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General Articles (articles)
General News (General)
Tax Guide (TaxGuide)
US Tax/Immigration (us_tax)
US/Canada Expert Income Tax Help - Matters (UsCanadaTax)
Can US daughters co-sign Canadian Mortgage with Father
Can US daughters co-sign Canadian Mortgage with Father
C type company in Nevada
C type company in Nevada
C type company in Nevada
Getting an ITIN for US tax purposes when you do not
Good news
Canadian Landed Immigrant leaves Canada for three years
A Bad Hare Day
American student wife married to Canadian wants to know
PAYPAL problems
FW: bankruptcy
FW: eBay Non-Paying Bidder Warning #3
US Citizens with RRSP's face enormous costs
How much of my studio apartment can I write off as an
Were living in a house which caught fire is it a
House purchase withdrawal from a RRSP under the Home
BCISIT course for anyone involved in exporting of
Will the Canadian Government collect tax for the US
Mortgage deductibility - Renting to Mother in the
Canadians plan National Pro-Canadian and Pro-USA Rally
Deducting property taxes on vacant land
Canadians plan National Pro-Canadian and Pro-USA Rally
How much can we give our son in Boston as Canadians?
100 Park Royal Management does not like tiny little
US/Canada personal income tax
Deducting seminar and other expenses against a rental
Making a car loan deductible
Getting old information from the Tax office - a Neat
FW: I think you may be just the guy I need.
How to avoid Taxation of second house in Okanogan
American born Wife has lived in Canada since age 13 -
World Money Laundering Report: Digest 8 May 2003 - I am
RRSP ACCOUNTS held by Americans in Canada and ALL
RRSP. RRIF, RPP and other US reporting Rules enforced.
Leaving property to children when they own part
United States Tax Bill
have the bucket ready
IR-2003-66 -- IRS Clarifies Tax Treatment of Various
FW: HBP - Home Buyers Plan -Answers quoted from CCRA
Do I have to file a 1040C when I leave the US after
How long do I have to live in a home to qualify as a
HBP - Home Buyers Plan -Answers quoted from CCRA
Capital gains and Rental profits for U.S. Residents
Are you a HOCKEY FAN ?
Mortgage interest in Canada for a US resident with a
Renting out a Canadian Condominium by a US resident and
renting out the summer cabin - Peace - piece - in the
A Canadian in the USA wants to buy a house for his
Renting out a Canadian Condominium by a US resident and
World Money Laundering Report: Online - Terrorist
Renting out a Canadian Condominium by a US resident and
Husband filing for an extension
Appraise the old house before you move to the new one
Minnesota Company paying a Canadian
Minnesota Company paying a Canadian Part TWO - This
Moving back to Canada from Bermuda
Claiming an office in your home - from Jurock.com
Selling a triplex I live in
VALUE OF Buying a lakefront property in the Okanagan or
TEXT of 1996 letter to Jean Chretien
Buying a lakefront property in the Okanagan or
The 5 secrets of the perfect relationship
What happens if I sell my Antique Vehicle which has
Trail separation for six months and hubby buys another
TRUCKERS And other Business People in the USA - How to
Is the BC property purchase tax a moving expense when
Canada / US tax returns - I lost money on the sale of a
What is the difference in tax between US and Canada on
PART II - What is the difference in tax between US and
Home with a Difference opens in Peachland
Question on Income tax for Income earned outside Canada
SIN Application - Social Insurance Application for
Part II = Question on Income tax for Income earned
Moving to the United States - maybe Boston or Chicago
Sale of rental property - Designation of a Principal
lives in Canada 9 months a year as a visitor: A
Day Trader tax status in Winnipeg, Wheeling,
Canadian Mortgage Interest or a car or boat loan
My son died intestate and separated with a $500,000
Another suggestion - My son died intestate and
Paying back the Canadian Home Buyer's loan out of your
Part III Question on Income tax for Income earned
Taking money from an RRSP to buy a Heritage house with
Lived in House and rented suite, married,
Salesman working in the USA - Immigration Visas, Income
How to get best rate on mortgage - FW: Jurock.com 'Ask
How does an author get to speak in the US - Resending
What is the difference between property taxes if lived
How to escape Canadian tax- : Jurock.com 'Ask an
Refund reduced from $1,700 to $200 - $$$$ return to
Part II - What is the difference between property taxes
ITIN - US Taxpayer Identification Number
GST on vacant land
Can I drive my US registerd car in BC if Ihave a green
Line of Credit or Mortgage or both?? Profit and
Register for your GST
Importing a vehicle into Canada - Part III of - Can I
Medical expenses in Canada for my under 65 parents
A ONE TIME chance to catch up on those unfiled US
Part II - Can I drive my US registered car in BC if I
Chicago Realtor wants a free mortgage calculator -
American (Boston) and Canadian (Calgary) both holding
Renting a con dominium to your parents.-- Jurock.com
Watch out for those business courses that are supposed
Capital Gains on sale of personal house in BC Part II
Capital Gains on sale of personal house in ATLANTA
Korean non-resident seeking to invest in Canada
Wants to sell a house in Calgary which has been rented
A question about US Permanent Residency vs US
3rd Party RRSP loans by Vancouver resident -
FW: 3rd Party RRSP loans by Vancouver resident
Mix Use Strata Building in Canada renting a cellular
MORTGAGE Calculators -Part II - A reader from Dana
Can a Calgary resident buy a California USA property
RRSP registration and rules with IRS in Philedelphis or
Husband retiring from USAF in Dallas and moving to
Living in Seattle visiting girl friend in Vancouver -
Needs US Canadian California tax preparation - and
World Money Laundering Report: - Germany Singapore
Canadian Doing business in U.S. Oregon different than
What is an Illegal Alien in the United States - Income
Contractor's GST and Income Tax Problems in Canada
Can a Canadian give money to a US charity and deduct
Mortgage free individual wants to buy rental property
News on election reform in British Columbia Quebec
Virginia, US resident has problems with Canadian RRSP
How long should a Canadian or American keep their
US statute of limitations on non-filed tax returns -
West Vancouver, BC Realtor Christine Louw suggested I
Retirement From USA to Canada - Ask the income tax
CANADIAN RRSP vs Loan attachment in EXCEL
How much time can a Canadian Spend in Texas - What
Moving A New Car from Canada to the United States US)
Awonderful addition to > Retirement From USA to Canada
Vancouver Canadian wants to write off upgrades to
Folsom California resident wants password for CEN-TAPEDE
Harvard Student from Montreal wants to Return to Canada
US Citizen wants to retire to Ontario - Jurock.com 'Ask
Deductibility of Leaky Condo Special Assessments in the
Canadian RRSP's to be declared to the IRS by Chicago
Harvard Student from Montreal wants to Return to
Canadian RRSP's to be declared to the IRS by Chicago
Offshore Voluntary Compliance Initiative - FAQs -
Fw: IR-2003-95 -- Offshore Compliance Program Shows
FW: [CEN-TAPEDE] Deductibility of Leaky Condo Special Assessments in
This is from BANKRATE.COM and refers to the IRS in the
Is the Interest on my line of credit deductible? A
Does a Canadian Business exporting to the USA need to
When can a dual citizen come back from Chicago,
US only - Moved out of house in US 3 years ago - is it
Can a firefighter work in the USA under treaty NAFTA
In Arkansas, USA for six months and Canada for six
U.S. citizen with RRSPs to report on US forms 3520 or
Wife in Vancouver, British Columbia and disabled -
Can a US resident / US citizen have a Canadian RRSP -
citizen with family in Michigan while he works in
Applying for Dual Citizenship - Mother was an American
Applying for Dual Citizenship - Mother was an American
