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General Articles (articles)
General News (General)
Tax Guide (TaxGuide)
US Tax/Immigration (us_tax)
US/Canada Expert Income Tax Help - Matters (UsCanadaTax)
Corp-to-corp contract between US and Canadian based companies
Adding child's name to father's property - constructive trust
Taking out your RRSP to buy a house in the USA
how to pay US tax when working for three months as contract employee
From non-resident in Thailand to resident of Canada in Dubai without going home
US citizen working offshore for Canadian Corporation while living in the USA
Father on title - who owns apartment and who pays the tax?
Builder with corporation, rented new house to himself for a year and then transferred it to himself
Building house for sale in Alberta
Sad but necessary questions
Canadian & US citizen moves to Illinois in US - Where does he pay tax
Question on Record of Employment from US company when working in Canada
US/Canada Tax Preparation
Part II Building house in one state and moving to another state - taxable or not if sold on completion?
Building house in one state and moving to another state - taxable or not if sold on completion?
UK citizenship, Canadian PR wants to live in US with boyfriend -
Canadian Citizen in the USA on a work visa
Part II - Money out of RRSP for son's condo
PSB PERSONAL SERVICE BUSINESS Tax penalties for oneman corporation Working More Than 2 Years With Same Company, At The Same Pos
Never bought a house but owned it anyway
Purchase of second property in Canada
Canadian taxes on Canadian Condo owned by US resident
California Man wants his fiancée to visit him in the USI-129F I-130 I-134
Permanent Resident / US citizen wants t know about mortgage interest as a deduction
Overseas move by Canadian to Portsmouth, Aberdeen UK or Rotterdam Holland Netherlands
Living in Windsor, working in Detroit to keep PR alive
Wants to flip a house - Capital gains or straight income ?
Part II - Putting the Professional Corp aside until your mortgage is deductible.
Deductibility of Interest on LOC for condo under construction to be delivered next year
Canadian tax expert fined -
Western Producer Craps Out
Canadian tax expert fined - Jerome
Western Producer Craps Out: -
US Income Tax Help in Canada USA -
OFFSHORE tax shelters- Fred Hofman, Scot Brown and Nick Masee with appearance by Jerome Schneider
Advantage of a Professional Corp.- Bulletin IT-533 - mortgage interest deductibility
Can I claim my Canadian child on my US tax return? SS-5 Application for SSN (Social Security Number) and W-7 ITIN (Individual Ta
US Social Security taxable? FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) France, Germany, Algeria
Becoming a non-resident for tax purposes 0 Judge Teskey in Dennis Lee
Canadian Bank Accounts
Inheritance from Eastern Europe
Old Age Security Death Benefit
Canada's Govt.-Authorized Royalty Checks Can Ensure UR MONEY
The Smith Manoeuvre - Making Canadian Mortgage Interest Income Tax deductible.
Spanish company doing business in Canada Article IV Spain Canada Income Tax Convention
Enough Said! Be warned if you
Commuting to work in Canada -
Gambling tax refund
Obtaining Written Proof of Departure from Canada
Money out of RRSP for son's condo
Rollover in Canada (Capital Gains for "active' BUSINESS
401K taxed in Canada legally but unfairly
Canadian Repatriation procedure
Is property tax in Canada deductible on your US 1040 Schedule A
Canadian citizens holding ROTH IRA's in USA and thinking of returning to Canada in future.
Borrowing money against a rental house to buy a principal residence in Canada
condo ownership - rental to daughter
Canada difference in tax for residents and non-residents
overseas employment and residency status Dubai, UAE
Enough Said! Be warned if you have
Moving to US because of job while
Withdrawing RRSP in small amount after
Withdrawing RRSP in small amount
US Citizen wants to live in
Self Employed sales rep in US/
Getting TN on a corp to corp
Social Security and CPP/OAS -
How long to live in a condo for it to
401k and IRA - tax on withdrawals
NR-4 income on U.S. Tax return -
what is the tax on the sale of
Canadian freelance telecommuting
Canadian living in US and
Dual US-Canadian Citizenship?
Changing title of a rental house to include my wife
Non resident sponsoring wife to Canada
E2 visas - Dennis Olsen 425-265-0024
Residing in U.S.; working in Canada
Sheltering Capital Gains from Greece
who do we pay taxes to? US, CAN, or both?
US FICA - social security tax
More US FICA Social Security - Windfall Elimination Act & Foreign Work Test Social Security
Using RRSP for Real Estate Investment
Departure tax from Canada
Abandoning US citizenship?
Tax Liability of Canadian Citizen Living Working Overseas - Dennis Lee Case - Judge Teskey decision
Driver's licences - Canada- US
US tax paid on money on deposit
Sponsoring husband to be into
Taxation of Canadian Permanent Resident working in US with H1B
Name on title to avoid probate
RRSP for a non-resident alien
PART II - CPP / OAS / FICA qualifications
Mortgage Interest as a deduction in CANADA
Moving into previously rented duplex -
interest on rental income mortgage -
Reverse mortgage, CHIP = the good,
House in grandfather's name - is it
Shingles ... an adult form of chicken Pox and verrryy painful
New Resident of a country - US or
may need your services re. tax filing status - working illegally in the USA
US taxation of change of currency valuation from Great Briatin UK to the United States
Has not filed Income Tax Return for 5 years
Canadian taxation on money withdrawn from an IRA for educational purposes
RRSP for US resident - keep it or cash it in?
