Residency - Article IV of Tax Treaty Australia and USA
I am just starting to gather some information to help me decide what path to follow in filling both Canadian and US taxes for 2007. Also, I am interested in looking into some tax planning for 2008. In looking into a decision if I will contract your services, I have a few initial questions.
Let’s start from the fundamentals. My situation is such, that I will be considered resident for tax purposes from both Canada and the US for 2007. Does this give 3 options or only 2? I mean, should I definitely try to apply the tax treaty and make a case for filling non-resident in one of the countries? Or should I still consider the option of filling resident on both and claim the respective credits?
A bit more about my situation:
-I moved from Canada at the beginning of the year on a company intra transfer L1 Visa (I should get green car status sometime next year). I am Canadian citizen since June of this year. I am renting in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
-I own a house and a consulting business in Calgary, AB. I have kept all credit cards and bank accounts open. I have exchanged my driver’s license for a Massachusetts license. My common-law partner still lives in Calgary.
At this point, the tiebreaker on the tax treaty is unclear to me about the center of vital interests. If I claim that is undetermined and apply part (b) and consider myself resident of the US (my habitual abode) and non-resident of Canada for tax purposes, would this be challenged by Revenue Canada?
Best Regards,
"If you are headed in the right direction, each step,
no matter how small, is getting you closer to your goal"
david ingram replies:
You sound like a factual resident of Canada and an absolutely tax resident of the US. If you have a green card application int he works, you are taxable there on world income.
A factual resident reports their world income to Canada but deducts the US (or Australian, or French or Indonesian) income on line 256 under Artuicle IV of the respective treaty. .
These two older Questions will help. �
Dear David, My wife is going to work in the US. We have been married for 7 years and have a 20 year old daughter (I adopted my wife's biological child) who will be studying in the US for that period. I am going to remain in Canada and we plan to visit each othder during our holidays. Is there any way my wife can pay taxes only to the US during this period? we would like to make an appointment with you to hear the details ASAP as we need to make a go or not go decision based on the ansawer. Regards
david ingram replies:
If you were separated, there would be no problem.
However, as a married couple, the CRA will want to tax your wife on the basis that her family ties are in Canda BUT is she has her daughter with her AND if 'you' visit her in the US four times to one rather than her "coming home' every couple of weeks, she should be considered factual resident of Canada whose US income is exempt from Canadian tax under Article IV of the US / Canada Income Tax treaty.
Article IV of the Treaty reads as follows:
Article IV
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "resident" of a Contracting State means any person that, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of that person's domicile, residence, citizenship, place of management, place of incorporation or any other criterion of a similar nature, but in the case of an estate or trust, only to the extent that income derived by the estate or trust is liable to tax in that State, either in its hands or in the hands of its beneficiaries. For the purposes of this paragraph, an individual who is not a resident of Canada under this paragraph and who is a United States citizen or an alien admitted to the United States for permanent residence (a "green card" holder) is a resident of the United States only if the individual has a substantial presence, permanent home or habitual abode in the United States, and that individual's personal and economic relations are closer to the United States than to any third State. The term "resident" of a Contracting State is understood to include:- (a) the Government of that State or a political subdivision or local authority thereof or any agency or instrumentality of any such government, subdivision or authority, and
- (i) a trust, organization or other arrangement that is operated exclusively to administer or provide pension, retirement or employee benefits; and
(ii) a not-for-profit organization
that was constituted in that State and that is, by reason of its nature as such, generally exempt from income taxation in that State.
2. Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 an individual is a resident of both Contracting States, then his status shall be determined as follows:
- (a) he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State in which he has a permanent home available to him; if he has a permanent home available to him in both States or in neither State, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State with which his personal and economic relations are closer (centre of vital interests);
(b) if the Contracting State in which he has his centre of vital interests cannot be determined, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State in which he has an habitual abode;
(c) if he has an habitual abode in both States or in neither State, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State of which he is a citizen; and
(d) if he is a citizen of both States or of neither of them, the competent authorities of the Contracting States shall settle the question by mutual agreement.
3. Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 a company is a resident of both Contracting States, then if it was created under the laws in force in a Contracting State, it shall be deemed to be a resident of that State. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a company that was created in a Contracting State, that is a resident of both Contracting States and that is continued at any time in the other Contracting State in accordance with the corporate law in that other State shall be deemed while it is so continued to be a resident of that other State.
4. Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 an estate, trust or other person (other than an individual or a company) is a resident of both Contracting States, the competent authorities of the States shall by mutual agreement endeavor to settle the question and to determine the mode of application of the Convention to such person.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, an individual shall be deemed to be a resident of a Contracting State if:
- (a) the individual is an employee of that State or of a political subdivision, local authority or instrumentality thereof rendering services in the discharge of functions or a governmental nature in the other Contracting State or in a third State; and
(b) the individual is subjected in the first-mentioned State to similar obligations in respect of taxes on income as are residents of the first-mentioned State.
The spouse and dependent children residing with such an individual and meeting the requirements of subparagraph (b) above shall also be deemed to be residents of the first-mentioned State.
Under these circumstances, she can even file in the US as a head of household (with a non-resident non US citizen spouse with no US income) which will give her a very good US tax rate.
Phone Gillian Bryan at 604-980-0321 between 10:30 and 4 PM to make an appointment to see me if you wish. Pricing, etc., follows at the end.
Hi David, I thank you in advance for your response and wisdom. I am an Australian citizen who has spent the last FIVE years in Canada, working there full-time and filing tax returns. My wife is a Canadian citizen also living and working in Canada and filing tax returns. I am a permanent resident of Canada and she is now a 'temporary' permanent resident of Australia. In February 2007, we moved to Sydney, Australia, where I am studying at university full-time and working part-time. We will be here until the end of my studies (end of 2008) and then perhaps a short time beyond that. My wife has just got her permanent resident status here in Australia and has not been working thus far, but will likely commence working now that she has the green light to do so. My queries relate to taxes. For all intents and purposes we are still Canadian residents as we have bank accounts there, loans with Canadian institutions, have property and maintain social contacts. What are we required to do in terms of filing tax returns in our absence. As I am working here I will obviously be required to file a tax return at the end of the Australian tax year. How can we best reduce the amount of taxes that we pay in Canada? Many thanks, ------------------------------------------------
david ingram replies:
Not sure why this was not rejected completely. You should have received a rejection letter but somehow or other it hung up so I will answer it as one of 196 others which did the same thing (I intend to answer 6 a day for the next month which means no new questions will be answered for a month and i would usually answer 2 or 3 a day).
It sounds like you are going to remain a Factual Resident of Canada. Being a factual resident is not a bad idea when you are in Australia becasue Article IV of the Canada Australia Income Tax convention means that you will only pay tax on your world income to one country or the other.
File your Canadian tax return by reporting your world income. Include your Australian earnings on line 104 of the Candian return. Then, and this is the cool part, deduct the total Australian income on line 256 under Article IV of the Canada Australian Tax Convention.
You can find the treaty at
This leaves you taxable in Canda on any interest or dividends, etc, but tax free on your wages.
Read on for more non-resident information and sample tax cases. Thsi comes from my old Inncome TAX Guide which I quit writing in 1991. This version was last changed in 2000. Nothing new applies.
So what are the rules?
Well, to leave Canada for tax purposes, you must give up clubs, bank accounts, memberships, driving licences, provincial health care plans, family allowance payments (if you are a returning resident, you can continue to get Family Allowance out of the country), your car, and furniture. You can keep a house here as an investment and rent it out, but it must be rented on lease terms of a year or more. And you MUST have an agent sign an NR6 for you (see example). This NR6 has the Canadian Resident AGENT ** guarantee the Canadian Government that if YOU do not pay your tax to Canada, the AGENT WILL. Even after fulfilling the foregoing, the Canadian government can still tax you or "try" to tax you on your income out of the country. If you are being paid by a Canadian Company, they can quite often succeed.
Even though you can collect family allowance out of the country, don't! One client's wife found out that she could get family allowance out of the country if she said they were coming back to Canada. She got some $3,000 of family allowance and cost the family some $80,000 in income tax when they came back to Canada from Brazil. I will never forget the husband's expression when he found out why he had been reassessed and I will never forget his wife's explanation. She said he was a skinflint and never gave her any money. The total episode cost them their house.
** The "agent" referred to above can be a friend, relative, or a business such as ours. We charge a minimum of $40.00 per month to be an "AGENT" for an NR-6 filing. This $480 per year is "in addition" to any other fees but "well worth it" of course. It stops your mother, father, brother, next door neighbour or ex-best-friend from being plagued by paperwork they do not understand.
