Filing US returns to sponsor a Spouse


My_question_is: US-specific

question: Moved to Canada from the US with my Canadian wife and obtained Canadian Citizenship 10 years ago.

I've filed all my 1040's (sometimes a year or two late, sorry) but I'm current.  I've just now heard of Forms 8891 and TDF90.22.1  How do I go about getting up to date with these documents when I've never filled them before?


david ingram replies:

At the moment, you are liable for several $10,000 fines.

You should be bringing these files up to date for six years plus the current year.

get it done asap.

file the TDF 90-22.1 forms with the Department of the Treasury in Detroit

File the 8891 and amended schedule B's with a 1040X to the IRS.

Happy to help if you want it.

To date, we have had no fines administered against a client who comes forward and makes a voluntary disclosure.

The oldest person I have dealt with (after the fact) fined $10,000 was 105.

The biggest fine applied to someone I knew but who was not a client was $100,000 PLUS 6 months in jail.

It is serious legislation and serious money and can be administered like a parking ticket.


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