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General News (General)
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US Tax/Immigration (us_tax)
US/Canada Expert Income Tax Help - Matters (UsCanadaTax)
Australia Working Visa Tax return
South Korean Income Taxation in Canada
Fellowship taxation Canadian Grad Student in California
How to deduct interest?
ACB of Leaky Condo
Giving son $200, 000 for condo
tax on property UK = England - Great Britain
Having a baby in the US (US citizen father - Singapore citizen mother)
Moving back into Rental house section 45(2) 45(3) deemed disposition
Taking money out of several RRSP accounts for a Home Buyer's Plan
Giving son $200, 000 for condo -
trip to Winnipeg or Jamaica to look at property -
Fellowship taxation Canadian Grad Student in California -
Part II - Gary Gauvin - Andrew Nelson - IRA taxation in Canada -
trip to Winnipeg or Jamaica to look at property -
109 US Tax Preparers convicted of tax crimes and sentenced to prison
Birch Bay Village - Sell or hold - Ed Keate "Land, Land, Loverly Land"
Thinking of moving to Dubai to work for government from Canada Judge Teskey - Dennis Lee - David MacLean -
Additions to Adjusted Cost Base of US Real Estate. international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust a
Can i keep both US GC & CDN LPR?
How to report Pension-plan [earnings] with IRS...? 8891
trip to Winnipeg or Jamaica to look at property
Thinking of moving to Dubai to work for government from Canada Judge Teskey - Dennis Lee - David MacLean
share same bed without sex - married or not?
Canadian working for an online-based US Company - telecomuting
Cashing a Canadian RRSP to pay for Daughter's tuition in US
Additions to Adjusted Cost Base of US Real Estate. international non-resident cross border
paying tax on the vacation property or house
US citizen paying Canadian tax - refund?
working opportunity fund
US Resident/Citizen Inheriting from Canada
US husband sending money to Canadian Wife - is it taxable - sponsoring US spouse to Canada -
Thinking of moving to Dubai to work for government from Canada Judge Teskey - Dennis Lee - David MacLean -
Canadian working for an online-based US Company - telecomuting -
subdividing lots, lifetime capital gains exemption
Canadian working in the US - Provincial tax returns?
US husband sending money to Canadian Wife - is it taxable
When do I become liable to file a Canadian Tax return?
TN visa for CMA - CPA - - who qualifies?
Canadian gives spouse house for $2.00
Frivolous tax filing claims - $5, 000 fine -
US/Canadian tax preparation - American in Paradise -
Australia Working Visa Tax return -
Client in England (UK) wishing to purchase 2nd home in Georgia -
Canadian on J-1 VISA -
Immigration question -
days or hours in Canada? - Confused - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance exp
Moving to Canada but working for US Company -
Question about working for US employer from Canada - , international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family tru
Lives in US, commutes to Canada. International non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance expert p
American wants a financial person who crosses borders - Dan Walkow, Seabank Capital and Darryl Thompson, Blackmont Securities -
Moving back into Rental house section 45(2) 45(3) deemed disposition -
US residents, Canadian University students - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assista
Can i keep both US GC & CDN LPR? - Commuting Green Card - Greg Boos - international non-resident cross border income tax hel
Part II - non-resident taxes for Canadian in South Korea -
Sale of property in Nova Scotia, Canada by a resident -
flipping homes - deductions and taxes - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance e
Filing a nonresident return after deemed disposition - T1161 T1243 T1244 - international non-resident cross border income tax he
Canadian resident selling six rentals in great Britain - UK -
Canadian on J-1 VISA
US/Canadian tax preparation - American in Paradise
Filing a nonresident return after deemed disposition - T1161 T1243 T1244
Immigration question
South Korean Income Taxation in Canada -
Income tax in Canada on non-business Income earned in Brazil -
Canadian rental property while working in USA T776 NR-4 NR-6 Section 216(4) - Schedule E, 4562 1116 -
Filing in both US and Canada Steve Peters Gary Gauvin David Holroyd Kevin Nightingale Brad Howland Len Vandenberg Gillian Bryan
When do I become liable to file a Canadian Tax return? -
Here is a price list - sort of - Quote during the busy season-
NR4 - US citizen paying Canadian tax - refund? -
US Resident/Citizen Inheriting from Canada -
Canadian working in the US - Provincial tax returns? -
Questions and Quote - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance expert preparation
Cashing a Canadian RRSP to pay for Daughter's tuition in US - nternational non-resident cross border income tax help estate fami
Income tax in Canada on non-business Income earned in Brazil
Where do I pay tax?
accounting for a Canadian pension plan to the IRS form 8891 - TDF-90-22.1
Canadian rental property while working in USA T776 NR-4 NR-6 Section 216(4) - Schedule E, 4562 1116
Questions and Quote
IRA taxation in Canada -
accounting for a Canadian pension plan to the IRS form 8891 - TDF-90-22.1 - international non-resident cross border income tax h
non-resident spouse - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance expert preparation
Where do I pay tax?
