I received some 75 replies to my enquiry about getting a California Driver's licence when moving from BC. Some were extremely technical. Some were funny. When I had my California Driver's licence back in 1972 or so, they just gave me the licence when I handed in my Manitoba Licence. It has obviously changed since then. I have included several replies but my favourite is the next one. It includes a lot of food for thought. And, of course, there is a lot of difference between moving to and working in Mendocino or Crescent City and moving to LA or San Francisco with a 30 mile commute. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 1. Sorry, friend, you'll have to take the whole durn test! I almost failed because my examiner kept telling me to do something I'd never done in my 30+ years of driving and I couldn't figure out what on earth she meant! She wanted me to reverse up the street with my right arm along the top of the passenger seat to help me turn my head around to look where I was going. I've never used my arm to do that when reversing and I was completely baffled until she demonstrated! Even more interesting is the rigmarole they put your poor Canadian car through to make it into a "California" car! I'm afraid I don't remember all the steps but because my job involves driving and I had to have CA licence plates ("license" here) I had to get my very B.C. "Air-Care'd" car transformed (with a sticker after much song and dance and paperwork going back and forth). You get an order to have it "smog tested" but this first time it has to be done by a special smog testing place/person. Mine turned out to be the automotive dept. at the local community college where several students and a faculty member/mechanic manually hauled around arcane pieces of equipment that are all automated in BC's AirCare testing stations. It took well over the hour I had for lunch (actually, I only get a half hour!) and involved a great deal of standing around and consulting with each other. After it was all, finally, over (and I was *starving*!!) it turned out that the test was essentially the identical test my car had passed six months earlier in B.C. (but which of course didn't count). And forget about the handy phone line to find out the wait times at the various testing centers--most "smog only" testing places are grungy corner gas stations, or tucked away where no-one can find them. Anyway, when my car passed it got a special sticker that they have to find every 2 years when they smog test my car again and I can never remember where they put it because it's not in the "usual" place these stickers go. This year my 13-year-old Mazda 323 failed its smog test. The good news is the California govt. pays up to $500 for repairs--I think I pay the first $100, then they pick up the balance. Let's just pray it's fixable!!! By the way, be prepared for the outrageous cost of housing in CA. In rentals, your average $650-$800 Vancouver apartment will run you $1,100-$1,500 a month before utilities, and there's practically nothing left in houses under a half-million. People shoot each other most days of the week in So Cal and every freeway has several major accidents every day. Rush hour is when the cars don't move and the freeways are gridlocked. It lasts from about 5-9:30 a.m. and from 3-9:00 p.m. I used to leave at 7:00 a.m. to get to a training at Cedars-Sinai for 30 weeks that started at 9:00. It's about 30 miles away. Oh, and if you like to breathe, stay away from Southern California or you'll have allergies about 3 years from now (and your kids will have asthma!!) For four years I've been wondering why people flock here from all over--surely it can't be for the dubious pleasure of spotting movie stars without make-up buying groceries and being mean to their puppies? To enjoy our three seasons, perhaps?: 1. Floods and mudslides 2. Earthquakes 3. Forest fires N.B. (the second season runs January to December) Anywhere north of Oxnard that's near the coast has air (and the euphemistically termed "marine layer" commonly known as FOG from June through September!). Elsewhere, you don't want to know what you're inhaling! Oh, and by the way, watch out for "at will" employment. The law here is you can fire someone pretty much however and whenever you want. David can tell you more about that! Why did I move here? To go to graduate school. Everyone has to do something absolutely irrational and foolhardy once or twice in a lifetime! Best of luck! c ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2. He will have to take both the written (in a choice of a zillion languages) plus a driving test. http://www.dmv.ca.gov/dl/dl_info.htm#2500 b ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 3. Well, you go to the DMV, you get their "driver's handbook" and study it (and remind yourself of how silly some of the driving rules are). You then go do a written test, and if you pass that, you do a driving test. Remember the silly rules. It's easy to fall into "real world" driving habits that just the tester will just not like. If you pass the driving test, congratulations, you get a driving license. Yup. California does not recognize a BC drivers license as valid and treats you as if you had no previous driver's license. b. ============================================================= 4. to obtain a licence, you have to take both written and driving test. But you still can use your BC driving licence here. good luck. same status as you. l ====================================================== 5. As a Canadian who moved to California for a year I can say that you will have to take the entire test, written and driving. I