Caregiver Amount -
I am doing our family taxes, for myself (unemployed last year), husband (employed) and my elderly mother. I want to claim the Caregiver amount for my husband, but am told (using QuickTax) that her net income from line 150 must be less than $17,xxx. I checked and her net income is several hundred dollars more than the cutoff amount. BUT that net income includes the Guaranteed Income Supplement of a little over $5,000. Without the GIS her income is a little over $12,000. Any chance I can put the net income without the GIS down??? Or a way around this?? I think it may make a big difference without the Caregiver amount..
david ingram replies:
For 2007, The maximum caregiver amount on line 315 (schedule 5) is$4019 if the person cared for has a net income of $13,726 or less.
For every dollar of net income over $13,726, the person claiming thecaregiver amount loses dollar for dollar so that at $17,745.00, thereis nothing left. In other words, if your mother's net income wasexactly $16,745, your husband could claim a caregiver amount of$1,000. (17,745 - 16,745) The $1,000 caregiver amount would result ina tax refund to your husband of $182.60.
If your mother gave up her $5,000+ of tax free GIS to keep her netincome below the $13,726 to give your husband the maximum exemption of$4,019, he would get a tax refund of $827.94.
Obviously $5,000+ tax free is better than a $827.94 tax refund and thefamily is way ahead taking the GIS and giving up the caregiver amount.
The GIS is not taxable and not included in taxable income but alongwith tax free welfare and tax free Worker's Compensation (differentname in each province), 'is' included in Net Income to reflect the truespending money of someone to stop their being claimed as a dependentwhen they have money coming from the government.
This is not the answer you hoped for but it is an explanation.
david ingram replies:
For 2007, The maximum caregiver amount on line 315 (schedule 5) is$4019 if the person cared for has a net income of $13,726 or less.
For every dollar of net income over $13,726, the person claiming thecaregiver amount loses dollar for dollar so that at $17,745.00, thereis nothing left. In other words, if your mother's net income wasexactly $16,745, your husband could claim a caregiver amount of$1,000. (17,745 - 16,745) The $1,000 caregiver amount would result ina tax refund to your husband of $182.60.
If your mother gave up her $5,000+ of tax free GIS to keep her netincome below the $13,726 to give your husband the maximum exemption of$4,019, he would get a tax refund of $827.94.
Obviously $5,000+ tax free is better than a $827.94 tax refund and thefamily is way ahead taking the GIS and giving up the caregiver amount.
The GIS is not taxable and not included in taxable income but alongwith tax free welfare and tax free Worker's Compensation (differentname in each province), 'is' included in Net Income to reflect the truespending money of someone to stop their being claimed as a dependentwhen they have money coming from the government.
This is not the answer you hoped for but it is an explanation.
On February 11, 2008, DavidIngram wrote:
It is very unlikely that blind or unexpected email to me will beanswered. I receive anywhere from 100 to 700 unsolicited emails a dayand usually answer anywhere from 2 to 20 if they are not from existingclients. Existing clients are advised to put their 'name and PAYING CUSTOMER' in the subject lineand get answered first. I also refuse to be a slave to email and donot look at it every day and have never ever looked at it when I am outof town. e bankruptcy expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service and helpHowever, I regularly search for the words"PAYINGCUSTOMER" and always answer them first if they did not get spammed out.For the last two weeks, I have just found out that my own email notesto myself have been spammed out and as an example, as I wrote this onDec 25, 2007 since June 16th, my 'spammed out' box has47,941 unread messages, my deleted box has 16645 I have actually lookedat and deleted and I have actually answered 1234 email questions forclients and strangers without sending a bill. I have also put aside847 messages that I am maybe going to try and answer because they lookinteresting. -e bankruptcy expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service and help
Calls welcomed from 10 AM to 9 PM 7 days a week Vancouver (LA) time - (please do not fax orphone outside of those hours as this is a home office) expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service help.
$1,700 would be for two people with income from two countries
Catch - up returns for the US where we use theCanadian return as a guide for seven years at a time will be from $150to$600.00 per year depending upon numbers of bank accounts, RRSP's,existence of rental houses, self employment, etc. Note that thesereturns tend to be informational rather than taxable. In fact, ifthere are children involved, we usually get refunds of $1,000 per childper year for 3 years. We have done several catch-ups where the clienthas recieved as much as $6,000 back for an $1,800 bill and one recentlywith 6 children is resulting in over $12,000 refund.
