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Divorce trial is over

I am happy to say that the fine print has been signed with regard to
the divorce action between my now ex-wife, Jose Rodgers and myself
David Ingram.  Jose owned the CEN-TA Business in Vancouver but as part
of our settlement, the files and "business" has been turned over to
The end result is that I will be taking responsibility for the files
and clients while Jose returns to the Honduras.
It is not what I wanted to do.  I was happy continuing with my focus
on US / Canada matters and was "sort of" trying to get out of being in
the "Canadian" income tax business.
In fact, I tried three times to get George Hatton and Sonja Clark to
buy out the business but no deal could be made and my understanding is
that they both intend to retire soon anyway so that would not have
been a guaranteed continuation of service.
I intend to stay in this business until I turn 145 so will be here for
a while.
And, I do not ever intend to work out of an office again.  My home
will be my castle and my office because I love working from home.
However, my home is just not large enough to run a full scaled tax
office out of either.
As a consequence, I will be announcing a new office location for North
Shore people with Canadian only returns in the near future and will be
having another Canadian returns location at the office at 1764 West
Broadway as well. I will continue to work from home.
Stay tuned for those in the Greater Vancouver area.
All US Canadian or out of town returns should continue to send
anything to my home address at:
David Ingram's US/Canada Services
US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
4466 Prospect Road
North Vancouver,  BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
Res (604) 980-0321 Cell (604) 657-8451
Bus (604) 980-0499 Fax (604) 980-0325
Email to taxman at
Be ALERT,  the world needs more "lerts"
I have lived and worked at this location since Dec 1969 and have great
plans to remodel the house to make a nice suite of offices and give
the kids more private quarters since I am invading the home with
Mind you, if you are lucky, Mitchell will give you a taste of his Beef
Jerky and Jane will make you a Frappacinos which will give Starbucks a
run for its money.
David Ingram
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