It is possible to be physically "in Canada" and be treated as a Non-Resident and it is possible to be out of the country for seven years, or never have even lived in Canada, but wanted to, and be taxed as a Canadian resident as the following three cases show. In case you missed it, the reason for the different rulings is the "INTENT" of the parties involved. Wolf Bergelt intended to leave Canada. David MacLean was only working out of the country. He still maintained a residence and could not ever become a resident of Saudi Arabia anyway. Dennis Lee "wanted" to live in Canada.
In 1986, Wolf Bergelt won non-resident status before Judge Collier of the Federal Court, even though he was only out of the country for four months and his family stayed behind to sell his house. He had given up his memberships, kept only one bank account and rented an apartment in California until his house in Canada was sold. Four months after his move, his company advised him that he was being transferred back to Canada. Judge Collier said his move was a permanent (although short) move and he was a non-resident for tax purposes for those four months.
In 1985, David MacLean lost his claim for non-residence status even though he was gone for seven years. He kept a house and investments in Canada and returned a couple of times a year to visit parents. He had even been to the Tax Office and received a letter on January 29, 1980 stating that his Canadian Employer could waive tax deductions because he was a non-resident. However, he did not advise his banks, etc. that he was a non-resident so that they would withhold tax, he did not rent his house out on a long term lease and he did not do any of the things that makes a person a "NON-RESIDENT". Judge Brule of the Tax court of Canada said that he thought Mr. MacLean had stumbled on the non-resident status by chance rather than by design. In other words, to become a non-resident of Canada, you must become a bone fide resident of another country. As a rule, only a Muslim born in Saudi Arabia to Saudi Arabian parents can become a Saudi Arabian citizen. The best that David MacLean can hope for is that he has a Saudi Arabian temporary work permit.
In other words, when a person leaves a place, they usually leave and establish a new identity where they are because the "new place" is where they live now. Trying to "look" like a non-resident is not the same as "BEING" a non-resident - think about it.
In 1989, Denis Lee won part but lost most of his claim for non-resident status. He was a British Subject who worked on offshore oil rigs. He maintained a room at his parents house in England and held a mortgage on his ex-wife's house in England. For the years 1981, 82 and 83 he did not pay income tax anywhere. in 1981 he married a Canadian and she bought a house in Canada in June of 1981. On September 13, 1981, he guaranteed her mortgage at the bank and swore an affidavit that he was "not" a non-resident of Canada. [As I have said in the capital gains section of this book, bank documents will get you every time.] During this time he had a Royal Bank account in Canada and the Caribbean but no Canadian driver's licences or club memberships, etc.
Judge Teskey said:
"The question of residency is one of fact and depends on the specific facts of each case. The following is a list of some of the indicia relevant in determining whether an individual is resident in Canada for Canadian income tax purposes. It should be noted that no one of any group of two or three items will in themselves establish that the individual is resident in Canada. However, a number of the following factors considered together could establish that the individual is a resident of Canada for Canadian income tax purposes":
- - past and present habits of life;
- - regularity and length of visits in the jurisdiction asserting residence;
- - ties within the jurisdiction;
- - ties elsewhere;
- - permanence or otherwise of purposes of stay;
- - ownership of a dwelling in Canada or rental of a dwelling on a long-term basis (for example, a lease of one or more years);
- - residence of spouse, children and other dependent family members in a dwelling maintained by the individual in Canada;
- - memberships with Canadian churches, or synagogues, recreational and social clubs, unions and professional organizations (left out mosques);
- - registration and maintenance of automobiles, boats and airplanes in Canada;
- - holding credit cards issued by Canadian financial institutions and other commercial entities including stores, car rental agencies, etc.;
- - local newspaper subscriptions sent to a Canadian address;
- - rental of Canadian safety deposit box or post office box;
- - subscriptions for life or general insurance including health insurance through a Canadian insurance company;
- - mailing address in Canada;
- - telephone listing in Canada;
- - stationery including business cards showing a Canadian address;
- - magazine and other periodical subscriptions sent to a Canadian address;
- - Canadian bank accounts other than a non-resident account;
- - active securities accounts with Canadian brokers;
- - Canadian drivers licence;
- - membership in a Canadian pension plan;
- - holding directorships of Canadian corporations;
- - membership in Canadian partnerships;
- - frequent visits to Canada for social or business purposes;
- - burial plot in Canada;
- - legal documentation indicating Canadian residence;
- - filing a Canadian income tax return as a Canadian resident;
- - ownership of a Canadian vacation property;
- - active involvement with business activities in Canada;
- - employment in Canada;
- - maintenance or storage in Canada of personal belongings including clothing, furniture, family pets, etc.;
- - obtaining landed immigrant status or appropriate work permits in Canada;
- - severing substantially all ties with former country of residence.