Donald Cameron gives the definitive answer to: Wife in
Vancouver BC wife with Seattle Washington husband wants
Former Canadian consul Donald Cameron gives the
Vancouver BC wife with Seattle Washington husband wants
U.S. citizen with RRSPs A Reader's comments
Wife in Vancouver, British Columbia and disabled -
US citizen with Canadian RRSP wants to know about forms
US RRSP reporting requirements for Canadian living in
US Green Card holder in Germany - where does he pay tax
Owns four houses in Canada - wants them all tax free -
US / Canada Dual Citizen has IRA Keough Plan and
New Westminster BC man moving to Bellingham - ask the
Disabled woman in BC wants to bring Texas Husband to
Canadian wins US lottery - How does they get back a
Canadian lives in Japan - wants to buy property in
US / Canadian Dual Citizen-Working Abroad wants to know
PART III - US / Canada Dual Citizen has IRA Keough
Bellinham Resident has US / Canada Dual citizen
WMLR Digest 14 August 2003
Vancouver Calgary Winnipeg Toronto Montreal St John St
Canadian wants to go Bankrupt - Suggested he contact
My mother was an American Citizen when I was born. Am
Vancouver Calgary Winnipeg Toronto Montreal St John St
Canadian at Indianapolis Indiana University to know
a possible move to Vancouver or Toronto from Los
Owns a house in one city and wants to mortgage it to
Canadian wants to Consolidate Mortgage with Investment
Tax in Japan on Rental Properties - expat income tax
Canadian student in Indiana does not need to file 3520
Taxation on US sale of a primary residence by an expat
Calgary Resident wants to stay in Phenix Arizona to
Indiana University moving to Michigan - expatrtiate
Do you have to Report your CANADAIAN Company Pension to
Canadian using old house as security for new home - is
Relinquishing US citizenship - Expatriate Ask an Income
Renting my own home? Canadian wants to form company and
Dentist moving to Vancouver from New York in the US
Canadian Seattle residents want to move back to Canada
Canadaian Couple wants to move to Seattle in the United
Should an emergency room physician incorporate in
Does US citizen Have Canadian Citizenship because his
Spouses working in the USA
Reporting RRSP accounts for Canadians living in the U.S.
Renting out a cottage in northern Ontario -
EDMONTON Partnership versus corporation for ownership
US retirees in Canada
Hong Kong Overseas Pilot moving to British Columbia,
US Citizen Wants to move to West Vancouver Canada -
Wants to deduct interest and property tax expenses
US citizen working in Canada still has Illinois and US
LI-B Canadian in Los Angeles needs experts taxes and
Is there tax on the sale of a father's house on the
Canadian physician wamts to form a personal
US citizen in New Mexico has Canadian RRSPs to deal
Victoria, BC resident wants to know the new
Calgary Alberta Canada resident wants to do
US employee while living in Canada
Are life and disabillity insurance premiums deductible
HELP....52 year old Divorced American living in Quebec
Part II - Calgary Alberta Canada resident wants to
Canadians on H1B visa waiting for Green Cards wants to
Canadian Resident with US Army Pension wants to know
World Money Laundering Digest 20030904 Sept 4, 2003
US citizen in New Mexico has Canadian RRSPs to deal
LI-B Canadian in Los Angeles needs experts taxes and
Quebec, Canada resident wants to know more about
Ontario Landlord wants to know how to evict a tenant
Alexandria, Virginia Man moving to Vancouver,
Boca Raton Florida Purchase of Art and/or Photos from
French Citizen, Canadian Permanent resident studying
US citizen wants to immigrate to Victoria Canada to be
TDF-90 filing late ?
Canadian with US resident father wants to buy Canadian
British Citizen with permanent residence in Canada
Part II of Frech National, Canadian Permanent Resident
American husband, Canadian wife want to reture to
Canadian moved oout of copndo and moved to the US - Now
Discovered US citizenship - Wants to know what to do. -
TN versus H1B visa, labour certification and Green Card
Canadian GST
Son on title with mother wants to know if he will owe
Part II - TN versus H1B visa, labour certification and
Fw: Canadian Citizen in Australia about to move to the
US / Canadian dual citizen moving from Texas back to
US citizen living in Alberta and Snowbird in Arizona
US citizen living in Calgary wants to know how many
Registering US born children as Canadian Citizens - Ask
Canadian Woman wants to bring UK man to Canada - List
Can a US resident get a tax deduction for donating his
Fw: IR-2003-111 -- IRS and States Announce Partnership
Canadian wants to transfer rental house into an RSP-
US couple wants to retire to Canada with a living trust
Canadian Mummy plus American Daddy = One Baby -
UK Great Britain Citizen moving to Canada wants to buy
3520 forms
Canadian Family buying a subdividable rental house
U.S. Citizen in Victoria with Landed Immigrant Status
Canada Vancouverite works in Seattle and wife lives in
California American Owner of Canadian Property in
American citizen living in a common-law relationship in
British United States and Canadian Dual or Triple
Same Sex Partners / spouses on opposite sides of the
Canadian Construction Comapny wants to Bring an
Canadian married to American living in Canad wants to
US Citizen selling duplex and wants to know if they can
Canadian Incorporation wanting to do business in the US
Canadian working for American company in Canada wants
Canadian working in the USA wants to move IRA and
World Money Laundering Report: Digest 20030925
Candian with green card wants to live in Point Roberts
Seattle, Washington Physician wants to buy a Vancouver
US Citizen moving to Canada from Maryland - selling
Another Personal Residence exemption from Saskatoon or
Canadian wants to invest in apartment buildings in
Canadian moving to US wants to know when he escapes
Subject: From the Book of Corporate Life
Canadian wants to mortgage rental property to pay for
Mortgage Broker & Rental Income and Search feature at
Why We forward jokes - a little poignant
Building a duplex to sell half in Vancouver, BC,
What is the tax on $100,000 when a person works in
Canadian working in Kuwait has tax questions - ask the
Can I deduct the interest paid on a down payment Line
Cross Border Opportunities Delaware USA to Ontario
What are non-current Assets? - ask an income tax expert
American Lives in Bangkok,
Canadian wants to know about declaring income from an
Be ALERT! The World needs more "LERTS".
"lerts" and "scruples" - Part II by Richard Pitt - I
Canadian Residents living in Canada and working in
Dual tax burden - American (US citizen) husband -
American $500,000 penalty October 15th DEADLINE for
Part 2 - American Lives in Bangkok,
Canadian moved out of condo and moved to the US - Now
Documents to calculate CCA on rental property - From
World Money Laundering Report: Digest 2003 10 06
Canadian from Calgary won money gambling in Las Vegas
US State and USA Federal Rules regarding buying and
San Diego American wants to buy Vacation property on
Should Los Angeles lady cash in her Canadian RRSP
H1B holder resident in Canada wants to know about
Canadian, British and Pakistan citizenship - ask an
American in Canada for 35 years at McGill University in
US Citizen working in the U.S.A. for a Quebec Canadian
Canadian H1B holder sells her RRSPs while living in
How much is that deduction for my RRSP anyway?
Canadian H1B holder sells her RRSPs while living in the
RRSP, 3520-a - WE Will prepare these by Fax or email
TN visa holder's empl;
CEN-TAPEDE] History of Fuel Cells and my opinion that
Canadian sells half a duplex, IS IT TAXABLE? -
US citizens on disability want to RESIDE IN CANADA -
US citizen in Quebec Canada wants to become a Quebec /
Fw: H1-B visa holder wants common-law partner to have a
Great Britain (United Kingdom) residents want to
Computer Systems Analyst consulting by a Canadian in
Canadian moving into his rental house has a deemed
An IRS Form 8833 Question... Do I need to file?
