NEW MOVIE - I O U.S.A. as in I OWE

I did another seminar in Toronto on  Saturday.  My subject was the tax consequences of 'retiring to Mexico -  It was another good seminar.
Came back to Vancouver and was a guest on Fred Snyder's show "IT'S YOUR MONEY!".
( WWW.CKNW.COM every Sunday Night from 6 PM to 7 PM Vancovuer time.)
And then went to a movie that every person entitled to vote in the US election on November 4th should / MUST see.
This is NOT anti-Obama or anti-McCain.
But it explaisn that the real US Deficit is not the TEN TRILLION+ being bandied about but is closer to FIFTY-SIX TRILLION whren you add in unfunded Social Security, and Medicare A, B and D .
It is genuinely time to act.
If you are a Canadian or an American, go and see this movie.  It was at the Granville in Vancouver but only 27 people were there and I had never heard of it.  If not for the wife's having read it we would not have gone.


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