"The Appellant claims that he did not want to be a resident of Canada during the years in question. Intention or free choice is an essential element in domicile, but is entirely absent in residence."
Even though Dennis Lee was denied residency by immigration until 1985 (his passport was stamped and limited the number of days he could stay in the country) and he did not purchase a car until 1984, or get a drivers licence until 1985, Judge Teskey ruled that he was a non-resident until September 13, 1981 (the day he guaranteed the mortgage and signed the bank guarantee) and a resident thereafter.
My point is made. Residency for "TAX PURPOSES" has nothing to do with legal presence in the country claiming the tax. It is a question of fact. My thanks to Judge Teskey for an excellent list. The italics are mine and refer to the items which I usually see people trying to "hold on to" after they leave and are trying to become non-residents. No single item will make you a resident, but there is a point where the preponderance of "numbers" leap out and say, "He / She is a resident of Canada, no matter what he / she says."
The case above is not unusual in any way. It is a fairly typical situation in my office.
In 1990, John Hale was taxed as a resident on $25,000 of directors fees he had received from his Canadian Employer and on $125,000 he received for exercising a share stock option given to him when he had been a resident of Canada (the option, not the stock). Judge Rouleau of the Federal Court ruled that section 15(1) of the Great Britain / Canada Tax Convention did not protect the $125,000 as it was not "salaries, wages, and other remuneration". It was, however a benefit received by virtue of employment within the meaning of section 7(1)(b) of the act.
Even a car you do not own can make you a resident as the next sailor found out.
In 1988, FrederickReed was claimed by the Canadian Government as one of their own. He lived on board ship and shared an apartment with a friend in Bermuda but only occasionally. He also stayed with his parents in Canada when visiting his employer in Halifax. Judge Bonner of the Tax court ruled that he could not claim his place of employ or the ship as his residence and just because he did not have a fixed abode, did not make him a non-resident. He was also the beneficial owner of a car in Canada which even though of minor consequence, served to add to his Canadian Residency. He had in fact borrowed money from a credit union to buy the car, even though it was registered in his father's name. He had maintained his Canadian Driver's licence as well.
An interesting case in June, 1989 involved Deborah and James Provias who left Canada in October of 1984. They had sold a multiple unit building to James' father on September 21, 1984 but the statement of adjustments did not take place until December 1, 1984. They tried to write off rental losses and a terminal loss against other income as `departing Canadians'. Judge Christie of the Tax Court ruled that they had left before the sale and were not entitled to the terminal loss or another capital loss as these could only be applied against income earned in Canada from October 13, 1984 (the day they left) to November 30, 1984 (the day before the sale) and there was no income, only a rental loss.
But June, 1989 was a good month for Henry Hewitt. He had been a non-resident living in Libya for four years and received some back pay after returning to Canada. DNR tried to tax him on the money but Judge Mogan of the Tax Court came to the rescue. He ruled that although Canadians were usually taxable on money when received, that assumed that the money itself was taxable in Canada, which was not true in this case.
In 1989, James Ferguson lost his claim for non-residency status but from the information, it didn't stand a chance anyway. He had been in Saudi Arabia on a series of one year contracts for four years. His wife remained employed in Canada, and he kept his house, car, driver's licence, union membership, and master plumber's licence. Judge Sarchuk ruled that he had always intended to return to Canada and was a resident.
A similar situation involved John and Johnnie M. Eubanks in the United States. He was working on an offshore oil rig in Nigeria with a Nigerian work permit and attempted to claim non-resident status for the purposes of exempting the foreign earned income exclusion. His wife was in the United States at all times and because he worked 28 days on and 28 days off, he returned to the U.S. for his rest periods using 4 days for travel and 24 days for rest with his family. He did not spend any 330 day period (out of a year) in Nigeria and only had a residency permit for the purposes of working in Nigeria. Judge Scott ruled he was a resident of the U.S. and taxed him some $20,000 with another $6,000 penalties and interest.