US/Canada Tax Return - Seattle - Boston - Montreal -
Buying property in Canada by USA citizen - used to live
Fw: Selling House and living off the interest = What
Canadian in United states with an American Wife wants
US- 2004 Standard Mileage Rates Set -- 800,000 More
How does a citizen from Russia apply for Canadian or US
Common-Law couple Investing in Revenue Properties in
Can you be tax free on a private yacht cruising
Oct 15th RRSP reporting deadline now past
BORDER KIT - Problem at US border because of Old Work
Texas Worker and Resident Commutes to Canada where wife
Two Unrelated Canadian Questions re GST and Real Estate
DIVORCING couple wants to know about property
Moving back to Canada after living 6 years in Houston,
Question about New Housing GST rebate in Vancouver,
Property purchase tax - "re-assessment" in British
US citizen transferred to Canada = Detroit, Michigan to
What to use for security to borrow $100,000 - wants the
U.S.A. Waiver with an addition made in red - waiver
Florida versus Tennessee Estate Taxes
Lived in Condo - rented it out - now wants to sell it -
Returning to Canada early because of heart disease.
US Resident with Capital Gains issues from sale of a
American wants to buy or build retirement home on the
Moving to Canada from United States (USA) and Becoming
Landscaping expenses for a rental suite in a personal
Canadian TN VISA holder in US wants to know where to
Investing in Real estate where "YOU" put up the money
Canadian from Montreal, Quebec,
American using a Canadian boat as a floating seasonal
ADD, ADHD, Autitism, Asperger's Syndrome - Only in
Canadian Wants to make a "deductible" charitable
H1B visa holder in USA wants to buy Canadian Property -
Further to the Totalization of CPP and Social Security
Currency Exchange - American (US Citizen) Wants to get
American wants to gift US stock to daughter in law in
US Citizen father sponsoring Canadian son's family to
US green card holder who is not a Canadian wants to
Canadian Business Manager wants to live in Las Vegas
Follow up to: Transferring property to a trust in
Transfering property to a trust in Canada - does it
non-resident investing in Canadian business - what tax
capital pool company ins and outs - US and Canada anbd
Buying a car in Winnipeg Manitoba and taking it to the
Canadians with H1B and TN visas want to get married in
Seattle Washington, USA lawyer wants to practice in BC
The Job Flight TO India, China, Poland, etc.
United Kingdom - Great Britain - UK - - Canadian
California Green Card Holder with Canadian RRSP wants
If you borrow money on a rental property in Candxa can
Canadian with H1B wants to change jobs in California
How to split income from a joint account in CANADA
What is necessary for a Management Consultant TN Visa
IR-2003-127 -- Some Refinancing Costs May Be Deductible
British Columbia Canadians Buying Property in Point
Washington State US citizen wants to move to
Taxing income earned in New York, Minnesota or Michigan,
H1B Visa holder wreturning to the United Kingdom (Great
US Citizen from Virginia wants to Relocate to Vancouver
Loan to pay rental property expenses in Canada
Gift-in-Kind Tax strategy for Canadians? NO NO NO -
HSBC wants Canadian to fill in a form about Money
US Citizen from Virginia wants to Relocate to Vancouver
Evidence requirement to prove physical presence in US
Immigrating to Canada as investor from the United States
Canadian Accounting/Tax Questions - might help a lot of
Evidence requirement to prove physical presence in US
Tax Implications for Canadian Resident under U.S. Employ
<> Canada income tax.....
Don't buy BANYAN or any other of the charitable tax
BORDER Book and Ultimate Income Tax Guide - Fort
Tax returns & permanent residency in La Belle Province,
Vancouver BC Canada Marginal Income Tax Rates
India National in the UAR wants TO OBTAIN NCLEX-RN
CORRECTON - J1- $ month working visas still available.
US citizen works in Seatle and lives in Canada - Can he
US Working Visa for Canadian to work four months at
US citizen in CANADA reporting US Municipal bond
Canadian with H1B has Question about RRSP reporting to
Reclaiming US taxes deducted on Gambling winnings at
Urgent! Don't advise leaky condo owners to rent out
Canadian with leaky condo wants to know when the
Flight attendent's determination of residency between
Fw: Dual Citizenship between the US and Canada - Omaha
401k and RRSPs - Canadian resident working in the USA
non-resident, Cdn citizen living in USA,
Victoria tax returns by mail.
U.S. Visas to visit fiancee in Texas and possibly work
Marrying a US Citizen while on TN visa - Washington,
Canadian TN holder withdrew $20,000 from RRSP while
US citizen and resident wants to buy a triplex in
US & Canadian citizens renting property in CANADA
Owning and visiting property in British Columbia (BC)
NAFTA Telecommuters being paid by US Company
Canadian wants to do an advertising project in the USA
Canadian in USA on TD visa Wants to work in the US as a
Canada / US / New York Income Tax Filing for TN visa
401(K) and IRA for Canadian at Cornell - still taxable
Alaska US Income paid to a CCPC (Canadian Controlled
Cashing in US 401K early while resident in Canada.
Guardians outside BC/Canada in a Legal Will?
WAL MART wants Canadian resident employee to fill out
US citizen with RRSP has never done their US tax
US Citizen from California Working in Mississauga
Canadian Returning from US with 401K Question
Another Caveat to: Guardians outside BC/Canada in a
Canadian Citizen / resident wants to buy property in
Brazilian citizen, Landed Immigrant in Canada working
Canadian withholding tax on BC property gains made:by
online order shipping to Blaine Washington - Try Jim
Brazilian citizen, Landed Immigrant in Canada working
How much would the preparation of US / Canadian Tax
How long can one stay in Canada as a visitor -follow up
TN Visa and SS taxes & Medicare and medicare for TN H1
Further comments to previous missives from qualified
Sale of Canadian farm and land and company in Canadaes
Calgarian Canadian Receiving Stock Options from AT&T a
Capital gains or straight income from the sale of
Selling a farm as a going concern to takle advantage of
Is an inheritance taxable in Canada - what if the
Pay off the Line of Credit or the Mortgage in Canada
New IRS Notice 2003-75 on RRSPs
RESP accounts in Canada - Good idea or not? Registered
WMLR Digest 20031127
US citizen selling property to pay for son's
American/Canadian dual citizen with Canadian wife
US woking VISA question for Racing Bicycle Mechanic
Real estate question for Canadian who wants to know
American Reporting Property Purchases in Vancouver in
Second Try - Deducting a motor vehicle for Canadian
US Citizen in Alberta Canada for 20 years wants to work
Help Repatriating US Medical Doctor To Canada without
US citizen from Hawaii wants 0ot move to Victoria or
2nd REPLY to Help Repatriating US Medical Doctor To
Fw: IR-2003-135 -- Comprehensive Tax Guide Available at
Smart Real Estate investment strategy for West
five year immigrant trust for new immigranmts to Canada
US citizen and resident owns a Whistler, BC,
Addiction to gambling and income.
US California Daughter Inherited share of Canadian
Immigration Assistance UK to Canada - mortgage interest
Principle Residence converted to Revenue Property
FW: Financial Troubles - Counseling - Maybe Bankruptcy
Canadian ICU Registered Nurse - Working in Seattle,
American with New York State Pension building 1/2 year
American from Michigan wants to buy a home in Ontario
Canadian wants to know how to value a business - ask a
Itemized deductions on a US tax return - When can I
Getting married while in Oregon on a TN visa
American wants to Immigrate to Canada - How long will
Land Trusts or Personal Holding Corporations and Year
Canadian Accidentally Contributes to 401K?
