substituting pensions - good idea or not and can it be done -
I'm not sure if this fits under the category of tax questions, but I thought I would give it a shot. I used to teach in a Catholic School and am vested in their pension plan. I'm currently teaching in a public school and have the opportunity to purchase service credit for up to 5 years of teaching in a Catholic School. The catch is you have to forfeit your Catholic School pension. I spoke to the people at the Catholic School pension office and they told me for IRS reasons, I was not allowed to forfeit my Catholic School pension. There pension plan would somehow lose their tax exempt status if they allowed me to forfeit my pension. This doesn't make sense to me. I can't believe I can't choose to not accept a pension. Is this true?
-----------------------------------------------------david ingram replies:
I am intrigued but do not have the time to look into this because it is not part of the focus of this list. I wrote a book on retirement plans in 1989 and for a while it was a bit of a bible for pension people but it was for Canadian Pension rules and there have been a 1,000 changes since then and the possession of the book and a quarter will let yo use a pay phone if you can find one (a pay phone that is).
However, I am willing to send it to the approximate 13,000 people who read it and will see if anyone responds with the answer.
However, you should take a very close look at the process. The public school pension may not be enough to balance what you would give up if you can do it by the time you factor in the extra payment you have to make to get the difference.
You need to sit down with an unbiased consultant who understands the situation already.
I bet you are likely as well off or even better off in the long run if you kept the old pension and bought a new IRA. If you have a recurring outstanding credit card balance, you would likely be better getting rid of a current 18% debt.
My ex wife sent me a list of 26 things today and i will pass it on. If anyone has an answer to this pension question, please feel free to send it along.
This came just after I had
ordered a heat pump for the house - a good start
Number one is and has always been my
mantra. NO ONE should buy an RRSP for instance until their mortgage is
paid down to zero.
EXPENSES by some concrete number—10%, 20%, 30%, even 50%, and set
up a plan to do it. Reducing costs is the fastest way to increase your
income–faster than making more money.
WASTING without enjoying its benefits, such as lights that get left
on, computers that stay on day and night, "phantom loads," like
microwave clocks that use more energy than the microwave itself. If you
get to know your electrical meter, and record the setting before and
after you shut off those phantom loads, you'll have concrete proof that
you are saving money.
3. Set up a THREE TIER
SYSTEM for purchases: a) necessities; b) conveniences; and c)
other. Put everything you buy in one of these categories for a week,
and examine the list. For example, if you buy clothing, you might have
bought socks and new fancy shoes. While most people would put the socks
under "a" or "b," most of us would consider the fancy shoes "other"
unless they are a necessity for work. The Great Spending Contraction
has begun. Get far enough ahead of it, that you aren't bit in the
4. Consider BUYING FOOD
IN ITS MOST BASIC FORM, and in bulk. For example, instead of buying
Pancake mix, buy the flour, shortening, and leavening. This, alone,
will not only improve your diet, but cost you a fraction of what the
prepared mix would cost. Anything that the "Generals" prepare, (General
Foods, General Mills, etc) they CHARGE YOU for the privilege.
5. SIMPLIFY. Examine
each purchase, and ask yourself whether some other item would do the
job equally well. Consumerism produces specialized products that
increase demand. The more specialized, the easier it is to charge
consumers a premium price for it. Shaving cream, instead of a good
lathering soap. Window cleaner instead of vinegar. Do a bit of research
and find out how your ancestors lived without most of the products
under your sink or among your toiletries. Then, pare it down, and buy
it in bulk.
Seek out highly durable, long-lasting products that may cost more, but
are well made and will last a long time. You may find out that the
cheaper versions can't be replaced easily, when they wear out. Buy now
for the long term, and not on price alone. I'm finding better quality
items being replaced by cheaply made products at the same price. Buy
the quality stuff while you can still find it, and make sure it fits
Tier A. (See #3)
7. Switch over to a CASH
ECONOMY. Just do it. Start out deciding how much money you usually
spend using credit cards and checks, and take out that amount in cash
for a week, two weeks, a month. If you and your family members spend
through it before that period is over, stay home and stop spending,
until the next period starts. Consumer research has shown that moving
to a cash economy, consumers spend on average 20-25% less than if they
used a credit card. Use that research to benefit YOU. Get into the
habit of using currency, not plastic.
INVOLVED in cutting back Tier "B" and "C" spending. If you've set a
goal of reducing expenses by 20%, make that across the board, and
involve the kids. If this means cutting back on extra lessons, dances,
mall trips, etc, give your children a say in which things are cut out
or reduced. If you are sincere about your own cutbacks, your children
will respect and adjust their expectations as well. If you say you are
cutting back, but then buy something in the "C" category, you've lost
your credibility and you'll have a family mutiny on your hands.
