DAVID I thought that a TN visa could only be issued to an individual and that having the US employer pay a Canadian services company was not permitted under the terms of a TN visa - yet your response below indicates one can work for a US corp. and have fees paid to a Canadian corp. I am confused Thanks B XXXXXl You just wrote: QUESTION: Hi I have a TN visa and I am working on a 6-month contract in US. The US company who has hired me is paying my incorporated Canadian company. I am not receiving any money directly from the US company in my personal name. My question is: Do I need to file 1. Personal US Tax Return 2. My company's Corporate US Tax Return Thanks =============================== david ingram replies: You are working in the USA and being paid by your company for work performed in the USA. You need to file a US 1040 or 1040NR. You need a US Social Security Number which you can get by going to a local Social Security Office and filling in form SS-5. Instructions and an application for a US SSN (Form SS-5) can be found at: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fss5.pdf You should also file a US 1120F corporate return because your company is doing work in the USA and has an employee in the USA. If your company has Canadian income as well, the 1120F will show the US income and claim proportional expenses unless there is a clear demarcation between US and Canadian Expenses. ========================================= William L. Sklar 513 Roselawn Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada M5N 1K2 416-410-1215 fax 416-482-6134 ============================================================ david ingram replies: Until a week ago, I was absolutely convinced that an individual could not work for a Canadian Company he owned under a TN. I actually have it on tape from three INS (at the time) agents and a superior representative from Washington DC. However, it appears that I ixtrapolated the answer to my question past the limits of the question. It is possible for you to work for a Canadian Company and get a TN through the Canadian Company to work in the US. Happens all the time when a Canadian Company wants to send a Canadian down to the US for a short period of time. My question was could "I" own my own Canadian Comapny and get a TN that way. I was given a resounding "NO" by all four INS representatives. I incorrectly interpreted that to mean that the US employer could not pay a One Man company in Canada. As a consequence, I have told at least a dozen people that if they get a TN from a US employer, the US employer has to pay them and can not pay their Canadian Corporation. I was thinking about it the other day and it dawned on me that I might be wrong because paying the Canadian corporation was similar to an US resident alien or person being paid as a one person California LLC (okay) or even a Subchapter "S". So I called Ruben Briones who used to be the TC/TN officer at Vancouver Airport. Ruben told me that the US employer could pay the Canadian Corporation if he was the only shareholder because it was "him". Interestingly, NO ONE had challenged my printed comments in the past when I told people they could not be paid as a corporation. AND, you obviously remember them. So Ingram learns something new. Rubens telephone number is 1-360-332-1398 and his email is : rbriones at axionet.com, Up until a short while ago, Ruben has only looked after people referred to him by immigration practitioners and was very specific about being in the newsletter. I am hono(u)red that he will now allow is name and contact information to be mentioned here. -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.7 - Release Date: 2/10/05 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://www.centa.com/CEN-TAPEDE/centapede/attachments/20050213/79744834/attachment.htm