This will be too late for most of you but if you have someonein your family suffereing from:
1. ADD - Attention DeficitDisorder
2. ADHD - Common ADD
3. ADHD - Attention Deficit HyperDisorder
4. Asperger's Syndrome
5. Autism
6. Closed Head Brain Injury
You owe it to them and yourself to try an listen this SundayMorning at 11:00 AM Pacific DAYLIGHT Time on CFUN Radio in Vancouver. Youcan listen to it live at - clickon the listen live button at the top right.
Dr Swingle is a pioneer in BIONEUROFEEDBACK and practices inVancouver, BC.
Originally from Boston, he was a Harvard Lecturer on thesubject and head of Clinical Psychology at McLean Hospital in Boston. Justto complicate the matter, for four years he was the head of Child Psychology inOttawa and was with the department in Ottawa for thirteen years beforethat.
He did both of these sets of duties at the same time, spendinghalf of his working time in Boston and half of his working time in Ottawa. You might call him a workaholic but he is amazing.
In the last eight years, he has cured ADD and Closed headbrain injuries in my own extended family. I personally know people whohave credited him with curing or greatly improving their child's autism to thepoint of "it's a cure".
You can check out his own site at
What you really have to do is make every effort to listen andcall in if it applies to you. (604) 280-1410 --- If it does not apply toyou, but you know someone it does apply to, you know who you shouldcall.
I am doing the program with him tomorrow as a testimonial onmy part.
And, of course, if you have a tax or finance or RRSP ormortgage problem, I will a guest on Fred Snyder's program,
IT'S YOUR MONEYon CHBD, 600AKM from 9 AM to 10:30 although I intend to leave fifteen minutesearly. (they are only 5 minutes apart)
Fred Snyder also is the host of
ITS YOUR MONEY every Sunday morning onCHBD (600 on AM dial) from 9:00 to 10:30. This is a phone in financial show which I appear on as a guest on the last Sunday ofevery month and every Sunday in March and April. (Origianlly I was theco-host but the program is really devoted to BC finances because of BCSecurities Legislation and my practice is world wide.) You can listen to 4weeks back at and listen to the program livearound the world every Sunday morning at the same spot. We have takencalls from around the world. In one case, a lady phoned from Florida, gother answer and then asked if I was the David ingram she knew in Regina back in1959. Small world as they say.
Call (604) 280-0600 with your question on Sunday Morning. -----------------------------
Every Thursday at 12 noon and 7 PM, FredSnyder of Dundeee Wealth Management
presents freeFinancial Seminars for his clients, potential clients and anyone who phones andasks to attend. THERE is NO CHARGE! (I used to chargeup tp $999.00 for essentially the same thing)
NO ONE'S ARM ISTWISTED TO BUY SOMETHING.They are presented at the Dundee Boardroom(holds about 30 people max)
1764 West 7th
Vancouver, BC
phone (604) 731-8900 - ask for Freda to register for free.
These are genuine educational seminars dealing with everythingfrom how to buy a house to making your mortgage tax deductible to buying an RRSPto alternatives to RRSP accounts to estate planning. SWhat started as 13separate seminars has now evolved into 23 separate topics.
IT IS NOTUNUSUAL FOR PEOPLE TO COME TO ALL OF THEM. ONE LADY CAME TO 53 separateseminars and her husband came to about 20 with her.
If you have afiancial consultant, bring them. People have brought their bankers andlife insurance agents with them.
Take your spouse, your best friend,your son, your daughter, your mother or your worst enemy But do phone604-731-8900
Fred Snyder also is the host of
ITS YOUR MONEY every Sunday morning onCHBD (600 on AM dial) from 9:00 to 10:30. This is a phone in financial show which I appear as a guest on on the last Sunday of everymonth. (Origianlly I was the co-host but the program is really devoted toBC finances because of BC Securities Legislation and my practice is worldwide.) You can listen to 4 weeks back at and listen to the program livearound the world every Sunday morning at the same spot. We have takencalls from around the world. In one case, a lady phoned from Florida, gother answer and then asked if I was the David ingram she knew in Regina back in1959. Small world as they say.
Call (604) 280-0600 with your question on Sunday Morning.
I'm living in Vancouver, finally paid off the student debt but don't see myself getting into
the expensive Vancouver market. I do however like to ski and was thinking of buying an
inexpensive trailer (25k Cdn) in Maple Falls Washington.
However I'm not sure what other expensives I should expect given that it's in the US.
I'm not trying to make this an investment with a high return, but I would like to do some
handy work to it to increase the value. If I add about 10k worth of value, how would that
affect my taxes in the long term?Thanks for the advice.
----------------------------------------------david ingram replies:One of my favourite weekends ever was in 1973 at the Chandelier (think it has a different name now) when marooned at SnowLine because of the gas shortage when one could only buy gas on odd days if your licence plate ende dwith an odd number and even days when it was an even number.Strangely, it was that weekend 34 years ago that lets me answer you question now.The cabin I was staying in was not a rental but was built by the fellow who owned it. When he was building it, buddies would come down and help him and one weekend, the INS raided the spot and deported a bunch of his friends for working in the US .He was fine building it because he owned it but no one else can hammer a nail, paint a board, install a sink, or carry a shingle if they are not either an owner or a legal US citizen or US resident with a green card.If your buddy is working and living inthe US with a TN, H1, O1, P1, L1 or any other visa but a green card, they cam NOT help you either.And, if you are intending to rent the trailer out 'EVER', 'you' can NOT hammer a nail, sweep the front steps or clean the toilet.Assuming you are buying this trailer on its own lot, when you go to sell, you will owe the US income tax on the profit.If it is your only pioece of real estate at that time, you will not owe Canada any tax because you can claim it as your personal residence if you have not bought another place.