Discuss, as a family, all of your expenses based on these categories,
and try to reach agreement, so there are no surprises.
9. Chart out your life
travels in terms of MILES, instead of minutes, and then figure out
how you can travel those miles in ways other than those using fossil
fuel. When someone says "That's 30 minutes away…" get used to asking
"Is that walking, biking, or traveling by car?" It is a psychological
shift that we all need to make.
10. Learn how to STAY HOME.
It sounds funny to some, but for many people, "home" has become a "pit
stop" to refuel (eat, sleep) before we head out again. Learning how to
stay home might mean resolving the conflicts you have with your
significant other. It might mean having higher expectations for better
behavior from your children.
11. SLOW DOWN, relax
more, and look for ways of improving your home surroundings. I
don't mean a new sofa. I'm talking about cleaning up that harrowing
trip from one room to another because you keep tripping over the rug
that sticks up, or putting up heavier curtains in the winter so the
room stays warmer, or creating a better area to read, or listen to
music, free of distractions. It might mean moving your most used
kitchen utensils in a convenient place, so it's easier to cook. Tell
yourself "Home is where I'm going to be spending most of my time," and
check out your emotional reaction. If it's panic or dread, try to
figure out why, and do something about it.
12. "GET REAL" with the
people you live with or love. Unfinished business, unspoken
animosity, curt and angry exchanges not only make it unpleasant to be
at home, it actually impacts your health. Bad marriages wreck good
health. Come clean and own up to your own unhappiness, and try to own
up to your contribution to the situation. The average troubled couple
waits seven years before they seek out help, and often the problems by
that point are well-entrenched. Try to fix it yourself, but if it
doesn't work, seek out a trained listener.
Too many children have very little real "purpose" in family life, and
this is a bizarre turn of events in the history of human-kind. If your
kids seem focused on their own self-interests, ask yourself to what
extent you've expected them to take in interest in things greater than
their own amusements. If you can't really say "Boy, I'm really glad I
have my son/daughter to take care of X, so I don't have to do it…"
you've forgotten how to teach them skills like taking responsibility,
being reliable, and the "quid pro quo" of living with people. Your
future son- or daughter- in-law will curse you.
from the computer/ Internet/television/cable/ telephone/cell
phone/pager/Blackberry/fax machine for some period each day and make a
space for you to be with those you love, uninterrupted. Make it a
revered time when the most important people in the world are sitting
with you, paying attention to each other, talking sincerely, relaxing
together. Expect severe resistance and techno-withdrawal. Make this
revered time long enough to allow for the "hyperactive" withdrawal to
subside, and a sense of quietude to permeate the house. Keep it going
(as an "experiment" if you must) for at least a month, and open up
discussion about what kinds of things you could do, as a family or as
individuals, that would be satisfying or fun without using electricity.
WORKING OVERTIME against using this time to create a more
sustainable lifestyle. We are used to thinking about making money as
the number one priority, but maybe its time to seriously question this
assumption. If some crisis should happen tomorrow, just how prepared
are you? Have you put up food? Created a garden of some type? Gotten to
know your neighbors well enough to ask for (or offer) favors? Connected
with religious or civic organizations offering you a wider circle of
support? Resolved your marital troubles? Learned to really enjoy your
kids? No doubt, cash is important, but time is our most precious
commodity. Consider its use very carefully.
16. Imagine a VISION for
a future you'd be willing to live in. You know that line about how
humans can't live without hope? (I know, some of you don't believe in
that word, so let's use the word "vision.") The happiest families have
a vision of what they are living and working for. This vision sustains
them in times of trouble. Go ahead. Imagine the worst. Then, visualize
how you can live a satisfying life through the worst of it, and what
will make it worthwhile. (Hint: if you don't imagine good friends and
family, live music, simple foods etc, it probably looks overly dreary…)
Write about it in a story, with you as the hero, draw it in a picture,
sing it in a song. Make it real.
ACHIEVEMENTS. Most of us are overly optimistic about what can be
accomplished in a year, but underestimate what can be accomplished in
ten years. See the broader plan, and pick several projects to start on
(that's right, several…). Do something on each one every day, or make
it okay to focus on one for a while, until you tire of it, and then
shift to another one.
18. Keep the LONGER
VISION in mind, and understand how the interim is likely to play
out, based on that vision. Give yourself the space to make decisions
now that you know will not ultimately be your future course of action.
To make sure you are heading in the right direction, ask yourself: "Is
this moving me toward greater self-sufficiency?" "If I am using fossil
fuel to accomplish this goal now, is this in service of my learning
some greater skill, that I can later apply, to accomplished the goal
without those inputs?" For example, if you know nothing about
carpentry, power tools can make learning about wood a great deal
easier. Once you are comfortable with putting things together, you can
later apply those skills when using hand tools. A recumbent bike with a
"power assist" can get you out there and riding that bike, so you get
into better shape to later ride it without the assistance.
