactively on her income for five years even though she was an American living in the states. They decided she spent too much time in Canada and she had since moved to Canada officially - Bankruptcy was the only way to get rid of it and start over.) I was blindsided by the Bank of Nova Scotia's new policy of not allowing anyone to keep a car. Luckily, a friend paid out the bank and loaned her the money and she kept her car. It would have been far easier if we had known that in advance. Her Bankruptcy Trustee was blind sided as well. It was also the first one he had seen. Other assets you can keep (for a total of $32,000 if they all exist) are: a.. Equity in a home in Greater Vancouver and Victoria = $ 12,000. b.. In the rest of the province = $ 9,000; c.. Equity in Household items = $ 4,000; d.. Equity in a Vehicle = $ 5,000; The vehicle exemption drops to $2,000 if the debtor is behind on child care payments (to facilitate the enforcement of Maintenance Orders) e.. Equity in work tools = $ 10,000; Equity in essential clothing and medical aids is unlimited After you have made a decision, you need a trustee. Remember, they are all working for your creditors, NOT you. He was not "my" trustee but Gerry Foran at Sands and Associates is a decent guy you can deal with. I recommend him once a week at least. Gerry Foran E Sands & Associates Inc 1100 Melville Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 4A6 (604) 684-3030 Sands and Associates also have satellite offices in Surrey, Burnaby and Langley. Trustees might not like me saying this but you do not even need money to go bankrupt. The trustee can be paid from your assets, tax refund or might not even get paid until after the bankruptcy. While I was actually writing this, another client who I had sent to go bankrupt came in to return some material I had loaned him. I said thank you and suggested that he must have his discharge by now. He did not have it. He only had a conditional discharge because he still owes the trustee $1,500 which he expects to have very soon. Another client is in the same position. However, they do not have a dozen creditors phoning looking for money. Hope this helps. Remember - see the lawyer first - before you see the trustee. And only talk to a lawyer who deals regularly with bankruptcy and appears in court for bankrupts protecting their rights. That means one in 100 lawyers. There is little chance that a lawyer you are already dealing with would be the one you would use because a bankruptcy lawyer is likely too busy to do anything else. david ingram taxman at centa.com www.centa.com ============================= Last but not least, if you want to make a phone call for a free question and answer to myself, call anonymously to the Sunday radio program as below: Answers to this and other similar questions can be obtained free on Air every Sunday morning. Every Sunday at 9:00 AM on 600AM in Vancouver, Fred Snyder of Dundee Wealth Management and I, David Ingram will be hosting an INFOMERCIAL but LIVE talk show called "ITS YOUR MONEY" Those outside of the Lower Mainland will be able to listen on the internet at www.600AM.com Local calls are taken at (604) 280-0600 and Long Distance calls are taken at 1( 866) 778-0600 I do not know how far the LD line reaches. ========================================= David Ingram's US/Canada Services US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists US / Canada Real Estate Specialists 4466 Prospect Road North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7 Res (604) 980-3578 Cell (604) 657-8451 (604) 980-0321 Fax (604) 980-0325 Email to taxman at centa.com www.centa.com www.david-ingram.com Disclaimer: This question has been answered without detailed information or consultation and is to be regarded only as general comment. Nothing in this message is or should be construed as advice in any particular circumstances. No contract exists between the reader and the author and any and all non-contractual duties are expressly denied. All readers should obtain formal advice from a competent and appropriately qualified legal practitioner or tax specialist in connection with personal or business affairs such as at www.centa.com. If you forward this message, this disclaimer must be included." Be ALERT, the world needs more "lerts" ============================== --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.775 / Virus Database: 522 - Release Date: 10/8/04 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://www.centa.com/CEN-TAPEDE/centapede/attachments/20041010/bdba744e/attachment-0001.htm