David Ingram expert income tax service and immigration help andpreparation of US Canada Mexiconon-resident and cross border returns with rental dividend wagesself-employed and royalty foreign tax credits family estate trust trustsincome tax convention treaty advice on bankruptcy
It is very unlikely that blind or unexpected email to me will beanswered. I receive anywhere from 100 to 700 unsolicited emails a dayand usually answer anywhere from 2 to 20 if they are not from existingclients. Existing clients are advised to put their 'name and PAYING CUSTOMER' in the subject lineand get answered first. I also refuse to be a slave to email and donot look at it every day and have never ever looked at it when I am outof town. e bankruptcy expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service and help
Therefore, if an email is not answered in 24 to48 hours, it is likely lost in space. You can try and resend it but if important AND YOU TRULY WANT OR NEEDAN ANSWER from 'me', you will have to phone to make an appointment. Gillian Bryan generally accepts appointment requests for me between10:30 AM and 4:00 PM Monday to Friday VANCOUVER (Seattle, Portland, LosAngeles) time at (604) 980-0321. david ingram expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service and help.
david ingram's US / Canada Services
US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
My Home office is at:
david ingram's US / Canada Services
US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa Specialists
US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
My Home office is at:
4466 Prospect Road
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
Cell (604) 657-8451 -
(604) 980-0321 Fax (604)980-0325
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
Cell (604) 657-8451 -
(604) 980-0321 Fax (604)980-0325
Calls welcomed from 10 AM to 9 PM 7 days a week Vancouver (LA) time - (please do not fax orphone outside of those hours as this is a home office) expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service help.
Disclaimer: This question has been answered without detailed information orconsultation and is to be regarded only as general comment. Nothingin this message is or should be construed as advice in any particularcircumstances. No contract exists between the reader and the author andany and all non-contractual duties are expressly denied. All readersshould obtain formal advice from a competent andappropriately qualified legal practitioner or tax specialist for experthelp, assistance, preparation, or consultation in connection withpersonal or business affairs such as at If you forward this message, this disclaimer must beincluded." e bankruptcy expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service and help.
David Ingramgives expert income tax service & immigration help to non-residentAmericans & Canadians from New York to California to Mexico family, estate, income trust trusts Cross border, dual citizen - out ofcountry investments are all handled with competence & authority.
Phone consultationsare $450 for 15 minutes to 50 minutes (professional hour). Please notethat GST is added if product remains in Canada or is to be returned toCanada or a phone consultation is in Canada. ($472.50 with GST if inCanada) expert US Canada Canadian American MexicanIncome Tax service and help.
This is not intended to be definitivebut in general I am quoting $900 to $3,000 for a dual country taxreturn.
$900 would be one T4 slip one W2 slipone or two interest slips and you lived in one country only (but werefiling both countries) - no self employment or rentals or capital gains- you did not move into or out of the country in this year.
$1,200 would be the same with onerental
$1,300 would be the same with onebusiness no rental
$1,300 would be the minimum with amove in or out of the country. These are complicated because of theback and forth foreign tax credits. - The IRS says a foreign tax credittakes 1 hour and 53 minutes.
$1,600 would be the minimum with arental or two in the country you do not live in or a rental and abusiness and foreign tax credits no move in or out
$1,700 would be for two people with income from two countries
$3,000 would be all of the above andyou moved in and out of the country.
This is just a guideline for US /Canadian returns
We will still prepare Canadian only(lives in Canada, no US connection period) with two or three slips andno capital gains, etc. for $200.00 up.
With a Rental for $400, two or threerentals for $550 to $700 (i.e. $150 per rental) First year Rental -plus $250.
A Business for $400 - Rental andbusiness likely $550 to $700
And an American only (lives in the USwith no Canadian income or filing period) with about the same things inthe same range with a little bit more if there is a state return.
Moving in or out of the country orpart year earnings in the US will ALWAYS be $900 and up.
TDF 90-22.1 forms are $50 for thefirst and $25.00 each after that when part of a tax return.
8891 forms are generally $50.00 to$100.00 each.
18 RRSPs would be $900.00 - (maybeamalgamate a couple)
Capital gains *sales) are likely$50.00 for the first and $20.00 each after that.