19. Understand how the "herd
mentality" is likely to impact you, and try to GET OUT AHEAD OF THE
CROWD, instead of being trampled underneath it.
HEALTH as closely as you do your physical health. Depression,
paranoia, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, abandonment,
verbal abuse, compulsive behaviors like overeating, gambling,
cyber-sex, anonymous sex etc. are all common reactions to stressful
times. Keep a tight grip on the loose reins of that mind of yours, and
listen to other people who tell you they are worried about you and the
way you are behaving. Find people, ideally true friends and family, to
talk to about the pressures and ruminations you have—your deepest
fears. If you need help, get it now, and make sure that help includes
tangible ways for you to handle that stress better in the future. Talk
about your mother only if it helps you understand how to live a more
productive life TODAY and gets you moving in the direction you claim to
want to go in. Make it okay to schedule "mental health" know,
those days when you are just taking time off from work to smell the
roses, sleep late, schedule a 'melt down,' or otherwise live life.
21. Learn the difference
between "HEALTHY PLEASURES" and ones that will burn out your
neurochemistry and destroy your health. Most of us exaggerate our
habitual way of being when under pressure, based on our personalities.
For some of us, we'll withdraw from other people and become isolated.
For others, we throw ourselves into projects that make other people the
focus, and ignore our own wellbeing. Some of us become instantly
"action oriented" to manage our anxiety, without stopping to consider
the purpose or goal of our actions. Others become immobilized, unable
to make the simplest decisions, lest they turn out to be the wrong
ones. Some become more self-centered, while others stop considering
their own needs at all. Still others become dominated by destructive
emotions and stop thinking clearly. Too much intellectualizing is the
the direction others take, and this allows very little room for
emotional expression or sympathetic connection with ourselves or others.
This is what makes giving
"general advice" like "express your emotions" or "focus inward" so
risky. Know in which direction to tend to err, and interrupt the
pattern before it goes to extreme. Include people in your life that
"balance out" those tendencies. If you are a "worry wart," connect with
someone who's more carefree. If you tend to intellectualize, find an
improvisational theater group. If you dramatize everything, befriend
someone closer to a "brain" who "thinks" as a first response. And be
prepared to be possibly annoyed by the personality difference.
22. Care for something
NON-HUMAN. Eighty-five percent of us already do, whether its wild
birds, squirrels, gold fish, a dog, cat or livestock. Scientifically,
we've found out that caring for someone (or something) else is good for
our mental and physical health. We're likely to live longer through a
life-threatening disease if we do. Spend time watching or interacting
with this non-human, and access another part of your
consciousness—perhaps and older, deeper part, and try to relax while
you're doing it.
If you find yourself checking the news more than once a day, give it a
break, for your own sake. Take a "news holiday" once in a while. Go be
around something beautiful, like art or nature.
24. Make a list of the
'TWENTY THINGS YOU LOVE TO DO', and post it where you'll see it every
day. Write down, next to the item, when is the last time you did
it, and whether you want to do it more (M) or less (L) often. Write
down if it was something either parent did (P), and whether you'll
still be able to do it at 85 (85). If it costs money to do it, put a
dollar sign ($) next to it. If you need to do it with a friend (F) or
special friend (SP) note that. Now, rank-order them, just for fun.
Item Last time? More/Less?
Parents? 85? Cost? Friend/SP? Rank?
SING…TODAY……….. M…………Mom…. 85……_……… _………..1.
SING…TODAY……….. M…………Mom…. 85……_……… _………..1.
THE WORLD. Try just impacting your tiny corner of it. Make your
street a nicer place. Plant a few fruit or nut trees. Join a
neighborhood group. Expand your community food pantry. Get a regular
"rent party" together and pass the hat for those who have lost their
job or have unpaid medical bills. Next week, that person might be you.
Pick up the garbage you come across, even if it isn't yours. Remember
that the world is bigger than you are, and that you don't own the Earth
or the things in it, you are a part of the Earth, and are owned by it.
Just because people usually list 25 things, be different. List 26.
Don't follow the crowd, walk ahead of it. If they start following you,
you're a leader. If they don't, you are ahead of your time or you are
going in the wrong direction. In either case, enjoy the walk, and break
your own rules once in a while.
david ingram's US / Canada Services
US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
My Home office is at:
Calls welcomed from 10 AM to 9 PM 7 days a week Vancouver (LA) time - (please do not fax or phone outside of those hours as this is a home office) expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service help.