Wishes between friends
Canadian wants to buy Income Property on the Sunshine
Non US citizen moving from US to Canada as a PR
Married with children and Living in Two countries -
Australian citizen - Canadian resident working for
Canadian citizen has children born in the United States
Question re cashing in my Canadian RRSP Accounts while
Reporting death of a Canadian to the CCRA - Canadian
Where in the world do I pay Income Tax? New Hampshire,
Florida REAL ESTATE TAX Canadian wants to know rules
Receipt of Canadian pension by a California US
Canadians Setting up Business in the US Fw: IR-2003-136
Immigrant to Canada - now a citizen- no income is about
RRSP taxes when in US
Waiver for border violations - Pardons Canada
Capital Gain Vs Business Income
US citizen, Canadian permanent resident works in
capital gains on home in Canada
Canadian PR with US H1B Needs advice on what to do for
PART TWO - Canadian PR with US H1B Needs advice on what
Claiming US gambling winnings tax refund
Visa to work in the United States - Father a green card
Please help register my US born child as a Canadian
Entering the United States - what documents does she
commuter status from US to CANADA and BACK --- Ask an
Canadian from Windsor Ontario working in Detroit,
capital gains on home in Canada when newlywed couple
Humour - engineers
US citizen in Canda with Canadian Corporation needs to
UK Resident wants to buy real estate property in
Canadian Wants to know about Canada Pension Plan and
Canadian residency related questions from Saudi.
Deducting Professional Fees involved in Purchasing a
CPP Contributions for Canadians working inthe US
UK Police Officer seeks information about costs
Canadian moving to California with two rental houses in
PART II --- Deducting Professional Fees involved in
about new zealander visiting canada
Burnaby Canada (Greater Vancouver) husband wants to
U K Citizen moving back to British Columbia Canada from
Canadian married to an American and currently living in
Canadian husband wants to transfer his rental condo to
BANKRUPTCY IN CANADA - big trouble - income tax
Part II with corrections = about new zealander
Retired American wants to Immigrate to Canada = already
Car buying in Canada - Minneapolis,
Canadian working in Chicago wants to come back to
US Citizen in Alberta wants to know about becoming a
Canadian with three houses in two years wants to know
USVisa & Tax Issue -Richmond BC,
Retuning from USA to Canada -
Owner of Canadian Rental Property moves into it -
Working in the US as a non resident - Canadian Citizen
Best date to immigrate to Canada from the US and
Pregnant Canadian wife wants to bring American US
PART II - Canadian Citizen on Vancouver Island,
Canadian Citizen on Vancouver Island,
West Vancouver BC Canada Couple with Life Estate -
IRS cracks down on improper valuations for charitable
PART II - Owner of Canadian Rental Property moves into
PART II - Pregnant Canadian wife wants to bring
PART II - West Vancouver BC Canada Couple with Life
PART III - Canadian Citizen on Vancouver Island,
5471 Form needed by West Vancouver Canadian with US
Taxes on distribution of a US IRA to a US Citizen -
401(K) Canadian / American dual citizen from Seattle
US Citizens planning to immigrate to Comox Valley or
Can Mastercard interest be deducted if used to pay a
A Guide to U.S. Newspapers
West Vancouver Canadian with US business wants to put
Canadian in US on H1B wants to know tax status. - Fw:
Canadian wants to know when he should take out Canada
Can Mastercard interest be deducted if used to pay a
Canadian wants to know when he should take out Canada
Canadian versus US dollar - definition of exchange rate
American wife in Abbotsford, BC,
Canadian as resident alien in USA - has slipped into US
Paid Social Security in the US and is coming back to
US Citizens planning to immigrate to Quebec Canada- -
Tax filing for a couple residing in separate states,
New York City Taxes on TN Visa holder
Permanent Resident Status in both US and Canada
Quick Question on Canadian RRSP to wife in the USA
2nd mortgage on a rental in CANADA
US taxation of change of currency valuation from Great
Where does he pay the tax? Canadian Citizen with US
TN and H1B living together in the US - A Bad
Obtaining Canadian citizenship Without living in Canada
Introduction to Internet and Computer Privacy Invasions
Have $70,000 - how do I make my mortgage deductible in
If only I had email
Living in US, working in Canada - The problems of
US social security received by USA citizen residing in
Australia Lass wants to know about change of use -
Nevada Incorporation for a Victoria BC Canadian -
Canadian working in China and the US - A Question for
Canadian citizen in US, investing in Canada
Moving back to Canada from the US - stock options in US
US Pardon for Marijuana Possession in 1970
American from US wants to immigrate to Canada or at
Triple Citizenship - US Canada Great Britain UK - Ask
US taxation of deferred stock option benefit?
Help with Canadian BC bankruptcy and child access -
Real Estate Investing
Is Canada offering quick immigration for gays and
Montreal Quebec resident In need of a USA US / Canada
are lawyer's bills taxable income when paid by a
US citizen closing out Canadian RRSP - REV-PROC 2002-23
Giving 1/4 of a condo to a daughter in the United
U.S. pensions received by US citizen / Permanent
Part II Canadian resident in Windsor Ontario has worked
Canadian resident has worked in the US Article IV of
Investment Jargon From Bull Market to Profit
PART II - Canadian wants to know when he should take
Victoria Resident Wants to know about tax on
Part II Canada offering quick immigration for gays
Mutual Fund salesman sells his book in Edmonton,
Senior US Citizen living in Quebec Canada paying too
mexican estate tax
Paying taxes to more than one state or Province
does roommate income need to be treated as rental
couple living in California interested in Vancouver
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US citizen wants to move
Cayman Island pension to be received by a Victoria, BC,
PART II - WARNING!! - [CEN-TAPEDE] Cayman Island pension to be
Mortgage Interest Deductability In Canada
Gold sales to be registered by Brokers
W2 or 1099 or Corporation for TN holder in the US.
Part II - Does roommate income need to be treated as
RETIREMENT PLANNING - next step in retirement....
Vancouver Canada Person wishes to establish Offshore
IR-2004-5 -- Judge Grants Request of IRS Office of
US American citizens want to move to Canada Ask an
Canadian goes to OMAN and wants to know how to be tax
OAS credits for US residency and employment -
Dual visa - H1 and E2 or H1 and E5 visas at the same
Condo in wife's name - she has no income and it now
U.S. Citizen purchasing a second home in Vancouver, BC,
Filing late return under Canada's Fairness Legislation
PART II - Dual visa - H1 and E2 or H1 and E5 visas at
US retirement trust (401K) owns property on Campobello
US citizen has lived in Canada since he was 8 - no US
Sponsoring parents to Canada and deducting them on your
working for Milwaukee Company in New York State,
PART III - The final answer is ONE TYPE OF US VISA AT
Dual citizen's tax.on $45,000 of US dividends - Article
US Tax Forms
Funding a Canadian citizens 401(k) with US
Father deceased with a Farm in BC's ALR (Agricultural
San Diego Lawyer wants to renounce his US citizenship
Newfoundland expatriate bought BC Real Estate and has
Need an Appraisal on a Bradner,
Montreal to California How / where to file?? - ARTICLE
Part II - AMT Dual citizen's tax. on $45,000 of US
TN Visa and Canadian Tax
US Citizen Residing in Canada and Working in Iraq
Canadian Citizen living in Saudi Arabia looking to buy
Money in General by George Hatton, CA
US resident alien and director in CDN co.