Catch - up returns for the US where we use theCanadian return as a guide for seven years at a time will be from $150to$600.00 per year depending upon numbers of bank accounts, RRSP's,existence of rental houses, self employment, etc. Note that thesereturns tend to be informational rather than taxable. In fact, ifthere are children involved, we usually get refunds of $1,000 per childper year for 3 years. We have done several catch-ups where the clienthas recieved as much as $6,000 back for an $1,800 bill and one recentlywith 6 children is resulting in over $12,000 refund.
This is aguideline not etched in stone. If you doyour own TDF-90 forms, it is to your advantage. However, if we put themin the first year, the computer carries them forward beautifully.
This from "ask an income trusts tax service andimmigration expert" from or or David Ingram deals on a daily basis with expatriate taxreturns with multi jurisdictional cross and trans border expatriateproblems for the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, UnitedKingdom, Kuwait, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan,China, New Zealand, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Georgia,Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Scotland, Ireland, Hawaii, Florida,Montana, Morocco, Israel, Iraq, Iran, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan,Mali, Bangkok, Greenland, Iceland, Cuba, Bahamas, Bermuda, Barbados, StVincent, Grenada,, Virgin Islands, US, UK, GB, and any of the 43 stateswith state tax returns, etc. Rockwall, Dallas, San Antonio Houston,Denmark, Finland, Sweden Norway Bulgaria Croatia Income Tax andImmigration Tips, Income Tax Immigration Wizard AntarcticaRwanda Guru Consultant Specialist Section 216(4) 216(1) NR6 NR-6 NR 6Non-Resident Real Estate tax specialist expert preparer expatriate antimoney laundering money seasoning FINTRAC E677 E667 105 106TDF-90 Reporting $10,000 cross border transactions Grand Cayman ArubaZimbabwe South Africa Namibia help USA US Income Tax Convention. Adviceon bankruptcy e bankruptcy expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service and help .
David Ingram expert income tax service and immigration help andpreparation of US Canada Mexiconon-resident and cross border returns with rental dividend wagesself-employed and royalty foreign tax credits family estate trust trustsincome tax convention treaty advice on bankruptcy
New York, Boston, Sacramento,Minneapolis, Salem, Wheeling, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlanta,Pensacola, Miami, St Petersburg, Naples, Fort Myers, Cape Coral,Orlando, Atlanta, Arlington, Washington, Hudson, Green Bay, Minot,Portland, Seattle, St John, St John's, Fredericton, Quebec, Moncton,Truro, Atlanta, Charleston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego,Sacramento, Taos, Grand Canyon, Reno, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Sun City,Tulsa, Monteray, Carmel, Morgantown, Bemidji, Sandpointe, Pocatello,Bellingham, Custer, Grand Forks, Lead, Rapid City, Mitchell, KansasCity, Lawrence, Houston, Albany, Framingham, Cambridge, London, Paris,Prince George, Prince Rupert, Whitehorse, Anchorage, Fairbanks,Frankfurt, The Hague, Lisbon, Madrid, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, Key West,Cape Coral, Fort Meyers, Berlin, Hamburg, Warsaw, Auckland,Wellington, Honolulu, Maui, Kuwait, Molokai, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo,Manilla, Kent, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Red Deer, Olds, MedicineHat, Lethbridge, Moose Jaw, Brandon, Portage La Prairie, Davidson,Craik, Edmonton, Calgary, Victoria, Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey,Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, Copenhagen, Oslo, Munich, Sydney,Nanaimo, Brisbane, Melbourne, Darwin, Perth, Athens, Rome, Berne,Zurich, Kyoto, Nanking, Rio De Janeiro, Brasilia, Colombo, BuenosAries, Squamish, Churchill, Lima, Santiago, Abbotsford, Cologne,Yorkshire, Hope, Penticton, Kelowna, Vernon, Fort MacLeod, Deer Lodge,Springfield, St Louis, Centralia, Bradford, Stratford on Avon, NiagaraFalls, Atlin, Fort Nelson, Fort St James, Red Deer, Drumheller,Fortune, Red Bank, Marystown, Cape Spears, Truro, Charlottetown,Summerside, Niagara Falls, income trust, Income Tax Treaty Convention. - e bankruptcyexpert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Tax service andhelp.
davidingramInternational non-resident cross border expert income tax service &immigration help estate family trust assistance expert preparation& immigration consultant, income trusts experts on rentals mutualfunds RRSP RESP IRA 401(K) & divorce preparer preparersconsultants Income Tax Convention Treaty. adviceon bankruptcy expert US Canada Canadian American Mexican Income Taxhelp.
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