$1,700 would be for two people with income from two countries
Catch - up returns for the US where we use the Canadian return as a guide for seven years at a time will be from $150 to $600.00 per year depending upon numbers of bank accounts, RRSP's, existence of rental houses, self employment, etc. Note that these returns tend to be informational rather than taxable. In fact, if there are children involved, we usually get refunds of $1,000 per child per year for 3 years. We have done several catch-ups where the client has received as much as $6,000 back for an $1,800 bill and one recently with 6 children is resulting in over $12,000 refund.
Email and Faxed information is convenient for the sender but very time consuming and hard to keep track of when they come in multiple files. As of May 1, 2008, we will charge or be charging a surcharge for information that comes in more than two files. It can take us a valuable hour or more to try and put together the file when someone sends 10 emails or 15 attachments, etc. We had one return with over 50 faxes and emails for instance.
david ingram's US / Canada Services
US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
My Home office is at:
4466 Prospect Road
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
Cell (604) 657-8451 -
(604) 980-0321 Fax (604) 980-0325
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
Cell (604) 657-8451 -
(604) 980-0321 Fax (604) 980-0325
Calls welcomed from 10 AM to 9 PM 7 days a week Vancouver (LA) time - (please do not fax or phone outside of those hours as this is a home office) expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service help.
pert US Canada
Canadian American
Mexican Income Tax service and help.
David Ingram
gives expert income tax service & immigration help to non-resident
Americans & Canadians from New York to California to Mexico
family, estate, income trust trusts Cross border, dual citizen - out of
country investments are all handled with competence & authority.
Phone consultations
are $450 for 15 minutes to 50 minutes (professional hour). Please note
that GST is added if product remains in Canada or is to be returned to
Canada or a phone consultation is in Canada. ($472.50 with GST for in
person or if you are on the telephone in
Canada) expert US Canada Canadian American
Income Tax service and help.
This is not intended to be definitive
but in general I am quoting $900 to $3,000 for a dual country tax
$900 would be one T4 slip one W2 slip
one or two interest slips and you lived in one country only (but were
filing both countries) - no self employment or rentals or capital gains
- you did not move into or out of the country in this year.
$1,200 would be the same with one
$1,300 would be the same with one
business no rental
$1,300 would be the minimum with a
move in or out of the country. These are complicated because of the
back and forth foreign tax credits. - The IRS says a foreign tax credit
takes 1 hour and 53 minutes.
$1,600 would be the minimum with a
rental or two in the country you do not live in or a rental and a
business and foreign tax credits no move in or out
$1,700 would be for two people with income from two countries
$3,000 would be all of the above and
you moved in and out of the country.
This is just a guideline for US /
Canadian returns
We will still
prepare Canadian only
(lives in Canada, no US connection period) with two or three slips and
no capital gains, etc. for $200.00 up. However, if
you have a stack of
1099, or T3 or T4A or T5 or K1 reporting forms, expect to pay an
average of $10.00 each with up to $50.00 for a K1 or T5013 or T5008 or
T101 --- Income trusts with amounts in box 42 are an even larger
problem and will be more expensive. - i.e.
20 information slips will be
at least $350.00
With a Rental for $400, two or three
rentals for $550 to $700 (i.e. $150 per rental) First year Rental -
plus $250.
A Business for $400 - Rental and
business likely $550 to $700
And an American only (lives in the US
with no Canadian income or filing period) with about the same things in
the same range with a little bit more if there is a state return.
Moving in or out of the country or
part year earnings in the US will ALWAYS be $900 and up.
TDF 90-22.1 forms are $50 for the
first and $25.00 each after that when part of a tax return.
8891 forms are generally $50.00 to
$100.00 each.
18 RRSPs would be $900.00 - (maybe
amalgamate a couple)
Capital gains *sales) are likely
$50.00 for the first and $20.00 each after that.
Catch - up returns for the US where we use the Canadian return as a guide for seven years at a time will be from $150 to $600.00 per year depending upon numbers of bank accounts, RRSP's, existence of rental houses, self employment, etc. Note that these returns tend to be informational rather than taxable. In fact, if there are children involved, we usually get refunds of $1,000 per child per year for 3 years. We have done several catch-ups where the client has received as much as $6,000 back for an $1,800 bill and one recently with 6 children is resulting in over $12,000 refund.
Email and Faxed information is convenient for the sender but very time consuming and hard to keep track of when they come in multiple files. As of May 1, 2008, we will charge or be charging a surcharge for information that comes in more than two files. It can take us a valuable hour or more to try and put together the file when someone sends 10 emails or 15 attachments, etc. We had one return with over 50 faxes and emails for instance.
This is a
guideline not etched in stone. If you do
your own TDF-90 forms, it is to your advantage. However, if we put them
in the first year, the computer carries them forward beautifully.
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