Gordon Bizar alive and kicking at http://www.bizarfinancing.com/?nav=home -
Is income tax higher in the US or Canada? - it DEPENDS -
foreign property excluded if its a vacation home -
I am a Canadian working in the US with a TN1 - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assis
TN visa for CMA - CPA - - who qualifies? -
How to report Pension-plan [earnings] with IRS...? 8891 -
trip to Winnipeg or Jamaica to look at property -
1099G form - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance expert preparation & imm
Sale of house - bought land, sold land, bought house. - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family tr
Individual taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) W7
Sale of house - bought land, sold land, bought house
1099G form
To report or not report rental income
Splitting capital gain and investment income, where should we attach the T5 &T3 to?
CPA questions Canadian will with deceased attorney
US / Canada Income Tax Returns what forms needed
I am a Canadian working in the US with a TN1
non-resident spouse
US taxes on Canadian Old Age pension benefits - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assi
CPA questions Canadian will with deceased attorney. international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust
Individual taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) W7 -
US / Canada Income Tax Returns what forms needed -
Living in Canada, working in the US - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance exp
Can an American Charity receipt be used as a deduction on a Canadian Return -
Can an American Charity receipt be used as a deduction on a Canadian Return -
Can an American Charity receipt be used as a deduction on a Canadian Return -
working opportunity fund -
Section 74 - Canadian gives spouse house for $2.00 -
subdividing lots, lifetime capital gains exemption -
RRSP withdrawal - Marginal Tax rates - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistan
share same bed without sex - married or not? - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust
paying tax on the vacation property or house -
Capitol Gains on inherited house in Canada (sic) - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family tr
Fw: GST on property purchase (hobby farm) - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust ass
To report or not report rental income -
selling former resident section 45(2) -
FCaandian moving back to Canada from Israel wants to know about principal residence exemption. -
Fw: Canadian taxes when working overseas -
Splitting capital gain and investment income, where should we attach the T5 &T3 to? - international non-resident cross
REnted house for five years - is it taxable or should he move in?
Can an American Charity receipt be used as a deduction on a Canadian Return -
First Time Builder needs GST number - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistanc
withholding tax on US gambling winnings -
gift of condo to son - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance expert prepar
Deferring capital gains - real estate - Only in America, Not in Canada you say. Pity! -
selling rental, capital gains options - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assista
W4 Issues: Dual Citizen Living in Canada, telecommuting to US -
QUEBEC VERSUS NEW YORK - cross border motorcycle - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust a
Foreign property over $100, 000 - Form 1135 - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assist
TN-1 Visa Job Title Qualifications - international non-resident cross border income tax help estate family trust assistance expe
How to decalre as tax non-resident of Canada - Dennis Lee, David MacLean, Wolf Bergelt, Judge Teskey - international non-re
Tax Preparation Quotes and Services -
Work outside the USA in NORWAY -
Tax Preparation Quotes and Services -
GST on property purchase (hobby farm)
Capitol Gains on inherited house in Canada (sic)
Canadian taxes when working overseas
elling former resident section 45(2)
REnted house for five years - is it taxable or should he move in?
Caandian moving back to Canada from Israel wants to know about principal residence exemption.
US taxes on Canadian Old Age pension benefits
Living in Canada, working in the US
Can an American Charity receipt be used as a deduction on a Canadian Return
Looking for a US Canada tax advisor
Caandian moving back to Canada from Israel wants to know about principal residence exemption
auto purchase in U.S.
Is it an RRP, or an RRSP?
1099G form
Sale of house - bought land, sold land, bought house.
Moved to USA on TN - What forms to fill out
Line 18 1040NR
Canadian buying and selling US vacant land on Internet
First Time Builder needs GST number
Canada-US Tax Treaty for Canadian Diplomats abroad
withholding tax on US gambling winnings
Deferring capital gains - real estate - Only in America, Not in Canada you say. Pity!
tax on rental and eventual sale income on Canadian Real Estate owned by US resident
Eligibility for Canadian Citizenship
selling rental, capital gains options
gift of condo to son
How to declare as tax non-resident of Canada - Dennis Lee, David MacLean, Wolf Bergelt, Judge Teskey
QUEBEC VERSUS NEW YORK - cross border motorcycle
Foreign property over $100, 000 - Form 1135
W4 Issues: Dual Citizen Living in Canada, telecommuting to US
TN-1 Visa Job Title Qualifications
Work outside the USA in NORWAY
Giving Up US citizenship = retaining your services?
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