US . Canada dual citizenship / international travel to
North Carolina Green Card holder with a semi-rental
Special Assessments for Capital Improvements
Candian / US immigration and property law for TN and
US citizen, permanent resident on Vancouver island in
Canadian tax rates per $10,000 increments for Canadian
Canadian wants to buy a Hawaii condoand rent it out -
When is / was Canadian Citizenship lost by taking out
Happy Chinese New Year! - With Thanks to Winnielee for
US citizen moved to Canada where does she pay the tax?
Canada / US TAX Return - for Cambridge,
Day trading and the futures market in Laguna Beach ,
withdrawing 401k funds tax implication
What forms to file - TN visa holder has moved to the
Canadian eh - We all need a laugh - The weekly joke
Missing W-2 or other slips in the United States,
family partnership, Limited Partnership or Corporation
Windsor, Ontario, Canadian working in Detroit,
The last word on Deducting Interest in Canada Bulletin
The weekly Good humour from Dot Bristow
Import Car duties to Canada
Capital Gains Tax - In Trust for a minor Accounts in
TN H1B E2 Treaty Trader Visa question
T1161 penalties - $25 per day? This form to be filled
Son earned $500 US building a deck for a friend -
Dual citizenship - US/CANADA - see Oct 93 CEN-TAPEDE -
Escaping Canadian Income Tax by leaving the country -
Pardon / Waiver - Will a Drunk driving charge in
treatment of mutual fund trust- Vancouver resident
US by birth / how to prove? Born in Japan of a American
Jamaica - Canada - Marriage - Divorce - Separation -
Canadians move from BC to California on L1 Visa
Income tax 2003 preparation - Canada - from Corner
American with questions about working in Canada. Ask an
BANKRUPTCY Tax Situation- Messy divorce - Possible
Reducing capital gains for Canadian citizen / US
Dual citizen living in Ontario Canada, working in New
looking for Tax preparer that knows leaky condo tax
telephone conference - Evening - weekends - okay = Ask
PART II - Reducing capital gains for Canadian citizen /
Living in Point Roberts, Washington and working in
RRSP (locked in) owned by US resident in Chicago,
401K and RRSP - Canadian living in the US - US Canada
Moved to USA in July 2003
Unemployment benefits paid by California to a laid -
Social security and Medicare - payments - can a short
RRSP reporting to IRS- Go to www.centa.com - click on
Mexican Worker in US under H-1B Visa wants to buy
Moving my UK common law partner to Canada from Great
RRSP tax in US if i withdraw all?? after paying
AIR CANADA Pilot Taxation when pilots live in the USA -
Canadian working in Michigan on H1B visa with American
Thanks David! - Foreign Tax Credits missed by accountant
question on gambling winnings and refund of taxes - Las
RRSP Treatment for Canadians Living in the USA or
When can a divorced person use an RRSP under the
Canadian H4 visa holder wants to collect Unemployment
US Citizen who wants to move and work in Vancouver
American wants to work for Austrian Company in Canada
taxes for a Canadian in the US on H1-B Wants to do some
Are child Tax credits available for over 17 yer old
Marriage between American Resident and Canadian
Canadian Nurse going to the Texas,
US Gambling Winnings by Canadian - Can he get the tax
Transferring a 401k or IRA Internationally (ie
help I am marrying an American citizen - Canadian
US Citizenship for a Great Britain British citizen with
Part II Unemployment benefits paid by California to a
PART II - [CEN-TAPEDE] Canadians move from BC to California on L1
US tax liabilities if Permanent Canadian Resident -
Canadian wants to reno and flip properties in the USA -
Dissolving my Canadian RRSP when moving to the UAE -
1040NR or 1040 for Canadian resident commuting to work
Loonie Tunes - Update for Canadian Exporters -
Canadian Capital Gains While Living in California -
working in Bermuda - international transportation of
RRSP Contributions for a US citizen working in Canada
Amending income tax for 2001 & 2002 & ITIN W7
Filing Canadian taxes - Section 216(4) - Article XI and
US Gambling refunds - forms 1040NR and W7 - 1042S or
US 401(K) to Canadian RRSP = Can it be rolled over?
Landed Immigrant Taxes = US citizen gets Permanent
Are the internal earnings in my Roth IRA taxable in
Green Card or US citizenship through adoption - ask and
Filing back US taxes and the US Selective Service /
Canadian from Montreal Quebec living & working in
Moving from Singapore back to Toronto - repatriation
What type of Visa do Canadaian Employees need to
deductible mortgage interest - Joan Marsh Mortgage
Worked in Canada & USA for 2003 - T1161 to report
Works in Africa - Lives in Canada with Tax Equalization
US Green Card holder moving back to Canada but will
getting T4 in Canada and W2 in USA on TN work visa -
Article IV US Canada Tax Convention (Treaty) Canadian
ARTICLE IV CANADA US Income Tax Convention - estate
Taxes and dual citizens citizenship - Article IV UK
Half US income / half Canada Michigan New York Quebec
US citizen from Minnesota went to Pakistan and married
Canadian Working in the US wants to know about what tx
GREEN CARD holder commutes to work in the US Daily.
Canadian Working in the US wants to know about w
Vancouverite moving to California wants to move his
American Living in Canada is going to Great Britain on
BC property purchase tax - move from Vernon to
NAFTA - From ask an income tax immigration planner
American has a room mate and wants ty deduct some
PART II - BC property purchase tax - move from Vernon
Ontario resident wants to buy an dsell real estate in
Canadian Citizen living in Ohio,
what is your fee for US/Can Tax Returns?