The Tax departments in Canada and the U.S. issue Interpretation Bulletins and Information Circulars and Guidance Pamphlets. These documents sometimes get people in trouble because the individual reads the good part and doesn't pay any attention to the exceptions. The following case ran contrary to a Guidance Pamphlet issued by the IRS.
On and Off-shore Oil rigs were involved with William and Margaret Mount and Jesse and Mary Wells. William and Jesse worked in the United Arab Emirates. However, they kept their homes and families in Louisiana and kept their driver's licences in Louisiana and voted in Louisiana. No evidence was shown that they had tried to settle in The United Arab Emirates. Judge Jacobs turned down claimed exclusions of approximately $75,000 each.
There isn't any question about what oil rig people talk about on oil rigs. It has to be "how to beat the tax man". Unfortunately, they all seem to think it is easy. Another such story follows.
In 1989, Clarence Ritchie found out that bona fide residence means just what it says. You cannot be a non-resident of the U.S. for tax purposes if you are not a bona fide resident of another country. He was working on the Mobil Oil Pipeline in Saudi Arabia and although when he left he was married with a couple of kids, by the time he returned permanently, he was a happily divorced man. Judge Scott ruled that though he did not have an abode in the United States, he had not established one in Saudi Arabia and therefore was not entitled to the foreign earned income exclusion which requires you to be away for 330 days out of 365. He had worked a 42 days on, 21 days off schedule and usually returned to the U.S. for his days off although he did spend time in Tunisia, England, Italy and Greece.
On a final note, as explained on page 143 of the "PINK" 17th edition of my ULTIMATE TAX BOOK, it is possible to have three countries after you for tax. If you are thinking of taking a job because a recruiter told you the money is tax free, think twice and check three times with competent individuals about what the rules "really are". No government likes giving up the right to tax its citizens.
Non-residents of Canada with investments in Canada are subject to a 25% non-resident withholding tax on any money paid to them while they are out of the Canada. Therefore, if they have $10,000 in the Bank of Montreal and they live in Argentina, The Bank of Montreal must withhold 25 cents out of every dollar of interest paid to the account. Most tax treaty countries such as Great Britain, Germany, the United States, and Australia have a reciprocal agreement with Canada that limits the withholding to 15%. So we have the anomaly that a Canadian with money in a bank in the U.S. has no withholding but an American with money in a Canadian Bank has 15 cents out of every dollar withheld as a foreign withholding tax. The American would report his interest on schedule A of his 1040 tax return and claim the tax withheld as a foreign tax credit on a form 1116.
More important perhaps is the problem with rental properties in Canada. When owned by a non-resident, they are subject to a 25% withholding (or 15% if living in Bangladesh) tax. If the renter does not pay this tax, the government can come along two years later and demand the tax.
Imagine the consternation of a tenant of a house in the British Properties in West Vancouver, or Rosedale in Toronto. Assume the tenant has been paying $2,000 a month for a $500,000 house owned by a Hong Kong resident. After three years of paying $24,000 a year to the `non-resident', they finally buy a house and move. Two months later, there is a knock on the door and a National Revenue representative is standing there demanding 25% of $72,000 for NON-RESIDENT withholding tax (this is a true story by the way, only the owner was in London).
There is a way around this problem. The tenant can ask to see, or rather DEMAND to see a copy of the landlord's filed and accepted NR6 form. (See forms in back of book). This form allows the tenant or agent of the landlord to deduct a lesser amount (or nil if a loss) than 25% of the gross rent. It allows for expenses to be taken off and the tax can then be withheld at 25% of the net, rather than the gross. The property management division of david ingram & Associates Realty Inc. files about 300 of these NR6 forms a year. (This is only necessary if you are paying directly to a landlord whom you KNOW to be a non-resident of Canada. If you are paying to an agent or Canadian Resident, you are okay.)
Please note, the NR6 MUST BE FILED BEFORE the first rent cheque is received or 25% of the gross rent must be remitted. For years, we were in the habit of filing `this years' NR6 late with last years tax return. In 1989, National Revenue stopped accepting this sloppy practice and demanded them on time.
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