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Kids own house lived in by parents - is it taxable in

My question is: Canadian-specific
QUESTION: We purchased a home several years ago for our parents to live in,
my wife and I hold the title and pay the mortgage. Due to their advancing
years we need to sell the property and get them a condo - apartment. Is
there anything we can do to lessen the tax impact of the sale:
- change title from myself / spouse to just one of us ?
- does selling the home to "roll over" into an apartment trigger a capital
gain or is there exceptions ?
thanks, Rick
david ingram replies:
Too bad that the property was not in your parent's name.  If so, it would be
capital gains tax free.  If it could be shown that it "was" your parents'
house an d only in your name for estate purposes, it may still be tax free.
The answer  would be determined by who made the down payments, etc.
There is no rollover provision in Canada unless the property is expropriated
by a government authority for he common good (highway, parking lot, park,
etc.) or a property used in the carrying on of an "active' business.  For
the latter an example would be a car repair shop where the owner sells the
old building and buys a new bigger one.
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