US citizen living in Sechelt BC,
Oregon Daughter of a Canadian mother and American
Sydney Australian investor in Vancouver Real Estate
Dual Citizenship & Taxes ( Saudi Arabia & American US
Does $50,000 renovation in Summerland qualify for a GST
Quebec City School teacher moving to US to teach in
Canadian Inheritance, is it taxable to a US resident /
Canadian in Japan buying property in Manitoba and
Taking money from RRSP Accounts to purchase home under
American US citizen(s) living in Canada want to file
TN and Social Security - US company did not deduct FICA
Buy RRSP or pay off the mortgage in Canada - PAY OFF
Canada USA Income Tax for Canadian Nurse in
Canadians living in Singapore want to withdraw RRSP
Canadian in South Korea moving to Kuwait (or Dubai,
Canadian living in basement of rented house wants to
Sale of Home in BC while living in WA - Divorce,
Income tax and RRSP workshop with Fred Snyder and David
capital gains on US stock for non-resident Canadian in
AT-2004-33 -- GAMBLING INCOME AND EXPENSES - --- ask an
Montana US citizen wants to buy Spousal
House Designing for California while doing work in
H1B 65000 quota filled for 2004 --- no new start dates
capital gains on house with suite in Canada -Fedel
PART II - Works in Africa - Lives in Canada with Tax
Californian wants to move to Vancouver for two years
Canadian husband has TN going to H1B and Green card -
ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number)
Part II Canadian in Japan buying property in Manitoba
Can US resident deduct the real estate commission when
What are the tax ramifications of a Canadian purchasing
Lives in Missouri Bought Home in Nova Scotia - on a TN
Canadian wants to know who pays the tax when the monies
first purchase of a 4-plex in Vancouver, BC,
Extra Self-Employment Income for Canadian with full
what types of taxes apply to US citizens with rental
SINGAPORE - Double Taxation for US Citizen Working
Thailand Citizen marries Canadian and wants to know
Switzerland Swiss resident / Canadian Citizen wants to
Returning to Canada- Dual Citizens- Taxation Questions
FLORIDA Taxation of a Canadian Citizen working in
Saccomano - Tax Free Capital Gains in Canada with
Regarding acquisition of dual citizenship or working
Canadian Citizen with TN visa lives in US for 8 months
Child Care Expenses in Canada for Canadian working in
Claiming expense for music lesson tuition fees for
HONG KONG offshore assets = Canadian wants to know what
Green Card Holder wants to know what happens if she
MEXICO - Canadians Moving to Mexico permanently and
RENOVATOR wants to know how to structure for tax
LAS VEGAS or Atlantic City or Skagit Casino Gambling
COLORADO Entrepreneur with Family Corporation and
An opinion on taxes and Canadian residency - Article IV
NAPA VALLEY resident receives Demand by Canadian
US Resident Consultant Working Part-Time in Canada for
Winnipeg, Manitoba lady - how to get my boyfriend to
Installment Payments on your tax retrurn in the US and
Murray Morrison - Bankruptcy Lawyer Surrey Vancouver
TN VISA for Indian National who is a PR (permanent
Canadian tuition fees for private piano music lessons
TUITION Can I claim the post-secondary tuition paid out
www.600AM.com - IT'S YOUR MONEY with Fred Snyder and
Brother lives in house in other brother's name but he
Canadian wife, US husband, - file a joint tax return
Judge Teskey and the Dennis Lee Case - Non Residency
REV-PROC 2002-23 RRSP reporting to IRS- Go to
German Resident, Canadian Citizen - living in Germany
Canadian living in US and wanting to buy a home in
TDF-90 REV.PROC 2002-23 - Tax question about US salary
VERIZON - Canadian Selling US stock - No US capital
Divorce - Transferring items from one spouse to the
401(k) Question when coming to Canada as a Permanent
Can US tuition fees be claimed by Canadian parents
Dual Citizenship US / Canada - See the October 1993
L1-A in the US with a home in both countries - Article
Mortgage Interest as a deduction in Canada. - How to do
1120F Assistance in completing IRS Form 1120-F
bankruptcy article in Western Investor about Bankruptcy
Son makes all mortgage payments on house registered in
Father wants to transfer rental property to children
Selling Property in Washington State -
Principal residence - Can a husband and wife own one
401(k) Question (Part II) when coming to Canada as a
H1-B visa HOlder wants to knoiw about buiying a house
Non-capital losses and investments on loan from one
Canadian tax preparer fined - old news but a good read
TN VISAS to the USA - How do I get one? Who Qualifies?
RCM Examinations secures RESP eligibility for private
PART II - Non-capital losses and investments on loan
TN VISAS to the USA - How do I get one? Who
Canadian moved to San Diego California USA from Canada
Expatriate Returning home to Canada -High Tech escapee
Gay Couple, Working in US USA and Living in Canada -
San Francisco resident Moves to Canada - Sells US
American citizan father - am I eligible - see
Los Angeles California US citizen relocating toToronto
splitting ownership of properties for tax Canadian tax
REPEAT Mortgage Interest as a deduction in Canada. -
When is a common law wife a wife with a comatose wife
Portugal foreign funds into canada - tax? penalties? -
Phillipines to Florida - new USA US citizen how to
California couple wants me to recommend a real estate
PART II - Gay Couple, Working in US USA and Living in
INDIA to Canada to USA - PART II - H1 / L1 / US Visa
INDIA to Canada to USA - H1 / L1 / US Visa with
Women's Favorite email of the year
FICA question - Canadian Resident working in the USA. -
small business in Vancouver BC Canada and living in
spousal support in Canada - ask an income tax and
Indian National wants detailed advice before entering
401K withdrawal by Canadian resident - ask an income
Ukrainian citizens in US and Canada where to be taxed?
Mind & Management for a Canadian company which is a sub
TN Status for Canadian with a contract in the United
Canadian has been working in US for years without
business Partnership splits up - ask an
Part II - Mind & Management for a Canadian company
BORDER KIT - A Canadian landed immigrant will marry an
ISLE OF MANN born person wants to know if he is a
US citizens in Canada for 28 years Social Security FICA
3/4's of an Acre sold in Canada Issue - Ordinary
single mom looking to get ahead for her children's
Marriage US / Canada Advice concerning marriage between
New Hampshire from Calgary, Alberta - Help with taxes:
Mutual funds sold in Canada by US resident three years
Mortgage Interest as a deduction - Wednesday night
Home Buyer's Plan - What are the rules? - How much can
Australian Student wants to fulfil work requirement in
British citizen at UBC wants to work in Canada - needs
New Mexico retirement account for US citizen moving to
TD F 90-22.1 - US Treasury Form - Fill in to report
TD F-90 Canadian bank accounts - living in the US -
TN Visa to H1B to Green Card - from ask an income tax
Vehicle registration Dual Citizen in Canada wants to
TN Management Consultant - Proof of Experience - Fives
Mexico - Canada Taxes on alimony (support) from Mexican
Australian Student wants to fulfil work requirement in
Quebec mortgage for non-res Canadian - ask an income
Australian Student wants to fulfil work requirement in
US House Sale after 7 months in US
Victoria RESTRUCTURING LOANS to make mortgage
Milwaukee How to find a cross border tax specialist -
Importing a car from the USA - Sent by someone who
single mom looking to get ahead for her children's
PART II - Mortgage Interest as a deduction - Wednesday
US citizens cannot retire to Canada - Canadian citizens
Parents giving a house to daughter in BC Canada
Rental property and capital Gains in Canada - but
Canadian principal residence rented out - designate on
Common-law spouses - claiming dependant = from ask an
Dallas Texas resident wants to import bride to Canada -
Australia, United Kingdom, Canada and United States
Las Vegas resident wants Canadian retirement - LEGAL
Property purchase tax in BC. - from ask an income tax
$100,000 capital Gains exemption in 1994 in Canada -
READER QUESTION: New housing GST Rebate
ART IV US Canada Tax Treaty Victoria Canadian
FICA <> CPP when Moving to Canada Temporarily
8833 - wants to file to pay tax to Canda instead of USA
Hastings, England Making International mortgages tax
Australia - Making international mortgages deductible
Common-law wife question for working student in New
L2 - SSN or Tax identification # ? Calgary Vancouver
Rent receipts in Ontario for Ontario Renters' credit. -
401k options-as I now live in Canada - ask an income
foreign mortgage interest - Canada - Grand Caymans -
US resident wants to open business and employ Canadian
Gave house to son - now wants daughters's name on title.
