Hi Mr. Ingram: I have been receiving your daily emails once having visited Fred Snyder in Vancouver and was going to stop them because there is so much and I am dealing with to much work stuff. But now I have a great three part question. It arose when I approached a person with a private placement investment for $100,000.00. 1. Please simply explain the Canadian governments Foreign Investment Entity Rules? 2. What impact are they going to have on investing? 3. Do you think they will ever become policy? yours with appreciation. XX XXXXXX currently in Calgary ================================================== david ingram replies; happy to answer - Fred Snyder has provided me with an important forum by having me as a regular guest on his radio show for the past year. 1. Simply put Canada requires you to report the existence of $100,000 or more invested outside of Canada. The $100,000 can be any combination of real estate and stock or stocks and bonds or oil and gas LLP's or a charter boat in the Caribbean or a rented jet engine on an American Airlines jet, its existence AND any income earned must be reported on form T1135 which is a VERY simple form to fill out. You can find the form at: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/t1135/t1135-99e.pdf Please note that it is very easy to fill out and there are large penalties for failure to file it. Note as well that it does NOT apply to a vacation home. You can have a $2,000,000 waterfront condo at Key Biscayne and another $3,000,000 place in Waikiki and as long as they are for personal use only, there is no requirement to report their existence. I have seen no evidence of the form or the reporting rules having any effect whatsoever on long time Canadians' in vesting out of the country, I am positive, however, that it had a major affect on driving hundreds, if not thousands of new immigrants out of the country when the rules came in in 1996. 2. I personally had 38 former Hong Kong residents give up their Canadian homes and return to Hong Kong when the new rules came into effect. 3. It is already policy and is going into its 10th year. HORRORS - After answering the above, it dawned on my that you were talking about the rather convoluted rules which were proposed in OCT, 2003 AND SO FAR AS I KNOW PASSED, effective on Jan 1, 2003. These rules were aimed at taxing passive income buried within a two or three layered investment. In my opinion, the old rule described above already covered these situations but many individuals "smarter than I" had come up with convoluted schemes to seemingly avoid Canadian Tax on some offshore investments. In the interest of time, I am going to refer you to two learned writings on the subject: The first 12 page treatise is by Morrie Hotter of Borden Ladner Gervais and can be found at: http://www.blgcanada.com/publications/disclaimeraccept.asp?Public ationKey=473&LanguageKey=1 The second is a 4 page KPMG document which includes a questionnaire which will help you decide whether the rules apply to "your" propped investment and can b e found at: http://www.kpmg.ca/en/services/tax/documents/ctl0401.pdf#search=' foreign%20investment%20entity%20rules' My personal rule is that off shore trusts and offshore investments proposed with tax breaks are the most dangerous investment any one can make. Without exposing any particular individual, I have run into Canadian Senators, Canadian MP's, Provincial MLA's and a host of businessmen and women who have collectively told me of losing over $10,000,000 dealing with people like Hoffman, Scott Brown and Nick Massee who have all disappeared with millions of other people's money although Hoffman was caught in Tasmania last year and the London, Ontario's Albert Walker was caught and convicted of murder in England and has now been returned to Canada. Remember, that when someone sets it up as a "secret" account to keep it from the taxman, it is not uncommon for that person to run away with your "secret" money. That happened to a Winnipeg Sporting Goods store owner who went to Switzerland with his Winnipeg Chartered Accountant to open up a secret account and when he went back, the accountant had disappeared and the money was gone for ever bankrupting the sporting goods store owner in the long run.. And for those of you who have forgotten, Vancouver's own Jerome Schneider has recently been released from an American jail after pleading guilty in the USA to setting up similar schemes for over 1,000 Americans to avoid US tax. I first exposed the Schneider deals back in 1996. You can find out more on this by going to: http://www.quatloos.com/Jerome_Schneider_exhibit.htm Remember that Schneider set up over 1,000 people over 12 years before being convicted. As part of his plea bargain, he turned in over 1,000 clients and the lawyers and accountants who had assisted him. Under his scheme, every client was liable for fines of up to $500,000 PLUS 5 years in jail for failing to report the "existence" of the offshore accounts and Schneider told them NOT to report them. My suggestion is that you deal with conventional issues and look for a good return and pay whatever tax is due. The second by . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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