Canadian in United states with an American Wife wants to know where to get questions answered
LAS VEGAS-Atlantic City-Skagit Casino Gambling Winnings in USA by Canadian citizen not resident in US
IR-2003-72 -- IRS Issues "Fast Track" Guidance to Help Taxpayers
Real Estate Investing - what entity to choose when first beginning. Free Mortgage Interest as a Deduction
Permanent Resident (PR) living in Canada and working in the U.S
US resident with Canadian Corp - 5471 - TD F-90.22 REV.PROC 2002-23 NOTICE 2003-75
Further to the Totalization of CPP and Social Security credits when Returning to Canada early because of heart disease.
Election under section 45(2) Edmonton Tax Accountant
Renting a con dominium to your parents
working for Milwaukee Company in New York State, USA while living inToronto, Ontario, Canada
US Connecticut - Canada Tax
Actor from US to work in Canada wants to know about withholding tax - does she have to file a Canadian Tax return
WHAT IS PERM - Is it different from a green card?
U.S. citizen with RRSPs to report on US forms 3520 or 3530A or REV.PROC 2002-23
The last word on Deducting Interest in Canada Bulletin IT-533 - Income tax planning expert advice direct from the CCRA with clea
Transferring second property to a daughter
New Resident of a country - US or
Tax obligations in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Edmonton Alberta ,Mississauga Ontario, St Louis Missouri, the USA and Canada -
Mexico - Canada Taxes on alimony (support) from Mexican resident to Canadian resident
Minnesota car purchase - Oregon as well
US Citizen Wants to move to West Vancouver, Canada
US Citizen who wants to move and work in Vancouver British Columbia - Immigrating to Canada - Marriage sponsorship - working Can
Company Transfer from. US to Canada 401 K to RRSP
Sale of Arizona Property; Can proceeds be protected from Canadian Capital Gains Tax if re-invested into real estate again?
Immigration Assistance UK to Canada - mortgage interest as a deduction
8891 - TD F 90-22.1 - Reporting Canadian RRSP to IRS and Dept of the Treasury
Canadian wants to transfer rental house into an RSP- Making Your Canadian Mortgage deductible.
Moving from Singapore back to Toronto - repatriation -Niagara Falls Buffalo New York
Taxes where will I pay? - American moving to Canada while continuing to work part time in the USA
Canadian husband wants to transfer his rental condo to his wife.
Correction - A non US citizen Saudi Arabian estate tax
RRSP/LIF advice - 8891 T D F
Cdn non-resident in Brazil buying
History Lesson
Windsor to Detroit Daily Commute.
Canadian wants to know about declaring income from an illegal rental suite.
Revolving Line of Credit for Rental Properties
URGENT - Friend wants to visit the US from Finland
San Francisco resident with
Buying a house as a resident or
Leaky Condo in Mission 45(2) election
Selling house after marriage break-up
supplement parent's retirement and get
Principal residence converted to
EDUCATION COSTS in Canada - Books,
Whistler or Vancouver house - what is
RRIF account taking money out for
RRSP or Life insurance? -
Transfer of Canadian RRSP/LIRA to
US/Canada Tax Obligation - Toronto Canadian PR, Working in Chicago Illinois US on H1B1 visa
Vancouver BC Rental Property owned by Salem, Boston or other MA resident - Some cross border tax questions
Buying property in Canada by USA citizen - used to live in Vancouver
HONG KONG offshore assets = Canadian wants to know what to do before returning to Canada -Dennis Lee case - Judge Teskey
Selling a US triplex I live in
Hawaii moving to Vancouver Island fulltime/part time
Canadian mother's son wants Canadian citizenship through Consulate in New York
Canadian Citizen/Resident With US Rental Property
Canadian tax for US citizen working in Canada for 8 months
Filing late return under Canada's Fairness Legislation
Settler's Effects Bringing a car to Manitoba from the US
Deemed Residence
PART II Canadian/U.K. Pensioner Moving to USA - medical insurance problems in the USA
In Arkansas, USA for six months and Canada for six months -- Where to file?
Does Revenue Canada ever give up?
Canadian working in New York (first year)
Canada / US / New York Income Tax Filing for TN visa holder
Australian Student wants to fulfil work requirement in Canada
US states that don't charge dual taxation
Hong Kong Overseas Pilot moving to British Columbia, Canad
American wants to work for Austrian Company in Canada while wife and children remain in Seattle - ARTICLE IV and Article XV of t
Changing percentages in real estate ownership.
Ontario resident sold Lake Havasu, Arizona property
Capital Gains on rec property in Alberta - THREE Valuation Days
Gave house to son - now wants daughters's name on title
Are capital gains tax applicable on Estate?
US couple wants to retire to Canada with a living trust
deductible mortgage interest - Joan Marsh Mortgage Broker (604) 535-9981
Renovations As a Profit Maker
repossessed car - anyone with a better idea for this fellow?
TN visa holder in Maryland - T1161 T1243 T1244
Pros and cons of dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship
Canadian and American sisters want to sell mom's Canadian house
Inheritance Question Sterling silver
Bankruptcy - Will I get my OAS in case of Bankruptcy ?
Whistleblower Reward Form 211 from the IRS and US Federal governments - Can Canada be far behind ?
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