California Canadians want to know about taxes on
US OPTIONS - Canadian resident with US trading account
401K <versus> RRSP - from ask an income tax and
Canadian who worked IN BAHAMAS (for several years)
Seattle Doctor moving to Ottawa and then Vancovuer. Don
New York (er) moving to Ontario or Quebec Canada wants
TN visa holder in Miami or Buffalo Needs Advice re CPP
World Money Laundering Report: Digest 20040325 -
RRSP - PPT - GST - CRA - Immigrant Trust in Canada -
Burnaby to California to New York - TN - Green Card -
TN - Deductions for accomodation and meals - ask an
Massachusetts from Vancouver Canadian and US taxes -
Winning withholding tax in reno or Las Vegas or
Social Security Tax Paid by TN visa holder in the USA -
Hawaii from Victoria TN Nafta temporary work visa -
Fw: T2062 T2062A capital gains on Canadian property
BC Tax on Alberta car purchase by BC resident ==== ask
2555 - TDF-90 US Income Tax filing for US citizen
TN in MICHIGAN - Taxation of an Canadian resident with
CAYMAN ISLANDS = T2062 - T2062A - Non Resident Canadian
TN in MICHIGAN -PART II - Taxation of a Canadian
Spain Indonesia Canadian pension taxation of
Capital Gains Tax - Sister and brother inherit house in
Selling stocks in Canada that were bought while living
Permanent Residency vs. Primary Residence - ask an
Should I hire someone to review the immigration forms
South Carolina after moving from Ontario - - Gary
TD F-90 T1243 T1244 T1161 South Carolina from Ontario
French citizen, Canadian PR permanent resident wants
H1B visa to green card - wants to escape US tax. = ask
RRSP contributions for US Canada Dual Citizen living in
Part II - Permanent Residency vs. Primary Residence -
Part II H1B visa to green card - wants to escape US
Gift of money from Canadian in Canada to a Canadian
Accountant in Halifax
Lifelong Learning Plan - Canada ask an income tax
NURSE US/Canada taxation T1161 T1243 T1244 -
RRSP's to invest in Real Estate. - ask an income tax,
Turkmenistan immigration to Canada - from ask an income
RRSP Undistributed Income - IRS NOTICE 2003-75
Accountant in Halifax looking for Steve Peters
New Zealand & the CRA , the IRD and Canada - Article IV
1031 tax-deferred exchange! Is it valid fgro a Canadian
TN Cross Border Taxation ask the income tax experts
Part II - RRSP Undistributed Income - IRS NOTICE
Bankruptcy and the Disability Tax Credit - from ask an
Pros and cons of dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship - ask
Windsor to Detroit Daily Commute. - ask an income tax
Article IV of US / Canada Income Tax Convention (1980)
Singapore Irish man and Canadian Wife want to buy
Mexico / US citizen Mexican wants to know about owning
Weymouth Framingham Cambridge Canadian working in the
Canadian PR wife;
Seattle to Vancouver Selling vs renting real estate in
Cross Border Plan - Dennis Lee - Judge Teskey's
paper portfolio of second mortgages - fram ask a west
US Gambling tax refund - Reno, Las Vegas,
US Citizen on a Temporary Work Permit in Canada -
US Gambling tax refund - Reno, Las Vegas,
inherited house - 4 siblings - one loived in it - who
US Citizen on a Temporary Work Permit in Canada -
inherited house - 4 siblings - one loived in it - who
interest taxation on joint account in Canada - ask a
Seattle US citizen wants to buy a Penthouse in
British Citizen with US Green Card moving to Canada as
Kuwait Canadian Article IV Kuwait Canada Income Tax
Property ownership in Canada if I am a non-resident -
tax deadlines - 4868 2688 2350 2555 1040X Whitehorse,
Orlando Florida Canadian wants to know who to pay taxes
Article IV US Canada Income Tax Convention Real Estate
Pension Income in Canada and Alternative Minimum tax to
Costa Rica - 'Death' of Investment in Costa Rica -
Dual Citizen Lving in Canada - US Source Income = ask a
New Hampshire resident wants to know what to file for
Canadian Engineering Oil and Gas Company wants to
Grand Cayman Islands resident wants to know about GST -
PST on home renovation - BC Provincial Sales Tax - ask
investment loss - not claimed in year occurring Canada
Probate fees in British Columbia on Cash, Term Deposits
CHILD TAX BENEFIT in Canada - US Fiancee to come to
Dual citizenship for children of US mother and Canadian
Renting a condo to a son - is there a tax deduction? -
claiming Interest paid on mortage payments and Medical
Article IV of US / Canada Income Tax Convention (1980)
E677 E667 International transportation of over $10,000
internet banks/credit unions - From ask an income tax
NEW York Times Article on tax frauds
Canadian or US Tax Return or Both for PR in Canada with
Americans spending half a year in Canada -Article IV of
Vacation Home in Quebec for Americans - What are the
Must I file a Canadian tax return? - PR in Canada for a
2350 - 2555 - TD F-90 US citizen moving to Canada -
Waiver visa - Not allowed into the US because of a
Squamish Capitial gains tax on rental townhouse -
Fiancee Moving to US- from ask an immigration and
Saudi Arabia worker - resident of Canada for tax
Residency Status: Legal vs Tax - ask a West Vancouver
Who should own a rental condo? - ask a West Vancouver
PART II - Who should own a rental condo? - ask a West
US/Canada Tax Obligation - Toronto Canadian PR,
Canadian taxation on money withdrawn from an IRA for
2nd Home in Canada Michigan Ontario commuters dual;
Bankruptcy - Will I get my OAS in case of Bankruptcy -
PART II - Waiver visa - Not allowed into the US
How to avoid paying full tax on US pension plan payout
PART II - Addendum - 2nd Home in Canada Michigan
Labour Certification for H4 husband of an H1B - When
canadian PR - Windsor - detroit - Michigan Ontario -
Michigan resident- Canadian Citizen with US Variable
Portugal Property - personal residence ouit of the
Irish - Canadian student wants casual work in US -
South Carolina Canadian on a TN visa - ask a income tax
Canada Savings Bond Interest owned by US resident - ask
US Customs Duties on Fabrics TAXES ON GOODS BROUGHT
PR returning to USA - ask an income tax and immigration
Nebraska property U.S. tax liabilities for dual
Where do I get my PR card before returning to USA - ask
Canadian working in Canada and living in Pt.Roberts
1975 value of a Vancouver House needed. ask an income
Some days just never go right - Received from a friend
T5013 Foreign tax credit into Quick Tax for a Canadian
Delinquent US Tax Filings - American from Denver in
STUDIO - is it worth it to open a small business in my
UK or Canadian tax on gambling winnings from Britain -
New York sister owns half of Vancouver Condo her mother
K-1 Fiancee Visa to the United States - Fill in I-129F
Filing in U.S for first time in 43 years - ask an
FW: The-Real-Story on Avian Influenza in the Fraser
India House - is it dedcuctible? ask an international
1975 value of a Vancouver House needed. ask an income
tax Return Requirments - ask an international
What to do if you have run out of time to get your
Canadian / American wife wants to sponsor US citizen
Fix up expenses for a rental house in Canada - are they
Move to Canada from Hawaii or Not? - ask an
dual citizen and a spouse wishing to move to Vancouver,
Daycare house in Canada (and USA)- is any part of the
TN - getting married to US Citizen - ask an
renting to a family member - What could I do better? -
PART II - 401(K) pension contributions while living in
401(K) pension contributions while living in Canada and
Canada/US divorce query - Surrey and Greater Vancouver
New York City resident wants to join romantic interest
PART II - Daycare house in Canada (and USA)- is any
Bankruptcy - A few Questions too late! - Surrey and
Canadian/US citizen retirees - can they move to Canada.
Before you invest in another Tax Shelter with your
Free Seminar on making your CANADIAN mortgage TAX
Buying a Farm in BC CANADA,
Loss of Canadian Citizenship - ask an international
Canadian mother's son wants Canadian citizenship
L1B - L2 visa Work Permit - ask an international
Income Attribution When Spouse Guarantees Loan - ask an
PART II - Canadian mother's son wants Canadian
Permanent Resident (PR) living in Canada and working in
France -Forms 104 105 Wants to sell house in USA and
PART II - Canadian mother's son wants Canadian
Booking agent moves back to Winnipeg from the Grand
Dual citizen HOW TO Question about Canadian born
Filing Foreign Ownership of US Companies -- plus
Finding lost money - phoney services - ask an
US worker for one year.- ask an international income
Taxation based on where you work,
Seattle resident & buying real estate in Ottawa,
EDMONTON Alberta casual worker needs record of
401(k) - early withdrawal 72(t) penalties IRA - RRSP -
Mortgage Interest as a deduction in CANADA - FREE
US worker for one year.- ask an international income
Quebec Vacation Home for American Residents - Article
Toronto US citizen Information re filing of back U.S.