drove to my own drivers test in my own car. Always make an appointment when you go to the DMV, it will save you a lot of time. Also, if your car is imported from Canada (even if it was built in the US) it will need to be inspected. Fortunately, when I had my car inspected it was cheaper than a smog test (and included the smog test) so this is not much of an inconvenience. The worst part was that I had to have it inspected in Canada when I moved back. Just for the irony I would have had it inspected at the dealership from where I bought it, but they charge too much :-). As for insurance. Some companies will consider ALL your driving experience while others will consider you a new US driver. I went with State Farm as all they needed was my Canadian driving record to give me a really good rate. k =============================================== 6 You have to take both written and driving test for a California driver's license no matter what your driving history is in Canada. Check this website: http://www.dmv.org/ca-california/department-motor-vehicles.php. J =================================== 7. Good day, If you do not currently hold an American drivers license in any state California requires you to do both, a written and practical test. I have been working in Ca for 5 years now and had to after 15+ years driving experience in Canada, take the practical test.... Felt like I was back in high school. However once you hold a drivers license from any state you no longer will be required to do the practical.. just the written when changing license's from state to state. Good luck. S ========================================= I think our job hunter can take all of this and know what to do, maybe find a job in Mendocino for instance. Only one person was not happy with the question and he wrote the following: ============================================ 8. Why doesn't "BC resident getting a California Driver's licence"(spelled license here in the US) contact the DOL in California for the answer to his question? The answer from the "oracle" would be a lot more guaranteed than relying on one or your "readers". In any case it's "no big deal" even if he does have to take another driver's test. Yours truly, H ============================================= However, all comments are welcome. H was correct. One can always contact the DOL or DMV but then we wouldn't have something to talk about. This also reminds me of the book, "The Peter Principle" In that book, the author talks about a Corporate board meeting where the members will vote a $5,000,000 expansion in 5 minutes because there is a report that says it is the thing to do and then they will spend hours debating a $900 bicycle stand because "everyone" has an opinion about what a bicycle stand should be like. This list has been going for over 10 years now and I have never had so many replies to an email. Must be because we all have a driver's licence (license) and most of us have a good story to tell about a driver's test. I sure do. David Ingram's US/Canada Services US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists US / Canada Real Estate Specialists 4466 Prospect Road North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7 Res (604) 980-3578 Cell (604) 657-8451 (604) 980-0321 New email to davidingram at shaw.ca www.centa.com www.david-ingram.com Disclaimer: This question has been answered without detailed information or consultation and is to be regarded only as general comment. Nothing in this message is or should be construed as advice in any particular circumstances. No contract exists between the reader and the author and any and all non-contractual duties are expressly denied. All readers should obtain formal advice from a competent and appropriately qualified legal practitioner or tax specialist in connection with personal or business affairs such as at www.centa.com. If you forward this message, this disclaimer must be included." Be ALERT, the world needs more "lerts" Sorry - too many questions to answer (over 500 at the moment). I am adding your name to our Q & A list and another question may answer yours. AND, I have answered over 4,000 questions at www.centa.com and you should be able to find your answer by going there or more specifically, to http://www.centa.com/search.htm However, if you can not find your answer, answers to this and other similar questions can be obtained free on Air every Sunday morning. Every Sunday at 9:00 AM on 600AM in Vancouver, I, david ingram am a permanent guest on Fred Snyder of Dundee Wealth Managers' LIVE talk show called "ITS YOUR MONEY" Those outside of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia will be able to listen on the internet at www.600AM.com (9:00 AM Los Angeles Time every Sunday morning) Call (604) 280-0600 to have your question answered. BC listeners can also call 1-866-778-0600 free of charge. Callers to the show and questioners on this board may also attend the Vancouver Thursday Night seminars on finance and making your Canadian Mortgage Interest deductible. There are 17 different topics covered and every Thursday night is different. They are presented by Fred Snyder and myself at his office at 1764 West Seventh (the Spence Diamond building at 7th and Burrard) in Vancouver. Call (604) 731-8900 to register and be sure to bring your spouse, significant other or financial advisor. And, of course, we are always here to prepare your US / Canadian and State returns by emailed pdf files, snail mail, fax or courier. ------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://www.centa.com/CEN-TAPEDE/centapede/attachments/20050604/6891ac08/attachment.htm