Name on title of father's house - ask International
New Jersey spouse/child moving back to British Columbia
Virus - protection - free with Grisoft - www.grisoft.com
BUTTON UP! Declaring personal residence for capital
Worth Reading - The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class
California working in California on a TN Visa - T1161
Canadian Citizen Immigrating to Texas to marry a Texan
Texas couple want to use 401k and Employer Retirement
FREE SEMINAR on mortgage deductions -= Ask an income
The Smith Manouvre 0n Mortgage interest as a tax
Bogata, Columbia I-134 Poverty Guidlines - ask
Native American Canadian about to marry U.S. citizen -
canadian citizen vs. permanent resident - ask
New York, Boston or Seattle resident wants to maintain
New Brunswick resident needs old T4 slips - You should
$30,000 special assessment for a leaky condo.- Fred
US resident wants to upgrade condo - Do they have to
Working as a Manufacturers rep in Canada and entering
Canadian wants to work in the U.S presenting seminars.
401(K) -= only read if you have one and want to get it
Indonesia - Tax Treaty - Canada Short term contract -
Canadian leaving US with 401k and IRAs Canadian
Social Security Disability - is it taxable in Canada -
minor's bank account - is it taxable in the US - ask
California Canada Taxation for Canadian on TN Visa in
Great Britain (England) uncle wants to sell his home
Professor wants to give presentation in San francisco
H1B visa holder in US wants to sell hose before two
Toronto, Ontario Is mortgage interest paid in Canada
Happy Camper - Canadian mother's son wants
RRSP's for minors? ask International real estate
Did you know?
Rural Property Tax on Recreational Property - ask
living commonlaw in Canada - - making mortgage interest
Whistler - Transfer of Ownership of Property - mortgage
TN visa - Detroit - Windsor -- Niagara Falls - St
Nov 2001 - Free Mortgage deduction seminar on Thursday
deemed residence -
Actor from US to work in Canada wants to know about
Part II = TN visa - Detroit - Windsor -- Niagara Falls
Bankruptcy, CCRA, Canadian Living in USA working for
Delays in returns and replys - my apologoies
Part II = TN visa - Detroit - Windsor -- Niagara Falls
absentee voting - ex California resident wants to vote
UK citizen moving to Canada wants to keep rental house
PR and H1B with PR spouse in Canada - Avoidance of
ESTATE PLANNING - Free Seminar by Fred Snyder of Dundee
CANADA IS OFFSHORE - IR-2004-77 -- IRS and State
SOME MORE - Occasionally we need some truths in our
US resident finds out about 25% withholding for rental
Moving a 401(K) to an RRSP - thanks to Andrew Nelson -
GST on an 8 year old condo when bought from a buildask
Credit Report in Canada - Equifax will give it to you
Spouse's income tax debt. - CANADA - Can tax office
PART II - a personal story on the Sun - Credit Report
Residential Ties in Canada : Judger Teskey's decision
401(K) to IRA in CA California to BC Canada RRSP -
If Green Card expires can I ever get a TN visa again? -
Questions overwhelming
T1213 - reduced withholding tax in Canada on RRSP's -
rolling 401k into RRSP - Fred Snyder CFP and George
Income Tax for North Vancouver Resident who married a
BRITISH Inheritance from the UK United Kingdom or - GB
In trust accounts for my kids in Canada - Fred Snyder
CRA's Mind & Management test for a Canadian subsidiary
Article IV of US / Canada Income Tax Convention Treaty
Canadian permanent resident wants to work in the USA -
Canadian permanent resident wants to work in the USA -
ties to canada and resident status RRSP reporting
Japan Income Tax - article IV of the Canadian / Japan
NR-6 American Citizen - Canadian rental Property.
Spreading a Capital gin out over three years. - ask
VERMONT US citizen marrying a Canadian from Quebec,
Virginia American selling Canadian cottage or home to a
Asian Non resident selling Canadian Rental Properties -
IT-533 The last word on Deducting Interest in Canada -
US Citizen considering NR-6 rental property purchase in
Rental House sale expenses Ths question came from
Whistleblower Reward Form 211 from the IRS and US
Vancouver BC Rental Property owned by Salem, Boston or
RRSP for US resident - keep it or cash it in. Who to
FW: T2200 - T777 - what forms do I need to fill out to
wrongful dismissal in the USA on an L1B work permit -
TL 11A T-11 - T2202 T2202A - P105 My Canadian dauughter
how do I make my car loan tax deductible? - ask
Arrangement of non-tax sheltered investments - ask
TN-Visa for Management Consultant Tax Filing - ask
Hiding Money from creditors - Possible Bankruptcy -
Dual US / Canada Citizenship RE-Entry Permit I-131 -
Visas - ask International real estate immigation and
US Green Card Holder with House in Canada? - Judge
Selling real estate & taxes - ask International real
Whistler Condo - T664 1994 deemed disposition - from
Mom to be Canadian/Father to be American: possibility
Tail Malpractice Insurance fee - Will I lose out on a
US citizen buying rental property in Montreal - NR6 and
5 Acres in Canada - Is it taxable? ask an International
Severance Pay + CPP - written Financial Plan from Fred
Corporate income tax for BVI company with the directors
US / Canada passports and voting - DON'T FORGET TO VOTE
Sale of Canadian Real Estate by Colorado U.S. Residents
wrongful dismissal in the USA on an L1B work permit -
Canadian Nurse working in California - where does she
Does TN visa holder pay US and California taxes? -
II - FACTUAL RESIDENT Of Canada I left out Article IV
II - Article XIV and XV of US/Canada Income Tax Treaty
Using RRSP for downpayment for first time homebuyer.-
IT-533 Disappearing Source Rules for sale of Rental
Divorced parent wants to know about child's part-time
capital gains tax for US citiizen with property
Gambling Tax Refund for wins in Reno, Las Vegas,
Tax Implications of Vancouver Island,
Canadian Vaction / Investment property for a US
Victoria student's Condo - renting to a family memeber
Moving Back to Canada- three questions from dual
RRSP for Singapore person working in Canada
Estate Bequeathment - ask an International real estate
who taxes paid leave or retirement income - Article IV
Income Tax liabilities of a US citizen living in
Taxation of family home when eBay business run from
Form 5471 - Form TD F-90.22 Montreal Dual US Canada
FLORIDA USA resident Canadian Citizen withdrew RRSP at
US Citizenship Requirements - ask an International
GST and PSTin my Expenses in Canada - ask an
GST and PSTin my Expenses in Canada PART II - ask an
529 College Savings Plan - Can it be used to attend
Canadian married American and wants to bring Spuse to
Indian National with Permanent Residence Status in
What a difference a Night makes - BC Lions Defeat
US / Canada dual citizenship - ask an International
Back to Article Directory
Canadian Income Tax
US Income Tax Checklist
US Back Tax Checklist
Feature Index
Mortgage & Interest Tax Deductions
Residency and Taxation
SIN/SSN for Children
Legal Expenses Taxation
Lost US Citizenship
Cdn/US Social Security
Entering US
Tax Guide
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